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Blog Rob

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Last TFer standing . . .

Hello! Helloooooooooo . . . . . ! Anybody in here? ***knock, knock, knock*** HA! Looks like I finally have this website all to myself.   And it only took ten years for that to happen!  Well, ten years after it started getting quieter here... Since I have the floor, and not that it actually matters, I'm the original Rob here, not Admin Rob.  Although my current profile was created in 2009, I joined as _Rob in early 2005.  But who cares?  There's nobody around to read this


Rob in Nostalgia

Exploring's journal . . .

. . . led me on a brief trip down memory lane today. As my friends here know, Manhattan was my home for about ten years, way back in the previous century. First, Central Park's Sheep Meadow, shot on a chilly weekday during a visit a few years ago, where I sometimes spent Sunday afternoons.  It can get crowded on weekends during warm weather.   One of the many "characters" that Exploring will undoubtedly encounter during her time in the Big Apple.  This one was at the Columbus Circle



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