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This came up at dinner this evening when someone asked why it was so hard to get good weed in Thailand. When I say that Thais are natural stoners, I mean it in a good way. They are laid back, like to smile, and don't sweat the small stuff...natural stoners. They are already chilled out. I know that's not the reason why they don't legalize it, but I got into this dramatic monologue about how alcohol is worse than weed. If one should get legalized over the other, throw someone in jail for drinking and not for lighting up (of course I had a couple of beers by this point). Stoners don't get in bar fights...the worst they would do is eat too much pizza that night or play too many video games. Driving under the influence? Stoners can't be bothered. Go rioting through the city because your team lost (or won) a big match? Stoner says, "can't we all just get along, man?" The world needs a good collective puff of weed. And don't bring up that gateway drug malarky. Alcohol is by far worse than weed. Should this have been a journal, or is there anyone out there who disagrees with me?
From the latest IHRA report on the use of the death penalty for drug offences; Thailand retains the death penalty for drugs, although, as of this writing, the government appears to be reflecting on its capital punishment policies. In 2010, Thailand changed its position on the UN vote on the Moratorium on the use of the death penalty from opposition to abstention. Death sentences, however, continue to be imposed in high numbers. Fifty-three people were sentenced to death in 2010 and it is believed that about 60 per cent of these were drug offenders, according to human rights campaigners. Death Row - 708 total 339 for drug-related offences (68 women, 271 men) Despite these seemingly high numbers, there have only been 2 executions in Thailand in the last 3 years, both for drug offences. Thailand seems to be moving away from use of the death penalty, unlike Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore where numbers can still be fairly high (or China where executions number in the thousands) full report here;
- I'm glad to hear that no extra-judicial killings have ever happened. I've been telling people that they're extra-judicial suicides but nobody will listen.
What are your thoughts on drugs? Are they the scourge of society? A fun recreational activity for all the family? A choice for consenting adults? Should drugs be legalised? Let's have a No Holds Barred discussion about drugs... **** yeah!
I was watching banged up abroad the other day and it seems Thailand is rather strict on their illegal drug policies. Also It seems the tourists are sometimes used as mules... So strictly no weed over there?
Anyone know if they sell HGH over the counter in Thailand? And are you able to purchase needles there?
This is a pretty interesting report on the drug war started by the Thaksin administration.
Even if you are very good looking, rich and have everything life can be a disaster. I cant just understand how this beautiful woman with a magic voice could destroy her life like she have done. ?I will always love you? :cry: Hope this will be a lesson for many people that are using these dangeruous drugs and learn that happiness dont come with famousness or richness when its all about happiness and healtiness! Whitney Houston before Whitney Houston now at Antigua drug treatment center She is loosing her hair, teeth is like a skelleton and a disaster. Incredible! :shock: So what to say?