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The Isaan Princess


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I've been mulling this around in my head for a long time but I decided to write this after simply_oriental's post in the forums.

I've never really understood many of the Thai girls I see in Bangkok who come from very humble backgrounds (i.e. farmers) and once they come to Bangkok they start acting like they're a member of royalty.

For instance, when I first moved here I was living in Ratchaprasong, a somewhat hi-so neighborhood. I met a friend at my apartment before heading out to a movie at Central World. She looked in my kitchen and because she saw two plates and a glass in the sink she asked "You should have your maid clean this up. It's dirty." I'm like WTF?!? She's told me she grew up on a farm up in Isaan and I've seen pictures of her home and the last f*cking thing she should be doing is complaining about my maid considering that her family home doesn't even have a flush toilet.

I responded by saying, "Well, if your maid is better, give me her name and I'll hire her." She responded, "I don't have a maid." I said, "Exactly. When you get a maid you can complain about mine." She got angry about it but I didn't care.

There's another girl I know who is married to a farang on an expat package and he makes nearly 1M baht per month. His wife, an Isaan gal who had been working in the fields only a year before meeting him, always complains how he's such a stingy bastard. And then I'll interject something like "Didn't you tell me that he gave your family 2 million baht about a year or two ago because your family was going to lose their home?" Yeah, but he puts her on a leash of only 35,000 baht per month to spend. OMG!?!?! Of course, now that they're married she owns 50% of a multi-million baht condo here in Bangkok, a home back in his country, and a vacation home in a third country. But, he's obviously a stingy bastard because he doesn't let her sit around and blow through 10,000 - 20,000 baht per day shopping.

What makes it even more comical is that they have a child. And the reason we go out with her as much as we do is that she goes out more than Ked and I do. She'll invite us out while the nanny takes care of the kid. She's always upset that her husband expects . . . of all things . . . that she stay home and take care of the baby more often.

It's one thing if she didn't love him. But she talks about how much she loves him and her baby all the time. It's just that she doesn't like the fact that both get in the way of her going out and partying in hi-so nightclubs every night.

And it's not like these are the only two examples. I can keep going for pages. I'm just trying to understand where this mentality comes from.

I think this is the reason why so many farang men end up getting burned here. I think from their mentality they expect someone being given a dream life compared to how they grew up to be thankful. Instead, many of the girls turn into Isaan Princesses and think that they should be dripping in gold.

Obviously not every Thai is like this. And not everyone from Isaan is like this. It's just an observation about living in Bangkok. For whatever reason this just happens more than is normal for farang culture.

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I know these types too.

The ones that REALLY crack me up are the Isaan Princess Hookers.

I was shopping in lower Sukhumvit last week and I saw a cute girl. I looked a bit longer and gave her a smile. She did an exaggerated sigh, flounced her hair and rolled her eyes like I'd got my **** in my hands. Then a guy came around from the other side of a shelving unit and she dragged him out of there. As they left she told him I was staring at her (it was maximum 5 seconds) and he did a look through the window.

Up until this point, I can see that some people would be thinking, 'Well she's probably sick of being stared at by pervy old guys while she's out shopping with her boyfriend!'

Except the same night I was out in the bars and I saw the same girl - unattended. She didn't recognise me. She saw me talking about her to my friend (I was telling him about the morning episode). She came over and began the 'I go with you' speech... I let her talk for about 5 minutes before reminding her I'd seen her in the morning with a john. Then she got all uppity and trying to look down on me... My buddy and I were laughing our bollocks off - imagine the audacity of looking at her... when I could have chucked 2k her way and banged her rotten!!!

**** Yeah!!! Isaan Princesses!

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The title reminds me of an Isaan girl who used to be married to my late husband's colleague. The guy (engineer) was in early 50 and the girl was in late 20. He never been married before, he met the girl in BKK (she was working as a waitress) while he took some days off from work in Pakistan. He was very classy guy (anyone who interests in Latin is classy to me). He owns a 4 rooms apartment in the center of Copenhagen, a summer house and makes over 1mil DKK/year (after tax). Since working in Pakistan wasn't that fun, so he invited her to stay with him in Pakistan for some months. Then she became pregnant, he brought her to DK and married her. That should be a happy ending for the girl, but sadly...

The girl is a giant gambler. She started gambling with some Thai girls in CPH. He called me often and told me about his wife likes party until late and he wanted me to talk to her. I asked her what she's been doing until late. She told me that she has to make money for her family in Isaan and bla bla bla.. I was invited to their apartment very often and I noticed the apartment was a mess. She told me that if she's gonna do the house work, her husband must pay some money to her, or she won't sweat for it.

When their son was born, the guy has to drove to me and asked me to spell his son Thai name because the wife wants a Thai name for the son but she can't spell it (both in Thai and English).

I met her on my 37 birthday' night. I went to celebrate the birthday at a restaurant in SAS hotel and I went down to a casino afterward, it was very late like 2-3 am. and I found her in the casino, she didn't play any game but hanging around with some guys. When she saw me she came direct to me and asked for 500DKK. I was like what the heck.. I wasn't sure if I should tell him about this but my late husband made a phone call and talked to him.

Anyway, to end the long bla bla bla story.. they both end up divorced. I wasn't surprised. If my wife who was supposed to stay home looking after a newborn baby was hanging around with guys in a casino I shall divorced her ass too.

Luckily, the guy had her signed a prenub. But she ended up with some money anyway, since their son was with her.

I believe there were plenty of stories like this, not just Thai girl + older Farang.

Edited by pandorea
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Oh yay! I don't even have to go to the Stickman Blog now! YAY!!!

I have an enlightening story for all of you.

On my very first trip to Thailand I was told by my friends to go to Pattaya. I was naive and thought the only way to meet girls was at the go go bars I hear rumors about. So I did and saw a girl that took my breath away (not an easy task at all). So I threw down a hefty 12,000THB and took her home for three days. It went horrible from the start, she pretended to be asleep as soon as we got back, she woke up before me and disappeared all day. I had to go back to the go go bar when they opened to have the mamason call her. She repeated this the next two days and I never got to sleep with her. This irritated me so much. My friend suggested I get a massage, and not a cheap "special" massage, but a real one. So I went to a massage parlor close to the hotel. They had some pretty girls there but they assured me it was a legit parlor, not a happy ending one. The most beautiful girl grabbed my hand and brought me to the back. She gave me a one hour massage and I felt amazing. When I was leaving she asked me where I was going, I said "I guess to the mall to go shopping." She invited herself along and we went off on our way.

The first thing she did when we got there was go buy perfume. She had me sample all of them and asked which was my favorite. I picked one and as the lady behind the counter bagged it the girl turned to look at me, I thought she was about to ask me to pay for it and I thought to myself "If she does, I am walking away." She didn't, she payed for it herself.

She then walked around the mall and picked out clothes for me. She negotiated in Thai and got all the prices down to what I assume was the Thai price. She saved me a bundle. When we got back to the hotel she told me she needs to go back to the massage parlor because she has to pay the Key Money, I asked what that was, she said "it's the money you pay to the city once a year to keep your business open." I ignorantly asked why the owner didn't pay this and she said "she does". Then I asked bashfully, "are you the owner?" She smiled and said "Why because I am too young you think it's not me?"

This girl impressed me very much. We went out and she payed for all of her own drinks (after dropping 60,000THB on the key money). She told me that she used to be a bar girl and saved up every penny she made to buy the massage parlor and was currently working on buying a clothing store from her friend.

After a few days I offered to buy her a nice dress, she was reluctant and when I took her to the nice mall she stopped and said "these are too much, you should not spend so much on a stranger." I asked her what she wanted and she took me to the side street vendors, picked out a dress for 200THB and wore it around as if it were a wedding dress.

In retrospect, I think this is the best thing that could have happened. I experienced the worst and best that Thai girls have to offer and this made me drop all expectations but not my guard. I had an amazing 2 week stay there.

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I have one more story.

An American successful Lawyer live and have company in bangkok.He made huge money a year.he has a wife and one gf.The wife came from Isan somewhere,She look sexy but she 's came from some Isan farm. The Gf is a Bangkok girl,Her look almost the same but she have a little more class from her dress sort of,Both of them just a girl type for many farang men,very skinny,tan skin and long black hair.

The two girl used to live in the same luxury apartment with this guy together,the Isan wife didn't mind the guy want this girl stay together as long as he gave her lots of salary for shopping ,for hanging with her friends,and this gf also have sex with the guy too i guess the wife boring her husband or have another men.The GF she said to me she work for him,I don't really know what' she work exactly i just don't want to be rude to asked her but i can guess.He gave the Gf salary too like 40,000 Baht / month.

What's interesting is the GF has a husband ,he kind of psycho,he often beaten her and yelling to her,She some time came to talk to me.

One day she came to me and told me her story ,She told me The Laywer which she called Boss hired the investigation company follow her and found that she has a husband ,before she told him she live with her mother,After he find out,He just kick her out from his life very quickly.She said she love him and miss him so very much.This girl said before i asked him choose who's he gonna choose .He never said any word,but the way he treat his wife and her is different ,His wife got like 100,000 Baht a month and she has every thing,and she can do any thing she can go anywhere ,she like a princess .And yes she is one of Isan princess and she knowhow to treat him and he like it, she knew her husband won't leave her because she let he has lots of gigs,sometime she arranged many girls for him as well.

I don't know what i can say about this Isan Princess,She's clever? or She 's selfish? I don't know but She can keep her husband with her and i think her husband like the way she treat him also.In This round the Bangkok girl lost Isan girl like forever Lost.

Edited by simply_oriental
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After I went through this.. I think what's wrong of this world.

While i keep working as a cow... there are many lucky Issarn girls around.

Why I learning so hard, spent my dad n' mom money for BA. and spent my own money and time for Master's degree.

What I should do is making myself tanny skin, with skinny body, and open my legs to the rich farang.

But 25% of Chinese blood in me doesn't say so.

Edited by Chatty
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After I went through this.. I think what's wrong of this world.

While i keep working as a cow... there are many lucky Issarn girls around.

Why I learning so hard, spent my dad n' mom money for BA. and spent my own money and time for Master's degree.

What I should do is making myself tanny skin, with skinny body, and open my legs to the rich farang.

But 25% of Chinese blood in my doesn't say so.

i don't think it's the 25% chinese blood that doesn't say ... rather it's ur upbringing and self respect. i know many thai girls who r normal, hard working girls who just want to be happy and have a good life ... like most of us want.

unfortunately there r also quite a number who r happy to open their legs for farangs (and even more do this for thai guys) in return for gifts, money, condo, car etc ..... happens all over the world to a certain extent, but perhaps it's more "in your face" in thailand !!!

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they don't have to be from Isaan...and Princess will do!

they don't have to be from Iassan

i agree they don't have to be from Isaan, they don't even have to be from Thailand .... hell a horny, dumbass farang can get himself into trouble anywhere in the world ..... just this part of the world seems to attract more of them !!!

and I didn't mean to slight anyone from Isaan, but seeing as that was the term Bill used in his Topic ... that's what i used in my post !!

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My OP wasn't about girls who land a rich farang. More power to them if they can meet a rich guy. Nor was it specifically about Isaan. I just came up with the name Isaan Princess since it's the poorest part of the country. I've seen middle-class Bangkok girls get the same disease but it's even more amazing when it's some girl who would otherwise be living in a shack back up in Isaan.

The point I'm making is the lack of gratitude and this hi-so sort of attitude they get once they get a little taste of money. I just find it shocking to see someone who was picking vegetables on a farm two years ago all of a sudden talking like maids are the norm or demanding a 60,000 baht wedding dress.

I don't know, it just sort of came up as I was listening to one girl complaining about the fact that her husband only gives her 1,500 baht per day and that she can't afford to take her friends to lunch at nice restaurants on that kind of money. I'm just shaking my head because I know where she came from. She was working 12 hours a day, six days a week, and freelancing on the side just to pull in 10,000 - 15,000 baht per month. Now she's getting 45,000 a month, has no job, lives in a huge condo (which he bought in her name), has a maid, and she has the balls to complain about how stingy her husband is.

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Well it's a trend now for a young isaan girl to have a foreigner as husband. There are a lot of studies from many institutes in Thailand to find out why it's very popular for this trend. I many times watched the Thai documentary about it. True that not only Isaan people but around my country. However, the attitude of Isaan parents seem to be in the same way and understand that foreigners especially European and American guys are rich and can change their life. Many villages in Isaan area now, you can find a lot of old more than young farang guys. Even if my ex-boss the UK guy who is 45 years old now has just married with an Isaan girl who is 28 years old. Luckily she's a nice and educated girl. He told me that he was surprised when he visited his wife hometown, he found a lot of old farang guys there. I told him that he's lucky as his age can be her dad (compare with my dad who's older than me 22 years old). Surely she knows how rich he is as he's a director of multinational company. And now she stops working as airground staff and just stays at home.

I found some links for more details of this trend.





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So, I'm sitting in the restaurant with an Isaan Princess right now... well about a minute ago. I left her to come and write about her.

I've known her on and off for years. She's an attractive girl, very tall and has a good shape. However, she's dumb as mud.

She brags about never having worked (she's 31) and that she doesn't need to use her brain (lucky for her!). She's wearing Fendi shoes and uses a Chanel brush to do her make up. She's got four big bags of shopping from Emporium on the sofa next to her.

And she's full of ****. I mader a comment about how she went to a lot of expensive shops for someone who doesn't work. She said "Actually I have some very good investment in Switzerland."

Laughing inwardly I asked, "Oh tell me about some. I've always been very interested in investments."

"Oh lots of things."

"Such as? I mean, do you prefer gilts or bonds? Do you buy equities yourself or use a broker? What do you usually invest for? Capital growth or dividends?"

Angrily "I have sponsor, OK?"

Me "I know. I've always known."

She brags so much about the money she has, but she doesn't have a ring on her finger. After 31, she's going to find it increasingly difficult to get guys to sponsor her. In fact, I never understand what kind of wealthy guy would even bother doing that. It's much easier and cheaper to find a new girl when you come to Bangkok than paying one a retainer and worrying how many guys are doing her while you are away.

I could bang her tonight (her sponsor's out of the country), but she annoys me so much I can't bring myself to touch her. Well, maybe. It's still early. Ah who am I kidding? If the opportunity arises later, I'll be riding that ***** like a bucking bronco.

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I have one more story.

An American successful Lawyer live and have company in bangkok.He made huge money a year.he has a wife and one gf.The wife came from Isan somewhere,She look sexy but she 's came from some Isan farm. The Gf is a Bangkok girl,Her look almost the same but she have a little more class from her dress sort of,Both of them just a girl type for many farang men,very skinny,tan skin and long black hair.

The two girl used to live in the same luxury apartment with this guy together,the Isan wife didn't mind the guy want this girl stay together as long as he gave her lots of salary for shopping ,for hanging with her friends,and this gf also have sex with the guy too i guess the wife boring her husband or have another men.The GF she said to me she work for him,I don't really know what' she work exactly i just don't want to be rude to asked her but i can guess.He gave the Gf salary too like 40,000 Baht / month.

What's interesting is the GF has a husband ,he kind of psycho,he often beaten her and yelling to her,She some time came to talk to me.

One day she came to me and told me her story ,She told me The Laywer which she called Boss hired the investigation company follow her and found that she has a husband ,before she told him she live with her mother,After he find out,He just kick her out from his life very quickly.She said she love him and miss him so very much.This girl said before i asked him choose who's he gonna choose .He never said any word,but the way he treat his wife and her is different ,His wife got like 100,000 Baht a month and she has every thing,and she can do any thing she can go anywhere ,she like a princess .And yes she is one of Isan princess and she knowhow to treat him and he like it, she knew her husband won't leave her because she let he has lots of gigs,sometime she arranged many girls for him as well.

I don't know what i can say about this Isan Princess,She's clever? or She 's selfish? I don't know but She can keep her husband with her and i think her husband like the way she treat him also.In This round the Bangkok girl lost Isan girl like forever Lost.

Thats why I say to all girls who wonder why they just can't seem to keep their guys:

Let them have gigs, let them go whereever and do whatever they want to, don't ask much questions, don't be bitchy and be smooth like a satin bedsheet with all things they throw at you and they'll stick like superglue, financially and mentally.

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I could bang her tonight (her sponsor's out of the country), but she annoys me so much I can't bring myself to touch her. Well, maybe. It's still early. Ah who am I kidding? If the opportunity arises later, I'll be riding that ***** like a bucking bronco.

I was about to say "you've changed your tune" but then I read the last bit. lol

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Well it's a trend now for a young isaan girl to have a foreigner as husband. There are a lot of studies from many institutes in Thailand to find out why it's very popular for this trend. I many times watched the Thai documentary about it. True that not only Isaan people but around my country. However, the attitude of Isaan parents seem to be in the same way and understand that foreigners especially European and American guys are rich and can change their life. Many villages in Isaan area now, you can find a lot of old more than young farang guys. Even if my ex-boss the UK guy who is 45 years old now has just married with an Isaan girl who is 28 years old. Luckily she's a nice and educated girl. He told me that he was surprised when he visited his wife hometown, he found a lot of old farang guys there. I told him that he's lucky as his age can be her dad (compare with my dad who's older than me 22 years old). Surely she knows how rich he is as he's a director of multinational company. And now she stops working as airground staff and just stays at home.

I found some links for more details of this trend.





Yes, but that's not really the topic. It's not the fact that Thai girls are going out with young or old farang guys. It's really about their attitude once they get a little taste of money. It doesn't matter if the age difference is 2 years or 22 years. The girl I described in my last post is only about 8 years younger than her husband.

Like I said, it's about gratitude. It's about realizing where you were in life and looking at where you are today and being grateful you got the opportunity. I'm not talking about putting up with getting smacked around or being in a relationship you're not happy in but if your husband or boyfriend treats you well and you love him to bitch and moan about only getting 45,000 baht a month or acting like having maids and nannies take your every command is what you were born into just seems so . . . ungrateful. Not just to him but in general.

It's just the whole attitude that every penny the guy has every earned should be spent on making her look hi-so. Or that all farangs should spend all of their money looking hi-so.

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Yes, but that's not really the topic. It's not the fact that Thai girls are going out with young or old farang guys. It's really about their attitude once they get a little taste of money. It doesn't matter if the age difference is 2 years or 22 years. The girl I described in my last post is only about 8 years younger than her husband.

Like I said, it's about gratitude. It's about realizing where you were in life and looking at where you are today and being grateful you got the opportunity. I'm not talking about putting up with getting smacked around or being in a relationship you're not happy in but if your husband or boyfriend treats you well and you love him to ***** and moan about only getting 45,000 baht a month or acting like having maids and nannies take your every command is what you were born into just seems so . . . ungrateful. Not just to him but in general.

It's just the whole attitude that every penny the guy has every earned should be spent on making her look hi-so. Or that all farangs should spend all of their money looking hi-so.

Well the root of evil manner always comes from evil attitude. Yes, you're right that I'm quite far from the topic. Anyway, it seems that even if many or most of Isaan girls were working hard to get some small money to earn a living in their life so they must know the difficulty to get any penny. However, sadly that they may work hard becasue they have to do from lack of a better choice but not their will to do.

Moreover, the position in Thai society for them since past until now is not quite good. Among Thai people always looks down to Isaan people. We have a bad joke with them (I guess you knew already) then when any Isaan girls can be a rich people by their husband money, they will enjoy improve their famliy and themselves. And the key is money. Once they have money, they think they have power. This is dangerous as money and power can change people quickly. Don't forget that they've a wrong attitude in life for a long time and big money can spoil anyone. Most Thai people praises someone who has a lot of money and can do anything bad but no one will blame him.

Gratitude won't be in their mind as they do nothing to get that money from husband. They don't work hard to get it and it's easy to have it. Money from their husband spoil them. This is a same concept of a beggar wins a lottery prize. We can notice that we will realize the value of something from the difficutly to get it.

Edited by Sasie
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Frankly speaking here, I first need to give credits to the beauty of the ladies who came from Isan region. They have brown smooth skin and also good figures. Some have pretty faces too. These combination is well- suit for Westerners' test of women. I assumed that why we are focusing on Isan girls. Despite the fact that this region used to be the poorest region of thailand, people tended to move their way up by taking advantage of others or "selling" things; daughters, themselves. Thus, these people don't have a sense of how hard to get the money and how long will it take for one person to be successful . People who work hard will need to sacrifice their time and effort to create what they want. Most of them will learn to appreciate things. On the other hand, lots of Isan people work real hard and are successful too even they face the same circumstances. For example, they didn't have fertile land. Additionally, most western men here differ from the one in western world. I think they are odd. Probably it would be that they are in vacation mode all the time. I do believe that they get what they wish for. Nothing is wrong with that as long as there is no misleading here. Both parties must be happy as their needs are satisfied whatever it is.

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Frankly speaking here, I first need to give credits to the beauty of the ladies who came from Isan region. They have brown smooth skin and also good figures. Some have pretty faces too. These combination is well- suit for Westerners' test of women. I assumed that why we are focusing on Isan girls. Despite the fact that this region used to be the poorest region of thailand, people tended to move their way up by taking advantage of others or "selling" things; daughters, themselves. Thus, these people don't have a sense of how hard to get the money and how long will it take for one person to be successful . People who work hard will need to sacrifice their time and effort to create what they want. Most of them will learn to appreciate things. On the other hand, lots of Isan people work real hard and are successful too even they face the same circumstances. For example, they didn't have fertile land. Additionally, most western men here differ from the one in western world. I think they are odd. Probably it would be that they are in vacation mode all the time. I do believe that they get what they wish for. Nothing is wrong with that as long as there is no misleading here. Both parties must be happy as their needs are satisfied whatever it is.

I think that this post really is to the point 100%. What you do not have to work for, what just falls into your lap, you will not appreciate because you never will know hard it is to achieve. We Farang are thought to be all millionaires, because in the perception - especially of the poorest part of Thai population - we don't do much and have loads of money. On the other hand, it is difficult for those never having been abroad to imagine that the costs of life might be different in other countries compared to Thailand. I mean, my running costs in Austria are about 35,000 Baht per month and that's not too much but still far above the average Thai monthly salary. It takes a long process to plant a good estimation of money value in BOTH sides. Yes, it's also that not so few foreigners just laugh at prices in Thailand and throwing around money like confetti, thus contributing to the perception of Thais that there is no need to cherish their financial assets because there is enough anyhow.

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Frankly speaking here, I first need to give credits to the beauty of the ladies who came from Isan region. They have brown smooth skin and also good figures. Some have pretty faces too. These combination is well- suit for Westerners' test of women. I assumed that why we are focusing on Isan girls. Despite the fact that this region used to be the poorest region of thailand, people tended to move their way up by taking advantage of others or "selling" things; daughters, themselves. Thus, these people don't have a sense of how hard to get the money and how long will it take for one person to be successful . People who work hard will need to sacrifice their time and effort to create what they want. Most of them will learn to appreciate things. On the other hand, lots of Isan people work real hard and are successful too even they face the same circumstances. For example, they didn't have fertile land. Additionally, most western men here differ from the one in western world. I think they are odd. Probably it would be that they are in vacation mode all the time. I do believe that they get what they wish for. Nothing is wrong with that as long as there is no misleading here. Both parties must be happy as their needs are satisfied whatever it is.

Hummm...who let this wise person on the forum? :)

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I think that this post really is to the point 100%. What you do not have to work for, what just falls into your lap, you will not appreciate because you never will know hard it is to achieve. We Farang are thought to be all millionaires, because in the perception - especially of the poorest part of Thai population - we don't do much and have loads of money. On the other hand, it is difficult for those never having been abroad to imagine that the costs of life might be different in other countries compared to Thailand. I mean, my running costs in Austria are about 35,000 Baht per month and that's not too much but still far above the average Thai monthly salary. It takes a long process to plant a good estimation of money value in BOTH sides. Yes, it's also that not so few foreigners just laugh at prices in Thailand and throwing around money like confetti, thus contributing to the perception of Thais that there is no need to cherish their financial assets because there is enough anyhow.

35,000 is not just a little above the average Thai salary. The average Thai salary for someone without a degree is less than 10,000 baht per month. That's nearly 400% more than the average Thai salary.

And Exploring is correct in that what you don't work for you can't appreciate. I'm sure my sitting around "playing" on the computer all day might seem like doing nothing but it took 40+ years to get the knowledge that people are willing to pay me for.

Although some of the blame lands on our feet for going around and splashing money around like it doesn't matter the other part of the blame I think lies in the huge income disparity in Thailand. Compared to most western societies the middle-class is almost non-existant in Thailand. You're either wealthy or poor (for the most part). And television (lakorns) feeds the minds of many of these young ladies with ideas about what being "not poor" means.

I think they get this image in their head that being "not poor" means rock star rich. You have maids, drivers, and spend your days throwing tantrums and making exaggerated facial gestures.

Also, there's another element in Thai culture that comes into play whereby if you have wealthy it's your duty to show it off in the most extravagant ways possible. And one of the ways to demonstrate your wealth is to constantly pick up the check when you go out with your friends. You could be the biggest asshole in the world but you'll accumulate a little posse or gang of followers who will worship every word you say as long as they get to tag along while you pick up the bills.

And that's part of what I'm getting at when I talk about the Isaan Princess disease. They're not happy just to live a modest life free of worry about money. They want to be rock star rich and surround themselves with a posse of "friends" who hang on their every word. They want to be like what they see on TV. And many of them imagine that marrying or dating any farang will give them that lifestyle.

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Guest SFJoseph108

This isn't just an Isan thing. Back home in San Francisco, we have a lot of Asian immigrants. Something happens to those girls when they come to the USA and get attention from American guys - many quickly turn into selfish princesses - very judgmental and only interested in millionaires. Just hope I can find a genuine girl and not one of the gold diggers.

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This isn't just an Isan thing. Back home in San Francisco, we have a lot of Asian immigrants. Something happens to those girls when they come to the USA and get attention from American guys - many quickly turn into selfish princesses - very judgmental and only interested in millionaires. Just hope I can find a genuine girl and not one of the gold diggers.

and off course u wouldn't find any good ole gals from the US of A chasing after richer guys ... so why don't u try and find a genuine gal there !!!

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