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love... does it excist?


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Yes Love is all around. It gets a bad name from romantic love which is tied to wanting and desire and then the pain that comes from attachment. Strange that we love someone so much that it can twist around and hurt us. Love in a fire pit can be a dangerous thing.

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Yes Love is all around. It gets a bad name from romantic love which is tied to wanting and desire and then the pain that comes from attachment.
Romantic love is only a small part of it, for sure.

I think Love always exists. Just sometimes we choose to deny it.

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It depends on what you mean by "excist". If by "excist" you mean "exist", then of course love exists. Most of us have felt love at one time or another in our lives - most often when we were younger. (More on the relationship between age and the ability to love later in this missive.) So love obviously exists. For me, a more interesting question is WHY are we (humans) given this ability to feel love?

And as in most things regarding human behavior, I think that the answer to this question can be found in nature. Mother nature is full of little tricks to get us to successfully propagate our species. I think it is our hormones that cause us to want to "mate" (or "shag", if you prefer a less technical term). But it is LOVE that ATTEMPTS to make us (menfolk) stick around and bear the consequences of our mating, i.e. raising our offspring. Without the ability to feel love, we might be more inclined to abandon our offspring - and their mother - just when they need us most.

Anyway, to summarize and conclude my ruminations on this topic: We have a greater ability to feel love during our sexually reproductive years (i.e. - when we are young) because this love should (except, for some reason, in the case of Thai males) make us more likely to stick around and care for our partner and our offspring. We become less able to feel love (and in fact less able to "mate") when we are older - because nature is not expecting us to live long enough to be able to raise any children we might be able to produce. Nature tries to discourage us from having children when we are older by making us less able to perform (at least before the days of Viagra) and by making us less sexually attractive as we age (except, for some reason, in my case.)

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