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I waited for her all night

I wanted to talk to her.I couldn't.Many reasons!Too busy...too noisy.....too many people around...She went home.I hoped she might call me.I checked my phone for messages.This is what I saw on my phone.  My heart is broken   :-P



Wild TF girl at Gullivers!

This girl is new to TF and wants to get out and party!She is very seductive, and really likes to dance !  I think she will join Cream's birthday party tonight at Gullivers on Soi 5.If you see this girl dancing wildly around the bar, introduce yourself, and make her feel welcome to TF!Take her for a dance!(But be careful you don't hurt her ! She is a little bit thin! Her bones don't look very stong !) 



Police didn't catch TF guy!

Maybe you all know him!He was at one of the famous BKK secret after hours clubs when the police came charging in the door !He was smart.His thinking was "do not run!.......blend in to the surroundings!"Well, he did a good job. He hid himself very well, and the police ran right past him, and didn't even see him!Luckily I had my camera with me!Who is this clever sneaky TF guy? 



Wanna buy some drugs?

Do you ever get stressed out?Depressed?Well....now happiness is just one magic pill away.Take the pills carefully!They can be addictive!



Punisher playing football (pic)

We all know and love our famous Kiwi buddy !You know who I mean.It seems he can do more than drink a lot of alcohol, pick up 20 girls in one night, and get into playful fistfight with Auzzies   :-)I was at Lumpini park today and I think I saw the Punisher playing football (soccer)Luckily I had my camera! Is it him? 



Back in BKK for a day or 2

no funny pics this time   lol just something to remind me of home (BKK)just got back from Chengmai...interesting place!...been in BKK 15 times but never went up there!well worth a visit.  if you haven't been there...go!i flew back here to show my friend mike_bkk RCA boulevard and Rachadapisek...then it is time to fly out again.....only 7 more days of holidays left.i wanted to go to malaysia...but i don't know now.should i fly back to chengmai?or chengrai?down to hatyai?...cambodia?there is someo



Famous Auzzie TV reporter!(pic)

I was watching TV today and saw my favourite Auzzie news reporter.He is a good buddy of mine and it is always a pleasure to see him on TV.(Sometimes his news is a little biased, but what can you expect from someone raised in Australia's outback!)(He studied with Crocodile Dundee!)He was looking handsome like he usually does.He is quite a dapper fellow!(Any resemblance to an actual TF member is purely coincidental ! ) Here is his pic!I saw it on the 6:00 news! I am off to Chiangmai today hopefull



Sad about your hair? (pic)

When I was young, I had long hair...down to the middle of my back.That was many many years ago, and it was the hairstyle of the time period.Now my hair gets shorter and shorter, and in some places, seems to disappear..... If you still have long hair, consider yourself lucky.You can change your hairstyle and look more beautiful every day!Everyone loves a new hairstyle! See how beautiful a hair stylist can make you look!!! ( I am making an appointment soon!) 



Ride on my new bike? (pic)

Wanna come for a ride with me?My new bike is very fast!It "runs" well!Not expensive for gas.It fits like a shoe into any parking space.Want to try it on for size?   :-) 



Ask...and it will be answered (pic)

Sometimes we want somethings we don't have.Sometimes we can't see the forest because the trees are blocking our view.Old quotes from the bible:Ask and it shall be answered.Knock on the door and it shall be opened for you.Seek and ye shall find.I went to the temple today.I did a little ritualised prayer and made my request, after bowing 3 times....I was shocked!It looked like i was getting the thing of my dreams!(A new truck! )            :-P



U sleep on bus/BTS? (pic)

Do you ever fall asleep on the bus or at work? Does your head fall down and your neck jerk?Do you wake up and look around to see who saw you sleeping?Don't hide it anymore!If you are tired, take a rest!Just make sure that you write on your hat for other passengers to wake you up at your BTS stop!An old Japanese invention, now sold in Bangkok!Only 77 baht !The "protect your neck while you sleep" hat....... 



Pollution in BKK (pic)

Does you nose run all the time?    ( I don't mean run off your face.... I mean nose water )  :-)Do you use those menthol scented nose sticks, that you buy in every 7-11 store, every 5 minutes?I think that maybe those "nose tubes" aren't good for you!It is better to carry tissue with you everywhere you go.If you don't have enough room in your pocket for all the tissue you need.....buy a tissue hat!On sale now at MBK !Only 100 Baht !!! 



Secret TF "Coke party" pics !

Due to its sensitive, secret nature, this party was planned carefully. Every detail was important. The first thing to be considered was location. Where to have the party? A secluded house was rented, far from the busy streets of BKK.       Then it was time to block the security cameras! Nobody wanted to be seen in an emberassing situation.     Then it was time to start letting TFer's know the party was happening.People started calling all their friends!       Some people didn't have phones



Take care of your friends (pics)

Sometimes we forget to do what should be important to us.Don't forget who you love, and who loves you....Let them know it,  and don't be afraid to show it! Cheer them up if they are feeling down and sad.We all deserve a chance to be happy in this life.Try to make them smile!Life can sometimes be a good ride!  Have a good time with them.Try to enjoy some laughter and share it with everyone you know! Joke with everyone, but not with cruel intentions.Never EVER laugh AT someone!Laugh  WITH  them!  



My dogs died!(pic)

Some of you saw a previous journal, where I posted pictures of my beautiful little dogs that have died.Sure I was sad !Special thanks to MikeAussieGuy for telling me to go out and buy another dog to get over my sadness!I did! He is so cute!Super strong, It doesn't cost much money to feed him, He doesn't bark at rolling tanks, and he is always there for me if I need a hug! Maybe I will bring him to the next TF party if any of you want to meet him, or take him for a walk!  



Almost late to TF party!

I was on my was to another one of the great TF parties.Most of the  regular TF party animals were going to be there !Well, traffic was bad, as it can usually be in Bangkok. :-(Thank buddha we have river taxis here! I tried to catch one but they were also busy! But I got lucky!I found a "self drive" boat rental company!It wasn't expensive at all! Maybe because it wasn't the newest, sportiest boat on the river,    but...it sure did the job ok!I managed to catch  fast water down the river , water c



Rest in Peace, my little ones....

Not exactly my kids ... children...I hope we don' t look alike!But these are only a couple of the dogs I bought or saved in Korea.  Very expensive dogs.....I guess I am having a sensitive moment right now because I miss them.All animals are very unique, with their own distinct personalities. They died and went to doggy heaven , and it hurts like hell to lose them I have done many jobs in my life, and being an ambulance driver was only one of them. Many have died in my arms, and many I have saved



I hate getting old! :-(

Time goes by too quickly in life !One moment we are a baby, then quickly a teenager, and the years start to by faster and faster, and we are old! Yet quite often we still feel exactly like we did many years ago.Where did all the years go?Now we get lines and wrinkles on our faces......yet we haven't changed our behaviour or our desires.......chasing women....drinking....smoking.....Why can't I still look the same as I did when I was young?   :-( 



Shopping to buy a bird!

I was thinking....I love animals!  I am proud of my mother and father to teach me what love is!Sometimes animals are more loving than people pretend to be !In my family home, we have 5 HUGE cats, 4 BIG dogs, lizards, snakes, guinea pigs, gerbils, mice, 2 monkeys, BIG snakes..(true!)Our family home is truly a zoo!I thought it was time to buy a bird!A bird might  be better than a woman!It doesn't yell at you, or tell you to come to bed, do the dishes, ask you where you went to last night....A bird



SuperTF'ers...Super tired !!!

To continue the story within a journal of a mad Kiwi........(Punisher)  :-)(........Regarding TF Sambuka Man and TF Mehkong Man, partying behind closed doors.....)*************************************There was a new super hero that arrived at the scene !It was TF CatFrogsterWoman!She said: Then CatFrogsterWoman just shown up at his apartment again. It was too much thought running in her head, that should she knock on the door and tell him something that she has hidden from him. She was checki



A sh*tty subject !

Who needs to use the toilet?My cats !It took one month to train them.We never thought the older cat would go for it, because she is stubborn (as most women are)  :-)...but we thought the younger cat would learn easily.After one month, I got a scream from my girl ! The young cat was using the toilet !I ran for the camera, but was too late to catch him in time, but just when I got to the bathroom door, the older cat showed us she could do anything her little friend could do!I caught the picture ju



What is love?

There are many kinds of love.We love our partners, our friends, our family,our pets, all for different reasons.Is it wrong to look outside your relationship for someone or something that can make you more happy?Is it possible for one person to give you everything you need?Should we accept less than what makes us happy?Should we wait to meet the perfect one?Is there someone out there that was supposed to be with you, but you haven't met yet?I am having a real problem with the answer to those ques



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