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  1. Earlier
  2. Belated congratulations . . .
  3. Not a day went by when I didn't go online to this site. Virtually met many people and also in person. In Thailand and the UK. That was 2005. The site format changed and like many I couldn't get my head around it. Is anyone still out there that remembers me?
  4. Hi folks, long time no chat. Most of you won't know who I am. Some of you might have a vague recollection. A few may remember me - for better or for worse haha. It's been 20-years since I joined, and we had some fun times on here, and in person. ha! We were all so young then, I just wonder what you're all up to these days? I hope you're all well. Me, I'm doing ok. I am married to a beautiful wife, I have three boys. I ended up doing a start-up and it turned out ok. I got sick, spent all of 2023 in treatment, am officially in remission now. Life turned out alright.
  5. Miss you mate 🤗😢

  6. Hello everyone, long Time since my last log in. How is going my people 😁🤗
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