Hello! Helloooooooooo . . . . . !
Anybody in here?
***knock, knock, knock***
Looks like I finally have this website all to myself. And it only took ten years for that to happen! Well, ten years after it started getting quieter here...
Since I have the floor, and not that it actually matters, I'm the original Rob here, not Admin Rob. Although my current profile was created in 2009, I joined as _Rob in early 2005. But who cares? There's nobody around to read this
You may all remember when Thailand legalized marijuana back in 2018. But, unlike back home, that did not usher in a wave of marijuana dispensaries on every corner.
In fact, you might even wonder if marijuana is even legal based on the complete lack of prominent advertising.
But it is legal and people are receiving medical marijuana in Thailand. It's just being done under the radar.
Thailand specifically want
Just signed back in to TF after a long time. Was just browsing and noticed that I first joined TF in December 2007. Almost ten years!
All the old faces are long gone, and is a lot quieter now Time flies, things change. probably all on Facebook.
Do any old timers still pop in here now and then? Apart from Admin of course.
A bit of a spoof or take on Master Wong not to be taken to seriously. Still informative with good information. *For more information on MCM Wing Chun you can contact me at email:[email protected] * Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/sifumcilwrath and Tumblr http://sifumcilwrath.tumblr.com/and Face Book https://www.facebook.com/SifuMcIlwrat... * I teach Wing Chun in NJ/NYC for more information on Classes,Private Lessons,Seminars and Workshops contact me at [email protected]
This video is a continuation of Limb Destruction1
and takes the idea of Limb Destruction further attacking the arm,elbow,and bicep. Limb Destruction is not commonly used in Wing Chun but I show you clear and easy way how to utilize this very effective method.*THIS VIDEO IS FOR INFORMATION AND ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY.NO ONE SHOULD TRY TO APPLY ANY OF THESE TECHNIQUES...
*For more information on MCM Wing Chun you can contact me at email:[email protected]
* Follow me on Twitter at
Using limb destruction to cause a temporary paralysis and pain when striking the arm, so by to be able to break through your opponents defense.
*For more information on MCM Wing Chun you can contact me at email:[email protected]
* Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/sifumcilwrath and Tumblr http://sifumcilwrath.tumblr.com/ and Face Bookhttps://www.facebook.com/SifuMcIlwrat...
* I teach Wing Chun in NJ/NYC for more information on lessons contact me at: [email protected]
I have a good news to tell. I am graduated.
I 've managed to finish my last paper and it has been approved.
It took 2 years to finish the work. It is such a relief to finish it.