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Love Consultant Froggie




 It was a conversation with my first fan club member of Frogster .

Will edit and translate  later.. I'm tired from ******* work now....


 All thai TF er  can help me to translate to some another  non-Thai TF ers.it was a good conversation one. It made me realised of so many thing when I came back to read it again.

Music Of Life says:¼ÃÃÕàÃ×èç»ÃÖ¡ÉÒStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

¨ëÒMusic Of Life says:¼Ãà¤ÃÕ´¨Ñ§ ÃéçäËé·Ø¡ÇѹàÅ T TStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:·ÓäÃMusic Of Life says:¼ÃàÅèÒãËé¿Ñ§¹ÃMusic Of Life says:µÑé§áµè¤º¡ÃΌÃÃ’ Όª×èÃàÃÂì ¹ÃMusic Of Life says:

¼Ã·Ó¼Ô´ä» 2 ¤ÃÑé§Music Of Life says:¤×Ã仺áªÃº¤¹Ã×è¹

 Music Of Life says:ä»æÃÒæ à¾×èùàÃÂì ªÇ¹ä»à·ÕèÂÇ¡ÅÒ§¤×¹ ºèÃÂæ

Music Of Life says:à¨Ã¼ÙéªÒÂMusic Of Life says:ÃҺá¢ÃàÅÔ¡¡Ñ¹¡èù áÅéǶéÒàÃÂì¤Ô´ÇèÒ¸Ô¨Ãà»ç¹¤¹´ÕáÅéÇ àÃ哬áÅѺ令º¡Ñº¸ÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÊäµÅì¹Õé à¢Ò¤§ä»à¨Ã¤¹ãËÃèÃÒáÅéÇÅèÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¤¹·ÕèÃÂÙè´éÇ áÅéÇÃÕ¤ÇÒÃÊØ¢ÃÒ¡¡ÇèÒMusic Of Life says:T TMusic Of Life says:áµèMusic Of Life says:à¢ÒÃҺá¸Ôà¢ÒÃÂÒ¡àÃÔèõé¹ãËÃè¡Ñº¸ÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¸Ôà¤ÂËÒ·Ò§¨ÃºÃ¡àÅÔ¡¡Ñºà¢ÒÃÂÙè¾Ñ¡¹Ö§äÃèãªèàËÃà Music Of Life says:ãªè¤ÃѺMusic Of Life says:áµè¡éÃäÃèÃÕäÃMusic Of Life says:ÃÂÙè´Õæ à¢Ò¡éôաøÔMusic Of Life says:¸ÔµÃ¹¹ÕéMusic Of Life says:¤×ÃàÅ×áÇèҨ亵èà áÅéÇ·¹à¨çºµèÃä»àÃ×èÃÂæ ¡Ñº àÅÔ¡ áÅéÇ·¹¤ÇÒÃÃÙéÊÖ¡à»ç¹ËèǧàÃÂì áÅà ¤ÇÒÃà¨çºàÃ×èç¹Ñé¹ÃÒ¨¨ÃËÒÂä»Music Of Life says:¤×à ¸ÔàÅ×á·Ò§ä˹¸Ô ¡éÃà¨çº·Ñ駹Ñé¹àÅÂÃèÒMusic Of Life says:T TStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ãªéàÇÅÒ¹éçÃÑ¡ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾ÕèàçàÅÔ¡¡Ñºá¿¹ ÃÃ’ 1 »Õ àÈÉæ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says: ÃÕ¼ÙéªÒ´Õæ à¢éÒÃÃ’ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾ÕèÂѧ¡ÅÑÇ àÅ ¹éçÃÑ¡Music Of Life says:áÅéÇMusic Of Life says:à¢ÒºÃ¡ÇèÒÃÂÒ¡àÃÔèõ鹡Ѻ¸ÔãËÃèMusic Of Life says:¾Õè¡ÃÅ쿤ԴÇèÒä§Music Of Life says:¸Ôà¨çºÃèÃMusic Of Life says:ÃÒ¡´éÇÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÃѹÃÂÙè·ÕèÇèÒ¸Ô ·¹à¨çº¡Ñº¡Òõé示¡Ñ¹µèÃä´éäËà Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

 Â¸Ã”µéçµÃºµÑÇàçStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¸Ô¤§µéçàÅ×ááÅéÇÅèà ÇèÒÃѹ¨Ã¤ØéÃäËà ·Õè¨Ã¡ÅѺä» áÅéÇà¨çº Music Of Life says:¢Ãº¤Ø³¹Ã¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿·Õèá¹Ã¹ÓMusic Of Life says:·ÓÊÔè§áÂèæä»àÂÃÃàÅÂMusic Of Life says:¡Ô¹ÂҹùËÅѺºéÒ§ ·ÓÃéÒµÑÇàçºéÒ§ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:·Ø¡¤¹µèÒ§¡ç·ÓÃÃäÃáÂèæ ä»·Ñ駹Ñé¹áËÅøÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç¡ç·Ó Music Of Life says:ÃéçäËé·Ø¡Çѹ ¨Ãà»ç¹ÅõÅôàÅÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµèÃÒ¨¨ÃᵡµèÒ§¨Ò¡áºº¢Ã§¸ÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç¡çà¤Â¹Ã¹ÃéçäËé áÅéÇÃÙéÊÖ¡àËÃ×ùËÒÂã¨äÃèÃáàËÃ×ù¡Ñ¹Music Of Life says:Ãѹá¹è¹Ë¹éÒáÃèÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¤ÇÒÃÃÑ¡¹èà àÇÅÒÃѹà¨çº Ãѹ¨ÃàËÃ×ùÃÕËÑÇã¨ÃÕ¡´Ç§à¨çºä»´éǹèøÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèà¤ÂÃÙéÊÖ¡àËÃ×ù¨ÃÇÙº à»ç¹Åà µÒÅÒ ¡çËÅÒ¤ÃÑé§ÃÂØèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

áµè¸Ô ¡çµéçÃÂÙèµèÃä»à¾×èõÑǸÔ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç¡ç¼èÒ¹µÃ§¹Ñé¹ÃÃ’ áÅÃÃѹ¡çäÃè§èÒÂàŸÔ ·Õè¨ÃËÒÂã¨à¾×èõÑÇàçÃÕ¡¤ÃÑ駹֧¨ÃÔ§æ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says: Â¨Ã儤ÃÕÀÒ¾à¢Ò ¤ÇÒ֍¨Óǹä»Ç¹ÃÃ’ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

àËÃ×ùäÃèÃÙéÇèÒ ¨ÃÃÂÙè¡ÑºÃѹä»ÃÕ¡¹Ò¹à·èÒäËÃèMusic Of Life says:áµè ·ÃÃÒ¹¨Ñ§Music Of Life says:¤§µéç·¹Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:Ã×à ÊÔ觷Õè´Õ·ÕèÊØ´ ¤×áÒÃËÑ´·Ó㨹éçÃÑ¡Music Of Life says:¼Ãà»ç¹¤¹·ÕèäÃè¤èÃÂà¼×èÃàÅ ໧Ẻ¹ÕéStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áÅéǾÂÒÂÒ÷ӷءÃÂèÒ§ãËé´Õ·ÕèÊØ´ ¶éÒà¡Ô´ÊØ´·éÒÂáÅéÇ ÊÔ觺ҧÊÔ觵éçËÒÂä» ËÃ×õéçàÅ×áÇÒ§ÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§ ¹éç¡çµéç·ÓStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç·ÓÃÒáÅéÇStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õè¡ç¤ºã¤ÃäÃèà¤Âà¼×èà ¸Ô¡çÃÙé¹ÔÊѾÕèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¢¹Ò´á¿¹à¡èÒ¾ÕèÃÂÙèÃÃÂç ÃÂÙèµÃѧ ¾ÕèÂѧä»ËÒä´éàÅÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¤ºÃÃ’ µÑé§Êç»Õ¡ÇèÒæMusic Of Life says:^^Music Of Life says:¾Ãæ¡Ò¹àšõù¹Õé¢Ã§¼ÃMusic Of Life says:¨à 3 »ÕáÅéÇStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:µÃ¹¹Õé ¾Õè¡çÂѧ¤Ø¡Ѻà¢ÒÃÂÙè áµèÃѹà»ÅÕè¹ʶҹà à»ç¹¤¹ÃÑ¡à¡èÒä»àÃÕºÃéÃÂáÅéÇMusic Of Life says:ÃÃMusic Of Life says:¤Ø´աѹàËÃ×ùà´ÔÃàÅÂËÃÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÃÒ¨¨Ãà»ç¹à¾ÃÒþÕè â¡Ã¸ à¡ÅÕ´ã¤ÃäÃèà»ç¹ ¾Õè¶Ö§¤ØÂä´éÅèÃÃÑé§Music Of Life says:áÅéÇäÃèà¨çºàÅÂËÃäѺStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¶éÒ¾Õèà¡ÅÕ´à¢ÒÊÑ¡¹Ô´¾Õ褧äÃèÃÂÒ¡¤Ø¡Ѻà¢ÒËÃáStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:à¨çºÊÔ¸Ô ·Õè ·Õè·Õè¢Ã§àÃÒà¤ÂÃÂÙèà»ç¹¢Ã§¤¹Ã×è¹ áµè·Óä§ä´é¹éçÃÑ¡ Music Of Life says:áÅéÇÃÂèÒ§µÃ¹¹Õé¾Õè¡ÃÅ쿤ØÂÃÂÙè ¶ÒÃÇèÒà¨çºËÃ×Ãà»ÅèÒStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¢Ã§ºÒ§ÃÂèÒ§ ÃѹÂѧà»ÅÕè¹Ã×õÑé§ËÅÒ¤ÃÑé§ ¡èù¨ÃÃÂÙè¡Ñºã¤ÃºÒ§¤¹µÅôªÕÇÔµäÃèãªèËÃÃMusic Of Life says:¶Ù¡µéç¤ÃѺStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¡çäÃèáÅéÇÅèà ¾Õè·Óã¨áÅéÇ ÇèÒ·ÕèµÃ§¹Ñé¹äÃèãªè¢Ã§¾ÕèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÃÕã¤ÃºÒ§¤¹ºÃ¡¾ÕèÇèÒ ¾ÕèÃÃΌà¡èÒ¾Õè Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµè¨ÃÔ§æ ÃѹäÃèãªèàŹÃ¾Õè  ¾ÕèÃÃã¤ÃºÒ§¤¹·Õè¨ÃÃÑ¡¾ÕèÃÂèÒ§·Õè¾Õèà»ç¹ÃÒ¡¡ÇèÒStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

¶Ö§á¿¹à¡èÒ¾Õè¡ÅѺÃÒËÒ¾Õè  Ãѹ¡çµéçãªéàÇÅÒ àËÃ×ù¤¹Ã×è¹·ÕèÃÂØèÃúµÑǾÕè Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áÅéÇà¢Ò¨Ã·¹¡ÒÃãªéàÇÅҵç¹Ñé¹ä´éäËÃÅèà ÃѹàËÃ×ù ä¿·Õè»Ô´ä»áÅéÇ Ãѹ¡çµéçÃÕÃÃÂÃàÇÅÒ·Õè俨õԴ¢Öé¹ÃÒãËÃè¶Ù¡äËÃMusic Of Life says:¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿ÂѧâÊ´ÃÂÙèÃÕ¡ËÃÃMusic Of Life says:O_oStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:Ã×à Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õè¨ÃâÊ´¨¹¡ÇèÒ ¾Õè¤Ô´ÇèÒ ¾Õèà¨Ã¤¹·ÕèÃÂÙè¡Ñº¾Õèä´é¨ÃÔ§æ ¹èà ¸Ô Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áÅéÇÃѹµéçàÇÅҹҹ˹è÷Õè¨Ã¾ÔÊÙ¨¹ì ãËéà¢Òä´éàË繪ÕÇÔµ¾Õè¾Ã¡èù ¾Ã¾Ã¡Ñº¾Õè·ÕèµéçàË繪ÕÇÔµà¢ÒStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õ褧¨ÃÃÕΌÃÕ¡·Õ ¨Ò¡¡ÒÃà»ç¹à¾×èù ËÃ×ÃÃÙé¨Ñ¡¡Ñ¹ä»ÊÑ¡ÃÃÂùèþÕè ¾ÕèÇèÒMusic Of Life says:¡éôչäѺMusic Of Life says:´Ùã¨ä»¡èùStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:Ã×à ¾Õèàç¡çá¡èáÅéÇ ¾ÕèàËÃÒèùÑè§ÃÂÙèã¹·Õè¢Ã§¾Õè Ãáä»ÇÔè§àÅ蹺éÒ§ áÅéǡѺÃÒ¹Ñ觷Õèà¡èÒ ¡Ñº¡ÒÃÃÕ¤ÇÒÃÊØ¢¡ÑºµÑǾÕèàç¹èÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¨¹¡ÇèÒ ¨ÃÃÕ¤¹ÃÂÒ¡ÃÒ¹Ñ觢éÒ§æ¾Õè áÅéǹÑè§ä´é¨ÃÔ§æ äÃèãªèàÊáÊÃé§Music Of Life says:ÃÂèÒ¤Ô´ÇèÒµÑÇàçá¡èÊÔ¤ÃѺ ^^Music Of Life says:¸Ô¡éÃàÃÔèÃá¡èáÅéÇÅèà ÃÔÃÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:·Ø¡¤¹¡çá¡è¢Öé¹·Ñ駹Ñé¹áËÅÃ¸Ô áµèá¡èÂѧä§ ¡ç¢ÃãËéà¡çºÊèǹ·Õèà»ç¹à´ç¡äÇéËÅèÃàÅÕ駵ÑÇàçãËéÃÕ¤ÇÒÃÊØ¢ ¡ç¾ÃáÅéÇMusic Of Life says:¤ÃѺStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:äÇéÇèÒ§æ ÃÒà·ÕèÂǡѺ¾Õè¡çä´é¹à Music Of Life says:¢Ãº¤Ø³¹ÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾ÕèäÃèÃÂÒ¡ãËéàÃÒÃÂÙ褹à´ÕÂÇ áÅéǤԴ¿Ø駫èÒ¹Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¡Ô¹ÂÒµÒ Âѧ§Õé ¨Ã¦èÒµÑǵÒ§Õé ÃѹäÃè¤ØéáѹËÃá¹Ã¹éç

 Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¡ÒõѴ㨨ҡ¤¹·ÕèàÃÒà¤ÂÃÂÙè´éÇ¡ѹÃÒ¹Ò¹æ ÃѹäÃèãªèàÃ×èç§èÒÂËÃá¹Ã¸ÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµè¶Ö§àÇÅÒ¨ÃÔ§æ Ãѹ¨ÃÃÕ ÇÔ¸Õ¡Òà áÅÃàÇÅÒ ¨Ãà»ç¹¤¹ªèǨѴ¡Ò÷ءÃÂèÒ§ãËéà¢éÒ·ÕèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áÅÃá¹Ã¹Ã¹ ÊÔ觷ÕèËÅÕ¡àÅÕè§äÃèä´é¤×äÇÒÃà¨çº»Ç´ ¸ÔµéçàÃÕ¹ÃÙéÇÔ¸Õ·Õè¨ÃÃÂÙè¡ÑºÃѹãËéä´éMusic Of Life says:¨Ã¾ÂÒùà Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¨êà àÃÒ㨪èÇ ¾ÕèÃÙéÇèÒÂÒ¡ áµè¤¹àÃÒ¡çµéç¼èÒ¹ÃÃäÃÂÒ¡æ à¾×èÃÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§·ÕèÃÃÃÂÙèàËÃ×ù¡Ñ¹Music Of Life says:^^ µéç¢Ãº¤Ø³¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿ÃÒ¡àÅÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç¡çäÃèÃÙéÇèÒÃÃä÷ÕèÃøÔÃÂÙè ÃÒ¨¨Ãà»ç¹¡ÒáÅѺ令׹´Õ ËÃ×à ÃÒ¨¨Ãà»ç¹¡ÒÃàÅÔ¡ ·Ø¡ÃÂèÒ§¢Öé¹ÃÂØè¡Ñº¡ÒõѴÊÔ¹ã¨Music Of Life says:¤ÑºStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áÅà ¤ÇÒÃÃÑ¡¹Ã¸Ô àÇÅÒÃѹàÃÔèÃµé¹ ºÒ§·Õ Ãѹ¡çàÃÔèýèÒÂà´ÕÂÇ µèÃÃÃ’ ÃÑ¡´éÇ¡ѹ·Ñé§Êç½èÒ Ãѹ¡çàËÃ×ùÊÓËÃѺ¡ÒÃàÅÔ¡áÅéÇ ºÒ§·Õ Ãѹ¡çàÃÔèõé¹á¤è½èÒÂà´ÕÂÇ áµè ¡ç¨ºÅ§·Ñé§Êç½èÒÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¡ÒõѴÊԹ㨢çã¤Ã¤¹Ë¹Öè§ ÃÒ¨¡Ã÷º¶Ö§ã¤ÃÃÕ¡¤¹¹Ö§ä´éàÊÃÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

¾Õèàçⴹ¼Å¡Ã÷º¹Ñé¹ÃÒáÅéÇ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¶Ö§¾ÕèäÃèä´éÃÂÒ¡à»ç¹½èÒ»ÅèÃÂÃ×à áµè¶éÒËÒ¡¤¹ÃÑ¡¢Ã§¾ÕèÃÂÙè¡Ñº¾ÕèáÅéÇäÃèÃÕ¤ÇÒÃÊØ¢ äÃèà»ç¹µÑÇàçÃÂèÒ§·Õèà¢Òà¤Âà»ç¹ ¾Õèàç¡çµéç½×¹ã¨»ÅèÃÂÃ×Ãà¢Òä»àËÃ×ù¡Ñ¹Music Of Life says:·Õè¾Õè¡ÃÅ¿¾Ù´ÃÒ·ÓãËé¸Ô¤Ô´ä´éàÂÃÃàÅÂMusic Of Life says:áµè·Óä´é»èÒÇÃèÃÙéStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:àÇÅÒ·Ñ駹Ñ鹸Ô ·Õèµéçãªé¹èà Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says: Â·Ã“µÑÇãËéªÔ¹àÃçÇæà¢éÒ¹à Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¤ÇÒÃÃÙéÊÖ¡Ãѹ¨Ãà»ÅÕè¹ä»àÃ×èÃÂæ ¹Ñº¨Ò¡¡ÒÃŧÃ×÷ÓÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§ ËÃ×à µÑ´ÊÔ¹ã¨ÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÃÃä÷Õèà¤Â ÃÙéÊÖ¡ ·Õèà¤Â·Ó Ãѹ¨Ãà»ÅÕè¹ä»àÃ×èÃÂæStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ªÕÇÔµ¨ÃàÃÔèÃàËÃ×ùÃÕÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§ÃÒà»ÅÕè¹ áÅúҧ·ÕàÃÒ¡ç´Ôé¹Ã¹ ´Ñ¹·ØÃѧ ¡ÑºÊÔè§àËÅèÒ¹Ñé¹ Music Of Life says:¼ÃÃÙéÊÖ¡ÇèÒµÑǼÃÂ×éùèäÃѺ ¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿Music Of Life says:ÃÂÒ¡àÅÔ¡ áµè¨Ñ´ã¨äÃèä´éStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾ÕèÃÙé ¹Ñè¹¹èà ¡çà»ç¹¤ÇÒÃÃÙéÊÖ¡¢Ã§á¿¹à¡èÒ¾ÕèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:àËÃ×ùÃբç·ÕèàÃÒÃÙé¨Ñ¡ÃÒ¹Ò¹áÅéÇã¹Ã×à ¨Ã»Åèà¡ç¡ÅÑÇÇèÒ¨ÃäÃèä´éà¨Ã¡Ñ¹ÃÕ¡Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµèºÒ§·Õ àÇÅÒ·Õè àÇÅÒ¾Ò¸ÔÃÒà¨Ã¢Ã§ÊÔ觹Ñé¹ÃÕ¡ ¸ÔÃÒ¨¨ÃäÃèÃÕ¤ÇÒÃÃÙéÊÖ¡ÃÂÒ¡ä´éàÅ¡çä´é¹à à¾ÃÒà ¢Ã§ÊÔ觹Ñé¹ä´é¶Ù¡àÇÅÒà»ÅÕè¹á»Å§ä»ÃÒ¡ ¡ÅÒÂà»ç¹¢Ã§·Õè¸ÔàËÃ×ù¨ÃÃ٨ѡ àËÃ×ù¨Ã¤Øé¹à¤Â áµè¸Ô¨ÃÃÙéÃÂÙèàÊÃà ÇèÒäÃèãªè¢Ã§·Õè¸Ôà¤Âä´éMusic Of Life says:¤ÃѺMusic Of Life says:àÇÅÒà·èÒ¹Ñé¹Music Of Life says:·Õè¨ÃªèÇÂä´é áÅâÖé¹ÃÂÙè¡Ñº¡ÒõѴÊԹ㨢ç¸Ôà»ç¹ËÅÑ¡Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:Ã×à àµÃÕÂõÑǾÃéÃáѺ¼ÅÅѾ·ì´éǹà Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

äÃèÇèÒ·Ò§ä˹ Ãѹ¡çà¨çº·Ñ駹Ñé¹Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµè¸ÔµéçÃÂÙèãËéä´é¹ÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÃÂÙèãËéä´éàËÃ×ù·Õè¾ÕèÃÂÙèÃÃ’Music Of Life says:µéçä´é¤Ñº ÃÕ¤¹ÃÑ¡àÃÒÃÕ¡àÂÃÃMusic Of Life says:¾èÃáÃè¤Ãú¤ÃÑǧÒÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:´ÕÃÒ¡Music Of Life says:Âѧà»ç¹¹éçÃÑ¡¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿ÃÕ¡¤¹Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ãªè Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾ÕèÂѧÃÑ¡¸ÔàËÃ×ùà´ÔÃáËÅà Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

¶Ö§áÃéàÃҨêúá«ÇÇèÒÃÂÒ¡à»ç¹á¿¹¾Õè¡çàËÃÃMusic Of Life says: Â½Ã‘¹´Õ¹à Çѹ¹Õé¢Ãº¤Ø³ÃÒ¡ ·Õèà»ç¹·Õè»ÃÖ¡ÉÒãËé¸Ô ¢Ãº¤Ø³ÃÒ¡æ ¸ÔÃÕ·Ò§Ãá·Õè´Õà¾ÃÒà ¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿ ¢Ãº¤Ø³¤ÃѺ






Recommended Comments

 It was a conversation with my first fan club member of Frogster .

Will edit and translate  later.. I'm tired from ******* work now....


 All thai TF er  can help me to translate to some another  non-Thai TF ers.it was a good conversation one. It made me realised of so many thing when I came back to read it again.

Music Of Life says:¼ÃÃÕàÃ×èç»ÃÖ¡ÉÒStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

¨ëÒMusic Of Life says:¼Ãà¤ÃÕ´¨Ñ§ ÃéçäËé·Ø¡ÇѹàÅ T TStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:·ÓäÃMusic Of Life says:¼ÃàÅèÒãËé¿Ñ§¹ÃMusic Of Life says:µÑé§áµè¤º¡ÃΌÃÃ’ Όª×èÃàÃÂì ¹ÃMusic Of Life says:

¼Ã·Ó¼Ô´ä» 2 ¤ÃÑé§Music Of Life says:¤×Ã仺áªÃº¤¹Ã×è¹

 Music Of Life says:ä»æÃÒæ à¾×èùàÃÂì ªÇ¹ä»à·ÕèÂÇ¡ÅÒ§¤×¹ ºèÃÂæ

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 Â¸Ã”µéçµÃºµÑÇàçStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¸Ô¤§µéçàÅ×ááÅéÇÅèà ÇèÒÃѹ¨Ã¤ØéÃäËà ·Õè¨Ã¡ÅѺä» áÅéÇà¨çº Music Of Life says:¢Ãº¤Ø³¹Ã¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿·Õèá¹Ã¹ÓMusic Of Life says:·ÓÊÔè§áÂèæä»àÂÃÃàÅÂMusic Of Life says:¡Ô¹ÂҹùËÅѺºéÒ§ ·ÓÃéÒµÑÇàçºéÒ§ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:·Ø¡¤¹µèÒ§¡ç·ÓÃÃäÃáÂèæ ä»·Ñ駹Ñé¹áËÅøÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç¡ç·Ó Music Of Life says:ÃéçäËé·Ø¡Çѹ ¨Ãà»ç¹ÅõÅôàÅÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµèÃÒ¨¨ÃᵡµèÒ§¨Ò¡áºº¢Ã§¸ÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç¡çà¤Â¹Ã¹ÃéçäËé áÅéÇÃÙéÊÖ¡àËÃ×ùËÒÂã¨äÃèÃáàËÃ×ù¡Ñ¹Music Of Life says:Ãѹá¹è¹Ë¹éÒáÃèÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¤ÇÒÃÃÑ¡¹èà àÇÅÒÃѹà¨çº Ãѹ¨ÃàËÃ×ùÃÕËÑÇã¨ÃÕ¡´Ç§à¨çºä»´éǹèøÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèà¤ÂÃÙéÊÖ¡àËÃ×ù¨ÃÇÙº à»ç¹Åà µÒÅÒ ¡çËÅÒ¤ÃÑé§ÃÂØèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

áµè¸Ô ¡çµéçÃÂÙèµèÃä»à¾×èõÑǸÔ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç¡ç¼èÒ¹µÃ§¹Ñé¹ÃÃ’ áÅÃÃѹ¡çäÃè§èÒÂàŸÔ ·Õè¨ÃËÒÂã¨à¾×èõÑÇàçÃÕ¡¤ÃÑ駹֧¨ÃÔ§æ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says: Â¨Ã儤ÃÕÀÒ¾à¢Ò ¤ÇÒ֍¨Óǹä»Ç¹ÃÃ’ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

àËÃ×ùäÃèÃÙéÇèÒ ¨ÃÃÂÙè¡ÑºÃѹä»ÃÕ¡¹Ò¹à·èÒäËÃèMusic Of Life says:áµè ·ÃÃÒ¹¨Ñ§Music Of Life says:¤§µéç·¹Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:Ã×à ÊÔ觷Õè´Õ·ÕèÊØ´ ¤×áÒÃËÑ´·Ó㨹éçÃÑ¡Music Of Life says:¼Ãà»ç¹¤¹·ÕèäÃè¤èÃÂà¼×èÃàÅ ໧Ẻ¹ÕéStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áÅéǾÂÒÂÒ÷ӷءÃÂèÒ§ãËé´Õ·ÕèÊØ´ ¶éÒà¡Ô´ÊØ´·éÒÂáÅéÇ ÊÔ觺ҧÊÔ觵éçËÒÂä» ËÃ×õéçàÅ×áÇÒ§ÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§ ¹éç¡çµéç·ÓStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç·ÓÃÒáÅéÇStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õè¡ç¤ºã¤ÃäÃèà¤Âà¼×èà ¸Ô¡çÃÙé¹ÔÊѾÕèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¢¹Ò´á¿¹à¡èÒ¾ÕèÃÂÙèÃÃÂç ÃÂÙèµÃѧ ¾ÕèÂѧä»ËÒä´éàÅÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¤ºÃÃ’ µÑé§Êç»Õ¡ÇèÒæMusic Of Life says:^^Music Of Life says:¾Ãæ¡Ò¹àšõù¹Õé¢Ã§¼ÃMusic Of Life says:¨à 3 »ÕáÅéÇStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:µÃ¹¹Õé ¾Õè¡çÂѧ¤Ø¡Ѻà¢ÒÃÂÙè áµèÃѹà»ÅÕè¹ʶҹà à»ç¹¤¹ÃÑ¡à¡èÒä»àÃÕºÃéÃÂáÅéÇMusic Of Life says:ÃÃMusic Of Life says:¤Ø´աѹàËÃ×ùà´ÔÃàÅÂËÃÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÃÒ¨¨Ãà»ç¹à¾ÃÒþÕè â¡Ã¸ à¡ÅÕ´ã¤ÃäÃèà»ç¹ ¾Õè¶Ö§¤ØÂä´éÅèÃÃÑé§Music Of Life says:áÅéÇäÃèà¨çºàÅÂËÃäѺStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¶éÒ¾Õèà¡ÅÕ´à¢ÒÊÑ¡¹Ô´¾Õ褧äÃèÃÂÒ¡¤Ø¡Ѻà¢ÒËÃáStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:à¨çºÊÔ¸Ô ·Õè ·Õè·Õè¢Ã§àÃÒà¤ÂÃÂÙèà»ç¹¢Ã§¤¹Ã×è¹ áµè·Óä§ä´é¹éçÃÑ¡ Music Of Life says:áÅéÇÃÂèÒ§µÃ¹¹Õé¾Õè¡ÃÅ쿤ØÂÃÂÙè ¶ÒÃÇèÒà¨çºËÃ×Ãà»ÅèÒStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¢Ã§ºÒ§ÃÂèÒ§ ÃѹÂѧà»ÅÕè¹Ã×õÑé§ËÅÒ¤ÃÑé§ ¡èù¨ÃÃÂÙè¡Ñºã¤ÃºÒ§¤¹µÅôªÕÇÔµäÃèãªèËÃÃMusic Of Life says:¶Ù¡µéç¤ÃѺStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¡çäÃèáÅéÇÅèà ¾Õè·Óã¨áÅéÇ ÇèÒ·ÕèµÃ§¹Ñé¹äÃèãªè¢Ã§¾ÕèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÃÕã¤ÃºÒ§¤¹ºÃ¡¾ÕèÇèÒ ¾ÕèÃÃΌà¡èÒ¾Õè Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµè¨ÃÔ§æ ÃѹäÃèãªèàŹÃ¾Õè  ¾ÕèÃÃã¤ÃºÒ§¤¹·Õè¨ÃÃÑ¡¾ÕèÃÂèÒ§·Õè¾Õèà»ç¹ÃÒ¡¡ÇèÒStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

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 Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¡ÒõѴ㨨ҡ¤¹·ÕèàÃÒà¤ÂÃÂÙè´éÇ¡ѹÃÒ¹Ò¹æ ÃѹäÃèãªèàÃ×èç§èÒÂËÃá¹Ã¸ÔStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµè¶Ö§àÇÅÒ¨ÃÔ§æ Ãѹ¨ÃÃÕ ÇÔ¸Õ¡Òà áÅÃàÇÅÒ ¨Ãà»ç¹¤¹ªèǨѴ¡Ò÷ءÃÂèÒ§ãËéà¢éÒ·ÕèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áÅÃá¹Ã¹Ã¹ ÊÔ觷ÕèËÅÕ¡àÅÕè§äÃèä´é¤×äÇÒÃà¨çº»Ç´ ¸ÔµéçàÃÕ¹ÃÙéÇÔ¸Õ·Õè¨ÃÃÂÙè¡ÑºÃѹãËéä´éMusic Of Life says:¨Ã¾ÂÒùà Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¨êà àÃÒ㨪èÇ ¾ÕèÃÙéÇèÒÂÒ¡ áµè¤¹àÃÒ¡çµéç¼èÒ¹ÃÃäÃÂÒ¡æ à¾×èÃÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§·ÕèÃÃÃÂÙèàËÃ×ù¡Ñ¹Music Of Life says:^^ µéç¢Ãº¤Ø³¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿ÃÒ¡àÅÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾Õèàç¡çäÃèÃÙéÇèÒÃÃä÷ÕèÃøÔÃÂÙè ÃÒ¨¨Ãà»ç¹¡ÒáÅѺ令׹´Õ ËÃ×à ÃÒ¨¨Ãà»ç¹¡ÒÃàÅÔ¡ ·Ø¡ÃÂèÒ§¢Öé¹ÃÂØè¡Ñº¡ÒõѴÊÔ¹ã¨Music Of Life says:¤ÑºStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áÅà ¤ÇÒÃÃÑ¡¹Ã¸Ô àÇÅÒÃѹàÃÔèÃµé¹ ºÒ§·Õ Ãѹ¡çàÃÔèýèÒÂà´ÕÂÇ µèÃÃÃ’ ÃÑ¡´éÇ¡ѹ·Ñé§Êç½èÒ Ãѹ¡çàËÃ×ùÊÓËÃѺ¡ÒÃàÅÔ¡áÅéÇ ºÒ§·Õ Ãѹ¡çàÃÔèõé¹á¤è½èÒÂà´ÕÂÇ áµè ¡ç¨ºÅ§·Ñé§Êç½èÒÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¡ÒõѴÊԹ㨢çã¤Ã¤¹Ë¹Öè§ ÃÒ¨¡Ã÷º¶Ö§ã¤ÃÃÕ¡¤¹¹Ö§ä´éàÊÃÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

¾Õèàçⴹ¼Å¡Ã÷º¹Ñé¹ÃÒáÅéÇ Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¶Ö§¾ÕèäÃèä´éÃÂÒ¡à»ç¹½èÒ»ÅèÃÂÃ×à áµè¶éÒËÒ¡¤¹ÃÑ¡¢Ã§¾ÕèÃÂÙè¡Ñº¾ÕèáÅéÇäÃèÃÕ¤ÇÒÃÊØ¢ äÃèà»ç¹µÑÇàçÃÂèÒ§·Õèà¢Òà¤Âà»ç¹ ¾Õèàç¡çµéç½×¹ã¨»ÅèÃÂÃ×Ãà¢Òä»àËÃ×ù¡Ñ¹Music Of Life says:·Õè¾Õè¡ÃÅ¿¾Ù´ÃÒ·ÓãËé¸Ô¤Ô´ä´éàÂÃÃàÅÂMusic Of Life says:áµè·Óä´é»èÒÇÃèÃÙéStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:àÇÅÒ·Ñ駹Ñ鹸Ô ·Õèµéçãªé¹èà Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says: Â·Ã“µÑÇãËéªÔ¹àÃçÇæà¢éÒ¹à Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¤ÇÒÃÃÙéÊÖ¡Ãѹ¨Ãà»ÅÕè¹ä»àÃ×èÃÂæ ¹Ñº¨Ò¡¡ÒÃŧÃ×÷ÓÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§ ËÃ×à µÑ´ÊÔ¹ã¨ÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÃÃä÷Õèà¤Â ÃÙéÊÖ¡ ·Õèà¤Â·Ó Ãѹ¨Ãà»ÅÕè¹ä»àÃ×èÃÂæStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ªÕÇÔµ¨ÃàÃÔèÃàËÃ×ùÃÕÃÃäúҧÃÂèÒ§ÃÒà»ÅÕè¹ áÅúҧ·ÕàÃÒ¡ç´Ôé¹Ã¹ ´Ñ¹·ØÃѧ ¡ÑºÊÔè§àËÅèÒ¹Ñé¹ Music Of Life says:¼ÃÃÙéÊÖ¡ÇèÒµÑǼÃÂ×éùèäÃѺ ¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿Music Of Life says:ÃÂÒ¡àÅÔ¡ áµè¨Ñ´ã¨äÃèä´éStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾ÕèÃÙé ¹Ñè¹¹èà ¡çà»ç¹¤ÇÒÃÃÙéÊÖ¡¢Ã§á¿¹à¡èÒ¾ÕèStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:àËÃ×ùÃբç·ÕèàÃÒÃÙé¨Ñ¡ÃÒ¹Ò¹áÅéÇã¹Ã×à ¨Ã»Åèà¡ç¡ÅÑÇÇèÒ¨ÃäÃèä´éà¨Ã¡Ñ¹ÃÕ¡Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµèºÒ§·Õ àÇÅÒ·Õè àÇÅÒ¾Ò¸ÔÃÒà¨Ã¢Ã§ÊÔ觹Ñé¹ÃÕ¡ ¸ÔÃÒ¨¨ÃäÃèÃÕ¤ÇÒÃÃÙéÊÖ¡ÃÂÒ¡ä´éàÅ¡çä´é¹à à¾ÃÒà ¢Ã§ÊÔ觹Ñé¹ä´é¶Ù¡àÇÅÒà»ÅÕè¹á»Å§ä»ÃÒ¡ ¡ÅÒÂà»ç¹¢Ã§·Õè¸ÔàËÃ×ù¨ÃÃ٨ѡ àËÃ×ù¨Ã¤Øé¹à¤Â áµè¸Ô¨ÃÃÙéÃÂÙèàÊÃà ÇèÒäÃèãªè¢Ã§·Õè¸Ôà¤Âä´éMusic Of Life says:¤ÃѺMusic Of Life says:àÇÅÒà·èÒ¹Ñé¹Music Of Life says:·Õè¨ÃªèÇÂä´é áÅâÖé¹ÃÂÙè¡Ñº¡ÒõѴÊԹ㨢ç¸Ôà»ç¹ËÅÑ¡Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:Ã×à àµÃÕÂõÑǾÃéÃáѺ¼ÅÅѾ·ì´éǹà Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

äÃèÇèÒ·Ò§ä˹ Ãѹ¡çà¨çº·Ñ駹Ñé¹Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:áµè¸ÔµéçÃÂÙèãËéä´é¹ÃStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ÃÂÙèãËéä´éàËÃ×ù·Õè¾ÕèÃÂÙèÃÃ’Music Of Life says:µéçä´é¤Ñº ÃÕ¤¹ÃÑ¡àÃÒÃÕ¡àÂÃÃMusic Of Life says:¾èÃáÃè¤Ãú¤ÃÑǧÒÂStep back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:´ÕÃÒ¡Music Of Life says:Âѧà»ç¹¹éçÃÑ¡¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿ÃÕ¡¤¹Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:ãªè Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:¾ÕèÂѧÃÑ¡¸ÔàËÃ×ùà´ÔÃáËÅà Step back from  thing you want, tell youself you don't want it . if it still feel to be needed then grab it !!!! says:

¶Ö§áÃéàÃҨêúá«ÇÇèÒÃÂÒ¡à»ç¹á¿¹¾Õè¡çàËÃÃMusic Of Life says: Â½Ã‘¹´Õ¹à Çѹ¹Õé¢Ãº¤Ø³ÃÒ¡ ·Õèà»ç¹·Õè»ÃÖ¡ÉÒãËé¸Ô ¢Ãº¤Ø³ÃÒ¡æ ¸ÔÃÕ·Ò§Ãá·Õè´Õà¾ÃÒà ¾Õè¡ÃÅì¿ ¢Ãº¤Ø³¤ÃѺ




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