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Dear God

Dear God, please grant me the strength of character to just be me Let me travel through this life with my defences down, Give me the abiltiy to cry when I am sad But more importantly for joy as well Please give me the abilitiy to laugh for laughters sake And the audacity to laugh at adversity as well Please give me the wisdom to accept experiences For what they are Rather than good or bad But most importantly God Please give me the ability To love with all my heart All the thi




Find happiness in each other. And contentment in the time you are apart. Share your love with each other And make the most of every day. Relationships made in heaven Are made so by taking it Day by day.




Tears..... Are just Gods way Of showing you That you still Care....



Path to life

There is a path in life But it is a path You cannot see Its a path When you close your eyes And open your heart That only then Do you really see



Dreams vs Reality

The permanent temptation in life Is to confuse your dreams for reality The saddest moment in life Is when you surrender your dream?s to reality



Shine on

Shine on Shine strong Believe that dreams do come true When you look around You can only see what surrounds The same with your dreams Dont limit your dreams to what you can see Soar above what others Say you should be Dare to be All that you want to be



A thought for my Uncle

The sound of the bells ringing Woke the vale in the early morn Through out the vines and the town they could be heard Letting the vale know Greg had now gone The bells that usually rang to celebrate a new harvest Now rang to celebrate his life. A life that was lived Like the very wine that he made Rich and full bodied And enjoyed to the very last drop




You see him on the beach Just as a new day is born Before the crowds have arrived And the peace of the moment is gone He greets the sea as one would an old friend. There are no crowds to cheer him on Nor some one to keep a score It?s just him and the next wave The way it has always been Soon the set will close out And he will be gone He could be a builder An accountant Or unemployed But before any of these things He is a surfer For him the surf is life And just as imp




Once not to long ago Receiving a letter Would be the cause for great excitement May be it was letter From a far away friend A brother, a sister Or a scented letter of love The words where always hungrily read And savoured Letters where often saved long after the relationship had ended But now mail has been replaced by email What once took up to a week Is now measured in seconds While the words might be the same The magic that bought the words to life So that they danc



Dancer & Banks

DANCER She dances on a stage. She dances with sensuality She with grace The men she dances for Hold their money in the air. Trying to buy For a short time The fantasy she has to sell BANK I wish my girlfriend Treated me more like my bank does For if she spent as much time Working on new ways to screw me As they did.. I would be a very happy man




I am a person who has spent his whole life running... Running away from my fears, Running away from responsibilities, Running away from things that I hate, Running away from people that I love. But it is only now, As exhaustion overtakes me And I can run no more, I find the only thing I have in fact been running from Is myself?



Have a little faith

Have a little faith in happiness, Have a little faith in love. Have a little faith in loneliness, For that?s when the answers will surely come. Give a little love to confusion, Give a little love to despair. Give a little love to pain, For these are only signs you need to make a change. Because when you learn to love And have learnt not to fear And have a little faith And give a li



A Thought for a friend

You are sacrificing so much to follow your dreams. I wonder if any one really understands the price that you pay. I admire your strength and determination. For I am some one you have meet along the way. But please don?t make the mistakes That others have done Don?t lose your feelings in the coldness of sexuality. Or that social narcotic called fun. Don?t make wealth your only goal. For this is an empty dream. Who will hold your hand? While you watch a summer sunset. Who will wipe



Once upon a time

Once upon a time. There was once an old cat and a young cat. The old cat was watching the young cat chase his tail around and around. The old cat asked the young cat ?what are you doing?? The young cat replied ?I have searched the world high and I have searched the world low looking for happiness. ?And I found that happiness was found in my tail. So I am chasing happiness. The old cat scratched his whiskers and said. I to searched the world high, and I to searched the world low. Looking



What is true love?

True love is when two people Choose to live as one, But have the strength and the compassion To encourage each other Just to be them selves.... Taken from "Thoughts from the Laundromat:



A poem to a friend

You have the most beautiful eyes, For they are the mirror to your soul... They reflect your beauty, passion And an innocence that in most of us is Long gone. People are attracted to your beauty For this is all they can see. But few people would ever see your Grace or your serenity. Judge them not harshly for this: It is rare to find these gifts so Developed in someone of your tender years. Do not fear the tears of life. For these will always dry. Do not fear a broken heart, For



A thought for my father

There is a new star in heaven tonight, One that shone so brightly through this life. We who knew him were blessed For his light brightened our lives. There is sadness now in this darkness, For I will miss my friend. He was known by many names But to me he was my father. He has now been laid to rest Beneath the soil he so loved. Surrounded by family and friends, Sharing in their eternal rest.



Heads or Tails???

God gave us to ends in life One to think with One to sit with Depending on which one we use the most Depends on how far we will go Heads we win Tails we lose



Just a thought

There are countless paths to Knowledge There are many ways to give There are endless hopes to dream of But there is only one life for us to live Dont waste your time in Pity,envy, depression or things that are the same Because how many times do you hear people say I wished I could have .. I should have .. I just wasted another day



Thoughts on a city

The lights of the city form a sea of colour. Against the night sky; A city of dreams? Maybe for some, But not for me. For the city is full of fear: Fear of not fitting in, Fear for personal safety, Fear of not having enough. Second hand fears sold to us By people who can sell us the cure. I long to be back in Thailand Having a drink with friends Where paradise can be found In something as simple As watching a sunset



Broken Heart

The pain from a broken heart Can be the worst kind of Pain For it tears you apart.... But doesn?t break the skin. Taken from Desperate and Dateless in a Laundromat



Just letting you know.....I do rember you

We meet late at night Two strangers on a train Both on a journey to the city of lights What started as a simple conversation? Ended up lasting long in to the night Two people sharing their dreams And their ambitions As the train made its way through the night We would meet at Notre Dame Eat in the Latin Quarter Then walk arm in arm Along the Seine Both as lovers and as friends But ten days later You stepped of the train And out of my life I was never to see you again



A thought for an old man

He sits on a park bench all alone Shattered dreams surround him. The only spirit left is in a bottle in nicotine stained hand. He is old and he smells. People walk past and ignore him, avoid him as if he wasn?t there. But he is. For this man was once a mothers joy Some ones brother, some ones lover May be even some one's Dad. You see often the way you treat people Only comes down to what you really see. Taken from thoughts from a laundromat



A young life

A young life That never got the chance to be, A flower plucked from life Before it had the chance to bloom. The sadness is in the loss. But grief is not real, It is an illusion A way of coping with With what could have been. Just as winter fades: Into the glory of spring So from your tears Will love and life be re born.



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