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Shipping your stuff back home advice (Part 3)

Deductible A deductible in a marine insurance policy is similar to an Excess. Basically it is a sum, usually a fixed or agreed amount or, in some cases, a percentage of the goods in value or weight, which is deducted from any settlement and which is, in the main, used to stop a torrent of claims for very minor amounts. Although the deductible may be fixed, you may be able to negotiate a higher deductible which would reduce the premium, although at the cost of an increase in your personal risk.



Shipping your stuff back home advice (Part 2)

Coverage It occurs a great many times that, upon delivery of goods, damage is found to have been sustained and, when a claim is submitted under the marine insurance policy, it is rejected by insurers. Contrary to popular belief, however, rejection is not the automatic knee-jerk response by all insurers to all claims, but if the claim is considered to fall outside the scope of policy cover, in 99.99% of cases, it will be rejected. It pays, therefore, to know what events are covered by the polic



Shipping your stuff back home advice (Part 1)

If you've been living in Thailand for more than just a brief time, you will, no doubt, have accumulated some items, which you may wish to take back home with you, if and when you leave. In doing so, there are many companies which specialise in repatriation of personal effects, and they'll do everything for you including packing all your goods, loading them into shipping containers and preparing all the export documents on your behalf, even arranging insurance to protect your goods during shipme



Princess Nang Fah...

My beautiful cat that is... Likes exhaustive computer games, Youtube, rubbing against my legs when I'm having a poo and Taro snacks at midnight.



Bangsaen Trip Pics!!!

Lots of peeps took piccies, but here's my usual collection of phone snaps                                           Had a really awesome day; great, easy run down to Bangsaen by 12, relaxing on the beach in the sun and bananaboating! Brilliant! And not a hint of rain either.   Gonna be a hard one to better.   Cheers to Dave, June, Daz, Tom, Mam, Tawan, Wayne, Tai, Vlad, Jenny, Signmaple and Browneyesgirl who met us there      



Today II

Woke up late and a bit fuzzy round the edges this morning when Doh called me and said we had to go to Sriracha again A motor tanker was loading gasoline when lightning struck the mast causing the vapours in the tank being loaded to explode. It blew the bolted down 100kg manhole cover off and into the depths never to be seen again, and buckled the deck about a foot upwards breaking all the pipes and gear.  Luckily it's double hulled or it could have been really serious. Anyway, we got down th



Rayong Trip Today (updated)

Set off for Pattaya at 8am and met up with Mick for toasted egg and bacon butties for breakfast, then we rode out to Rayong and enjoyed a cool beer by the beach. Damn it was hot. Got back home about 5.30. Tom was hungover and Chris isn't sorted yet so they both missed all the fun. Next time maybe. We met a great Thai family and took a few pics. Turns out some of them live on Nawamin Road just round the corner! ************* GOT SOME MORE PICCIES ************  



Pics - Nakon Nayok Ride Out...

Not the easiest of starts as it started lashing it down just halfway up the road; Karnie fell of my bike while still on Rachada and halfway there Provocatttiva got a puncture. We made it eventually though and had a brilliant time. Thanks to Querida for being a lovely tiny passenger I hardly noticed, Tom and Off, Provocattiva and Mam, Kus and Imback, Dave and June and Karnie Time was pressing on there on the way back, light was failing, clouds were hanging heavy and we'd gotten word there mig



Seen this? http:// tinyurl . com...

Seen this? "Seen this? http : //tinyurl dot com/facebook-album10-10-05.jpg" Please don't click on it if you do.  These might help your contact (or you if you already clicked and opened). http://www.brothersoft.com/smart-virus-remover-270067.html http://www.malwarebytes.org/ http://yandao.com/2007/02/02/impfix-remove-the-msn-virus/  



The Pretentious Mexican do!!!

I don't go out much, especially where crowds gather, but I went along to EB's Mexican party. And I had a great time. I met English Bob; Dave, the Yank Mexican. Given a bit of space. He's a very nice bloke. The same can be said for Digital Cat. Very nice bloke. Polite in all the right places too. Great to see Rob and Bill again. And it's always great to see Ciaran. I4God, Geee too and Bkk_Me is a really nice bloke. Hope to get out on a ride together before too long. The ladies were gorgeous. I




I mentioned that I had to go to survey the remnants of a barge full of coal shipped to Thailand from Indonesia, but the tugboat of which was pirated off the coast of Malaysia, some of you might remember. Unfortunately, I had to get up early to get to Ao Udom by 10am, where we waited at the entrance to the jetty for like an hour for the goods' owner to show up. We gave up about 11:30 and went for lunch at a local, beachfront, seafood larn aharn. (I had Kapow Gai Kai dao.) We met the bloke after



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