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..the Death of Santa..




There is about 2 billion children in the world. Santa, however, does not need to visit the Muslims, Hindus, Jews or Buddhists which will reduce the number of children on his list to 15% or 378 million children. With a world average of 3,5 children per household, there are 108 million houses to visit, assuming there is at least ONE good child per house..

Santa has, due to the different time-zones and the rotation of the world, about 31 hours to complete the job, assuming he takes the logical way from East to West. This means Santa has 967,7 "drop offs" per second, meaning he has 1/1000 of a second to park the sled, climb down the chimney, fill the socs hanging in front of the fireplace, eat the cookies/snacks and drink the milk prepared for him, place the rest of the presents under the tree, climb back up the chimney and board the sled!!

For the sake of convenience, let us assume that each household is located within 1 kilometer of the next. This forces Santa to travel approximately 100 million kilometers (in 31 hours! ). This means Santa's sled will travel about 1000 kilometers per second (or 3000 times the speed of sound!)

The running speed of a conventional reindeer is about 30 kilometers an hour.

Assuming that every (good) child will get 1 kilos worth of presents, the sled will have to carry more than 500.000 tons (+ Santa himself!). Pulling a sled (on land) a reindeer can pull 200 kilos, even if we assume a "flying" reindeer can pull 10 times as much as their non-flying cousins, the task at hand can not be completed with a mere 9 - 10 rein deers and Santa would need about 360.000 rein deers to pull the flying sled!

This brings the total weight of the sled to more than 600.000 tons. 600.000 tons flying 1000 kilometers a second creates a lot of friction (I'm doing the translation from Danish to English - in the sharing spirit of Christmas - on a net-cafe' computer, so I don't have a dictionary). Due to this friction, the rein deers will burn up in the same way a meteor entering Earth's orbit does. The entire herd will burn up in 4,26/1000 of a second (when Santa is at the 5th house)

Not that the death of Santa's rain deers matters mucg, as Santa's sled accelerates from 0 to 1000 kilometers per second. Everything in the sled will be exposed to a force 17.500 times stronger than gravity. Though no one has ever seen Santa it is safe to assume he weights about 150 kilos. 150 kilos exposed to 17.500 times the force of gravity is the equivalent of the pressure of 3 million kilos, instantly crushing every single bone in poor Santa and transform the rest of him to a bloody pulp!

Therefore : if Santa ever existed, I fear he is no more..

May he rest in peace!

(Merry X-Mas...and all that rot!)





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There is about 2 billion children in the world. Santa, however, does not need to visit the Muslims, Hindus, Jews or Buddhists which will reduce the number of children on his list to 15% or 378 million children. With a world average of 3,5 children per household, there are 108 million houses to visit, assuming there is at least ONE good child per house..

Santa has, due to the different time-zones and the rotation of the world, about 31 hours to complete the job, assuming he takes the logical way from East to West. This means Santa has 967,7 "drop offs" per second, meaning he has 1/1000 of a second to park the sled, climb down the chimney, fill the socs hanging in front of the fireplace, eat the cookies/snacks and drink the milk prepared for him, place the rest of the presents under the tree, climb back up the chimney and board the sled!!

For the sake of convenience, let us assume that each household is located within 1 kilometer of the next. This forces Santa to travel approximately 100 million kilometers (in 31 hours! ). This means Santa's sled will travel about 1000 kilometers per second (or 3000 times the speed of sound!)

The running speed of a conventional reindeer is about 30 kilometers an hour.

Assuming that every (good) child will get 1 kilos worth of presents, the sled will have to carry more than 500.000 tons (+ Santa himself!). Pulling a sled (on land) a reindeer can pull 200 kilos, even if we assume a "flying" reindeer can pull 10 times as much as their non-flying cousins, the task at hand can not be completed with a mere 9 - 10 rein deers and Santa would need about 360.000 rein deers to pull the flying sled!

This brings the total weight of the sled to more than 600.000 tons. 600.000 tons flying 1000 kilometers a second creates a lot of friction (I'm doing the translation from Danish to English - in the sharing spirit of Christmas - on a net-cafe' computer, so I don't have a dictionary). Due to this friction, the rein deers will burn up in the same way a meteor entering Earth's orbit does. The entire herd will burn up in 4,26/1000 of a second (when Santa is at the 5th house)

Not that the death of Santa's rain deers matters mucg, as Santa's sled accelerates from 0 to 1000 kilometers per second. Everything in the sled will be exposed to a force 17.500 times stronger than gravity. Though no one has ever seen Santa it is safe to assume he weights about 150 kilos. 150 kilos exposed to 17.500 times the force of gravity is the equivalent of the pressure of 3 million kilos, instantly crushing every single bone in poor Santa and transform the rest of him to a bloody pulp!

Therefore : if Santa ever existed, I fear he is no more..

May he rest in peace!

(Merry X-Mas...and all that rot!)



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