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Wing Chun vs Ba Kua (Pa Kua it's also called)




I'm going to start to study kung fu again because my time and money are permitting. I have studied here and there off and on since I was 10 (now 32 for those who don't know). I like Wing Chun but I have question about it's usefullness against multiple opponents and ba kua seems to lends it's self more against that scenario. This is not a style debate everyone has their own opinions about their own style or master, shidosi, sifu. Unless they are in NY and teach kungfu one I'm not only not interested it doesn't effect me so looking for some advise on what anyone thinks. Plus once again my thoughts go out to Avanti's family and friend's   God be with you all during this time of grief!



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I'm going to start to study kung fu again because my time and money are permitting. I have studied here and there off and on since I was 10 (now 32 for those who don't know). I like Wing Chun but I have question about it's usefullness against multiple opponents and ba kua seems to lends it's self more against that scenario. This is not a style debate everyone has their own opinions about their own style or master, shidosi, sifu. Unless they are in NY and teach kungfu one I'm not only not interested it doesn't effect me so looking for some advise on what anyone thinks. Plus once again my thoughts go out to Avanti's family and friend's   God be with you all during this time of grief!

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Yep, afook is correct...I don't care how many Kung Fu movies suggest otherwise, the only thing helping you against a Glock is a bullet-proof vest and good negotiation skills or the ability to remove said gun from the carrier. Good luck there.

Any martial art is good against someone with no knowledge. Having said that, if one is interested in self-defense whether it's vs. one or more opponents all one needs to do is ask this: After they start, where do most street fights end up well before 30 seconds has expired? Answer: the ground. Kicking (Muay Thai, Kung Fu, Karate, etc.), punching (boxing), striking (Jeet Kun Do, Tai Kwon Do, Wing Chun, etc.) and take downs/throwing (Judo) techniques change dramatically when you are lying down as opposed to standing. All of these are important standing and lying down if you expect to survive longer than 10 seconds in a UFC or Pride cage. But if we are talking a good old fashioned bar brawl, the most important, I think, is your ground game. That area is dominated by Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and in particular the Gracies. I would say find the Fairtex gym in BKK and/or Pattaya and see what they have going on there. I understand their trainers are well versed in multiple areas; at least that is the case for the San Francisco academy. Cheers.

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I used to study Wing Chun. I found it perfect for me - the style and the theory behind every move, and of course the size of your opponent was unimportant.

I liked it, so I never tried another martial art. I am attracted to Akikdo, but throws and rolling around on the floor is good in practice, but (I think) not in reality.

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Everytime I HEar time I say go to a bar and see a fight and see the guy takes it to the ground and gets in the mounted or guard position and see what the other guys friends do to him! By the joyce graice was actually beaten so badly that he although he tapped out just because he didn't want to get a broken arm by a taekwon do practioner...look it up and the ufc the only place the gracies and their like can fight is because of the limitation placed on fighter as far as strike and areas of hitting.

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*Yawn* He won't be in the mounted or guard position for long... it only takes one or two well placed direct head strikes to immobilize the other guy. I'm not talking cage. I'm talking bar or street. Why do I know this? Because I've seen it.

It doesn't matter Royce Gracie or any other Gracie was beaten by anyone else or where and how often it took place. Anyone can be beaten at any time for any reason. It's no secret they don't dominate the sport like they used to in the mid-90's because most serious competitors have since trained to learn the ground game at the black belt level. Also, all the Gracies are now over a decade older since then! Hello!! But to minimize their talents, achievements and contributions is pretty weak (and dumb) on your part.

As for multiple dudes jumping into the fray: that's why you have YOUR friends there to counteract that possibility. Try this strategy next time: don't get into the fight in the first place. You only fight if backed into a corner and left with no other choice but to defend yourself.

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