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About gig




I not sure TF  farang will understand mean of "gig".“Gig” is someone who’s more than a friend, but not yet a lover. ( If someone can explain about real meaning..please) my sister said, Gig is substitute, in case Boyfriend/GF or Wife/ husband so far away or lost in touch. can share sex, story, time and something with but not long relation. you can not be jealous her or him. becasue you are not owner. After i know meaning from her ,I don't like this new Thai slang word.( It's really unfaithful.)My one closefriend ask me to be his Gig.But he has 2-3 Gigs already in his hands.If you spend time for one person and you not 100% with, becasue this relation is not strong and forever, How i accept for ??



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I not sure TF  farang will understand mean of "gig".“Gig” is someone who’s more than a friend, but not yet a lover. ( If someone can explain about real meaning..please) my sister said, Gig is substitute, in case Boyfriend/GF or Wife/ husband so far away or lost in touch. can share sex, story, time and something with but not long relation. you can not be jealous her or him. becasue you are not owner. After i know meaning from her ,I don't like this new Thai slang word.( It's really unfaithful.)My one closefriend ask me to be his Gig.But he has 2-3 Gigs already in his hands.If you spend time for one person and you not 100% with, becasue this relation is not strong and forever, How i accept for ??

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when one person respect herself ( man or woman) and her think, he/ she can makes all want. the good of life is that we are free in choise and we build our future.do you know what you want for your life? so follow your istinct and not fear thitipat

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Thititpat I know if anyone was able to be with you really they would give up anything or anyone who was not a serious part of their life!

It's a question of if you could be serious about them!

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I agree Thitipat, I don't feel that I want a gig, even when I am away from Grezzzy for a long time (like when I was working in KL or India). The problem seems to be that some people accept this idea of a gig, but I have heard so many different versions of what it is, that I really think it is simply a convenient name for having a "fling on the side" - in other words being able to do what you like with this person just for the fun of it with no repercussions TO THEM.

But thats the point - they may have no particular felings about it, neither might the person who's boyfriend or girlfriend is away or out of reach for a while, but what about that boyfriend or girlfriend...what would they feel to know that their girlfriend or boyfriend has been unfaithful and jumping into bed with another person?

It really doesn't matter if it is for an hour or a day, a week or a year...it is being unfaithful...it is having sex with someone else...so it is still hurtful and potentially disastrous for the love and trust of a relationship.

My final word..."Gig" is simply cop-out slang for a f*ck on the side. Not nice.


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<< I not sure TF farang will understand mean of "gig". >>

Quite the opposite!! I'm sure MANY farang on TF understand very well what a gig is! LOL

<< Gig? is someone who?s more than a friend, but not yet a lover >>

A gig will NEVER be a lover! You just have sex with a gig, nothing more... In my opinion, a gig should not even be a friend, and certainly not a close friend! That's a dangerous game...

I've discovered the concept of "gig" in Thailand, as most of girls in my country (France) would never do that.

I agree with Grezzzy, to have a gig is to be unfaitful. Even if it doesn't envolve feelings, a sexual relationship outside of a couple will always lead to the lose of that special bound which exist between lovers.

There's no way i cheat on my girlfriend, even if I'm far away from her, and I hope she does the same.

My opinion: be a good girl and just tell your friend he has enough gig already...

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I agree," I not sure TF farang will understand mean of "gig"." Same as us farrang dont always understand tradisional Thai culture. Relationships and marriages arnt alway about love........interesting

My understanding is a "gig" is a regular bit on the side and Its very common in Thailand. Very common here in Australia too. I agree to western morals it is considered unfaithfull.

I am not sure about the last question, but I think its up to you what you think is right or acceptable......I think?

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That's a real good explanation of the word gig, thanks... I always thought it's a pretty vague relationship status.. and IT IS... Wouldn't like to be a gig or have my partner have gigs...

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Posted by americanthai [ 12 October 2007 | 8:22AM ]

If your gf has a guy FRIEND its 99.5% possible that he is a "GIG". <<<<

what a load of bollocks !!! speaking from bitter (and twisted) experience r we ??

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In Japan gig is called simply a "sex friend". Some Japanese practice this same concept and some Americans I know do it as well.

The way I feel about is, if you are not involved with an intimate relationship with someone and you practice it you are only possibly endagering yourself (because your gig probably has other gigs). But if you are in a relationship with someone you should not do it because you would possibly be exposing them to danger without their knowledge. If it's an open relationship then whatever happens, happens and you reap what you sew.

If I was intimately involved with someone I would not like it at all if they were doing this "gig" thing, and I would and have ended it all it the past for that reason.

If you only expose yourself to dangers by doing this then it's your own game of russian roullette. But to expose someone else to dangers without there knowledge and betraying their trust is simply wrong.

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are gigs more common in Thailand, or they common in other Asian countries, or in western countries too?

for me, this "gig" arrangement is something that i have only come across in Thailand.

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The thai male industry has invented this term to save them hours of explanations to their gf's.

The thai female industry has invented this term to counter the invention of the thai male industry.

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Gesus this is A JOKE. The playing around with the word. But maybe americanthai makes good point. About in general the need for new word, I just wish it was something better than english twist, gig. Some act this way about gigs who dont have sex, but otherwise seem to be friendship with emotional connection (but again with going asking around who will be "gig"...like borrowin a foreign words makes it somehow different).

My grief is more with the fact that this is not first time I hear this "My one close friend ask me to be his Gig.But he has 2-3 Gigs already in his hands." This sounds like some god damn teenagers!This whole immature behavior. I mean having lovers, affairs is very mature ;) but I mean the way things are asked and done. I've been listening to my friends stories at her workplace about this one 27 year old Thai guy, how he acts there. It sounds so much like he is not a day over 15 year. "Will you mean my friend, hihihihihih" For f*s sake.

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If I were close to you, I would advise you not to associate with guys who do that. That goes to show what kind of intentions they have if ever.

Value yourself thitipat dont,settle for anything less. You deserve a DECENT GUY!

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