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Steve, so far you have absolutely ignored my request that you support the effectiveness of your "tinkle down theory" (sic) with DATA. (btw YOU invented the "tinkle down theory, reagan was an advocate of the TRICKLE down theory).

and also do you have the balls to take the $100 wager? apparently not. all hot air, huh steve?

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steve, apparently you haven't read my other requests. here's your chance to convince someone that tax cuts work. show me demographic data to support it. if you have good data to support it, then you can convince me. it's a numbers game. points on the scoreboard.

if you're up to actually making a case instead of throwing tantrums, let's do this. and let's use the US census definition of middle class... unless you believe the census is part of the "liberal media"?

Prince, if steve's gonna wuss on this one more time, feel free to take up the cause. here's a chance to preach to someone besides the choir guys. step up. it's game day.

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Listen dude, during one of Archie Bunker's last seasons around 1981, he was talking about Reagan's "tinkle down theory". it was quite hilarious so I call it that here as a joke. ok? of course I know it is the trickle down theory.

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ok. makes sense and *is* quite funny. i used to watch all in the family but i didnt remember that much detail, didnt get the reference.

so how about some data to demonsttrate that the theory works?

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Zues, it is quite simple, my man, the extra cash in everyone's pocket from tax cuts provide more investment capital for business expansion and increases consumption overall which increases the need for more supply of goods and services to meet increased demand. You did take econ 101 in college did you not? I did and it was during Reagan's 1st year in office.

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the extra cash in my pocket from my tax cut was negligible, my accountant is benefiting the economy more by getting me a huge refund. i did take econ and i didnt ask for an explanation of what the 'tinkle down theory' (i like that) was...

i asked for data showing that it works. points on the scoreboard. if tax cuts benefit the middle class, demographic data should show an increase in the middle class to upper middle class range. if the theory works as its supposed to and it does trickle down, there should at the very least be no increase in poor people. and most likely a decrease, coz everyone is benefiting from the improved economy.

if you come up with data that you feel supports the theory in some other way, show me the data and make your case, but i think if the middle class contracts and it isnt coz more ppl are getting wealthy, i cant imagine how u could convince me.

tax cuts have clearly happened, the data should be out there. a theory unsupported by data is just an assertiion, just rhetoric, and maybe i'm bitter i'd have rather had bill gates' tax cut, but i'm not gonna believe it until i see data supporting it.

too much of american politics is hot air and image. people vote for bullshit. spin and image. a freind of my father's is running for congress (republican by the way, but it doesnt make any difference, my dad knows the other guy too, just not as well, the same things apply). great guy, west pointer, a lot of integrity. there is so much spin around his image that he is now an unrecognizable media creation.

the issues are real and many can be quantified, if your'e right why be lazy about it? why play the game of the spin doctors, talk radio shows, and michael moore? unless you dont want to win a convert to the theory. if you're just trying to piss off loburt then that's fine but it isnt very interesting. go for it. convince a skeptic.

back it up with demographic data or you're standing side by side with michael moore ;)

btw are we on for the bet? terms ok?

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