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The trip!!!

I can't believe this s...t! Me and my friend were comming back to Utah from Las Vegas. It was quite a nightmare trip back. First we couldn't get on the 10pm bus becoz there were too many people.We had to wait for the 2nd bus. They said the bus driver will come in 10 mins but we end up waiting for an hour. Then the bus driver came and we finally got on the bus but turn out that the bus had no air con.Not long after that there were 3 cops getting on the bus telling us that they have to check all



It's not what u think!

Nughty kinky funny! check it out Hope it brings some smile and laugh on ya face! Have a nice weekend you guys and girls hehe Next stop Salt lake city , Utah and then Las Vegas.Stay tune for pix!



Vegas here i come!!!!

Can't wait can't wait! I'm heading to Las Vegas this Saturday wooooo hooooo.Well....i don't gambling but the heck with it, im sure i will enjoy the night life there. 1st stop will be Salt lake city. Utah though.My best friend got married to an american guy and they live there.I'm going to see her 1st and then we will go to Las Vegas together(without her husband haha fun fun fun).Bummer she will have to behave,but what's behave to me? hmm i don't know haha Anyway,there will be lots of pi



Last pics ever took!

Hmm don't know what to say here.So i will just the photos tell the story by themselves. The pics look cool but kinda sad just thinking if it's really the last pic that someone has ever took.



Awesome flights

Got some pictures to share here. Nothing special but these pics kinda move my feeling a bit and make me want to be on the plane back to Thailand more and more.Eventhough i won't get to see nice beaches while the plane is landing but the traffic but still i miss Thailand coz it's where i belong (at least i think so haha) September is around the corner so i will survive im sure.Watch out Thailand,the goofy will be coming home in no time! Hope you like the pics.Aren't they look nice?



One of the best gifts

Got an email from my mom telling my ex bf's grandparents sent me a letter wishing me a happy birthday. I was amazed! It's been over a year that Trevor and I broke up but his grandparents still remember my birthday! Wonder if i ex does remember it though hehe. Nana and Gramps used to write me a lot but not anymore after Trevor and I broke up.We don't hate each other or anything.It was just of those impossible relationship at that moment and even now.We've moved on. Can't explain how much the lett



My 1st!

Hehe don't get me wrong! I'm not here writing about my 1st bf or 1st time i had sex or anything but it's about - my 1st time visiting Burke Lake Park in Fairfax Virginia. - my 1st time to a baseball game and my 1st time wearing a very PINK T-shirt without worring"i'm i too tan for this?" Burke Lake Park! I went with my host family's kids.Hope,Kate,Cole and I.It was another hot and humid friday but we had a lot of fun.There was a miniture train ride which i thought "err i hope my fat arse



Turning 27 Years young!

Actually i already am 27 in Thai time. I will be 27 in a few hours in Europe and i will turn 27 in about 6 hours in USA. 27 years old is not so young anymore but it would be great if i can have lots of good laugh on my birthday or even everyday.So lots of laughs would help me keep ma babyface with me hohoho. So if it's not too much to ask.Whoever wanna wish me happy bd have to sing any songs(by typing the lyrics) you want me to hear on my bd, songs you think that suit me best or songs you wan



Rough weekend.

Well well well weekend is about to end here.Actually it already is a new day now as it's 1.44am I bet many of you had a super dooper weekend. Went out drink drank drunk? Had so much fun like this....? and woke up this morning like this....? Unfortunately i didn't get to be like any of those pics.But i bet some of you did.Lucky you hehe! I miss going to karaoke mak mak but as close as i get to karaoke now is singing in the shower. (Do i have to put the pic?) Hehe better not, you aren't th



Where are you?

You live in room number what...???? These are flats in China.Good thing i don't live there or have relatives or friends live there or i would have trouble finding the room. I hope they have elevators there! Wonder if they have to mapquest to go see someone in those buildings



Life under water.

HOT & HUMID! Let's cool down a bit ppl. As it's summer here in usa and also in Thailand and maybe at some other places.I guess these C-O-O-L pics would cool you down more or less. Aren't the babies cute???? I'm not Miss universe but i love kids! hahaha



1/2day road trip pics!

Had to pick up Grant (my host family's oldest kid) from camp this morning. I left WDC. at around 8am. It was cloudy and humid.It was about an hour drive.The weather was not good for photos but still a photos addict like me can always take pics. Nothing special but would love to share the fun. Cheers! Thita, Do i look sleepy still? Hmm maybe sleep driving?? Haha Traffic was heavy on the other side! Pheww! No more speed limit ticket for me plz!!! Oh...and i have my driver license wit



WDC. Zoo pics.

Went to the National Zoo in Washington DC. last Sat. and got some pics to share with my friends and friends i haven't yet met here. This dude wasn't from the zoo but he or she was in front of my house.I was leaving to the zoo and saw him or her so i took a good shot.Nice start of the zoo trip haha. If ya thinking i drove to WDC. then ur wrong. I tookthemetro(subway).Much more easy and faster. Before i got to the zoo.I stopped at the Old post office to have lunch.Yeah have lunch at th



Why flip phone!

and your cell phone will smell good like ya soap! might need a bigger phone to be able to catch the mouse I do that sometimes. How fun! Errr too heavy i guess. Ohh expensive clippers. Oh human! We all are goin nuts i guess! lol Anyway hope you enjoy these pics.



Happy B-day to all of the July's gangster!

Have seen many journals about birthday. So i came up with this journal. Wish you all who born in July in cluding me a happy belated birthday, a happy birthday and happy birthday in advance! Enjoy the cakes! And you all are more than welcome to enjoy the cakes even you're not the July's gangster! Cheers! Thita,



Color up ya day & night

Got email from my best friend.She knows I have been wanting to visit Holland for sometimes now.She sent me these pics to make me suffer coz i still couldnt make it there yet. Aren't the color of those tulips look awesome? Have a colorful day and night ja!



I felt so small.

Went to the puppet show called "The little red ridinghood and the 3 little pigs"with my host family's kids. Can't believe i enjoyed it that much as if i'm turning 27 this month. I was there and there were lots of kids and even babies!We all were sitting on the floor and watching the show.It was sooooo good! I laughed so hard and felt soooooo small at that moment! It was like i'm a little kid too. Oh well im 26 who don't look 26 (they say) and don't act 26 either (they say again). After the show



Stormy Virginia

Wow! what a storm last night! I feel like those thunder sounds are still running around in my ears. It's summer now, isn't it supposed to be sunny and all? Hehe actually i like it when it's not too sunny and yes the same reason as usual coz i have enough tan! It's been cloudy for 2 days now.Got msg from Jerry (eagle) telling me to hang in there as the perfect weather is around the corner which is great coz i would love to have a great long weekend! Anyway...thanks Jerry for ur kindness.I'm sur



Rumours,how they start!

I've been hearing well..reading about rumours every now and then on TF. Luckily i didnt have any rumours going on with me, not that i want one though. Personally i think people should be able to think or say whatever they want BUT only things you know for sure or things that not going to harm others. Some of you might think " Rumours? so what? I don't care" but seriously, wouldn't it be better if we can just mind our own biz. People enjoy talking, so am I but i don't talk about what i don't real



Welcome to Washington DC.

WDC. Some people find it interesting enough to visit. There are many things to see but what i like the most about DC. is museums coz they are free to get in. The washington monument is cool too, so make sure you get to visit if you come to DC and dont leave until you get a pic like this.... Cum err come visit sometimes in DC. I will be in the area til September.I can guarantee you will have this kind of pic back home



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