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Nostalgia poem.




If you are not in the mood to deal with melancholy longing for the idealized nothing please skip this Journal.I wrote this a while ago and never really finished it, (because I ended up taking a cross Thailand motorcycle trip). I just had some time to rethink what I wrote and edit it a little. I never really published my "poems", so I'll take a shot at it see what you guys think of it.

I feel it in me. My thoughts, my consciousness is complicating me.

Decisive actions, revealing my failures and my strengths. The mind screams - the body renders not a word.

And although I'll never tell you - the ink shows what is under the surface of my skin:

The questions that have no answers, the things I've done and where I've been.

The scars tell a tale of my conquests, the fresh wounds gently seeping blood.

I never loose but I start to question whether the victory is worth its cost.

As it heals itself, I wash the scabs off from my flesh.

The visible damage is gone, yet, the pain seems to stay. Is something damaged from within?

Tomorrow I swear I'll ride out of here; salvation through speed.

The wind fills the emptiness, the adrenalin nubs the brain.

The faster I go the further I get, only to realize that yourself is the the one thing you can't escape.



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If you are not in the mood to deal with melancholy longing for the idealized nothing please skip this Journal.I wrote this a while ago and never really finished it, (because I ended up taking a cross Thailand motorcycle trip). I just had some time to rethink what I wrote and edit it a little. I never really published my "poems", so I'll take a shot at it see what you guys think of it.

I feel it in me. My thoughts, my consciousness is complicating me.

Decisive actions, revealing my failures and my strengths. The mind screams - the body renders not a word.

And although I'll never tell you - the ink shows what is under the surface of my skin:

The questions that have no answers, the things I've done and where I've been.

The scars tell a tale of my conquests, the fresh wounds gently seeping blood.

I never loose but I start to question whether the victory is worth its cost.

As it heals itself, I wash the scabs off from my flesh.

The visible damage is gone, yet, the pain seems to stay. Is something damaged from within?

Tomorrow I swear I'll ride out of here; salvation through speed.

The wind fills the emptiness, the adrenalin nubs the brain.

The faster I go the further I get, only to realize that yourself is the the one thing you can't escape.

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@Karnie - Red face cause I'm not quite sure if I should post it.

I am not as confident in writing as I am in drawing, and I fear the reaction from my loving TF fans.

Thanks, Glad you like it.

@Neo - Im American, we don't read. ;P

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not sure what you're trying to say in this poem.

the typos/archaic language dont help, but i'm guessing you went on a motorbike trip and got either fell off or got a tattoo done...

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@fedor - good interpretation.

Sory abot da spelin mistke ok?

the tats are older than the poem, i never fell off my bike in Thailand, YET O_O

The poem is basically about living and learning; It's about - choices and having to accept the consequences.

The scars and body don't necessarily relate to a physical body. Although I have plenty from stupid things I did in this case I am eluding to the thoughts that complicate my life.

I find that only true resolution to anything is finding internal peace rather than changing external environment.

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Skazano kak nostayashii Ruski, iz ikutska

You even sound a little like my Uncle from Siberia... He was a manly man like you to the end! (He was eaten by a bear.)

Each one of us has their own path, I am quite happy with mine.

Do note the disclosure on top.

"If you are not in the mood to deal with melancholy longing for the idealized nothing please skip this Journal."

"Elsi net nastroynie chitat moyo dramaticheskoe durmo, poshalusta propusti etot shurlnal"

"Que no queres leer..."

well you get the idea

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Maybe you can't win the Joeska TF Poetry Awards (that's a good news, actually), maybe you still wish a bear from irkutsk ate fedor and maybe i'm not in the mood to deal with melancholy but I like your poem. And i'm not complimenting, not today. I do like it.

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