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Thousands of Women Killed for Family "Honor"





Over 5000 women and girls are killed every year by family members in so-called 'honour killings.These crimes occur where cultures believe that a woman's unsanctioned sexual behaviour brings such shame on the family that any female accused or suspected must be murdered. Reasons for these murders can be as trivial as talking to a man, or as innocent as suffering rape.

WHAT CAN WE DO? NOTHING? WHAT A SHAME! How about the thousands of other victims?



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Over 5000 women and girls are killed every year by family members in so-called 'honour killings.These crimes occur where cultures believe that a woman's unsanctioned sexual behaviour brings such shame on the family that any female accused or suspected must be murdered. Reasons for these murders can be as trivial as talking to a man, or as innocent as suffering rape.

WHAT CAN WE DO? NOTHING? WHAT A SHAME! How about the thousands of other victims?

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I've seen this video clip and it makes me sick. I've seen a lot of horrible and nasty things in my life, but this made me truly sick. To think of the suffering and pain this young lady (and others like her) went through is simply horrifying......and for what? Because she wanted to see a sunni muslim. I hope ALL who were there when this happened burn in hell, because that's where they belong.

Killing in the name of religion........when will this world ever wake up!

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It happens in many countires especially in Middle East. The worst thing is in some countries such as Jordan or Syria the law interpreted allow men to kill/ injury/wound their female relative if they discover that their wife or female relative are committed in adultery and the penalty are exempted !

HORRIBLE !! It's all I can say !

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so very sad these things done in thr name of religon or "culture".i have worked in the middle-east for many years and these things to occur are common.worst is that in some countries the law is on the side of the killer.happy to be a humanist

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Dan said it best...killing in the name of religion...what a bunch of complete and utter ... I can't think of a word bad enough, or low enough to convey my revulsion.

How can the words "honor" and "killing" be linked in any way at all...impossible.

I don't believe in the death penalty as a quick and final end, but I DO believe in leaving the perpetrators to rot in a prison and die in the worst possible pain and anguish...they don't deserve to breath our air, and they certainly deserve to feel the anguish and certainty of their own death, but be denied that escape until they have felt real suffering.

I guess it's "an eye for an eye", but in these cases, they deserve it.

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It happens in Sweden also!! The reason is that the men is allowed to do everything! and the women should not do anything!

The worst part of it is that thew Swedish authoruity cant do anything? because it would "be racism" to expect them to obey Swedish laws..

Sad but true ...

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We are getting a lot of that here in Vancouver, with the Indo-Canadians (ppl from India) Happens at least 2 or 3 x a year..or more.Seems to occur usually just before or after a wedding.Some girl is stabbed or burned or whatever by the other family...sometimes its the mother of the groom..so strange.I just don't like it bcuz here in Canada, we accept ppl from other countries and their culture, but this is not Canadian culture...it bothers me that they bring their problems with them.

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It happens in many countries not just the Middle East but here in Europe too. Although the perpetrators use terms like 'religion', 'culture' and 'family honour' to hide behind when committing their murderous acts, the real reason is power...the loss of power over women in a patriarchal society. Any women that steps outside the narrowly defined 'norms' is perceived as a threat to the male dominance of that society and 'punished' in such ways so as to discourage other women from following such examples.

Very sickening and cowardly indeed.

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Kai is correct, this has nothing to do with religion, and in some cases religion is used as the excuse, but the real issue is man regarding woman as chattel, personal property or just not recognising that they have the same rights they afford themselves, or their livestock.

Whether it is the barbaric tradition of stoning, burning/suttee, or the enforced female genital circumcision of some african women, until mans attitude changes, then these horrific crimes against womenhood will continue.

So sad....

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