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Observations Part XIII




A Man of Questionable Character
Well.... The Dutch guy is back in action....
We had heard rumors that his bar was up for sale. About 2 months ago HE began the rumor that his  bar was available and began courting a man from Sweden who was looking to buy a bar. This Swedish guy, not a customer of mine but a customer of a friend that owns a bar in the area, was at the Dutch bar every night, ringing the bell and dropping all kinds of cash. For about 2 weeks the bar was packed with customers that turned out to be friends of the Dutch guy. He was just trying to give the impression that the bar was a busy bar.
The Swedish guy was impressed and made an offer on the place. Contracts were drawn up and a 200,000 Baht deposit was given to the Dutch guy and his wife who said that their attorney would hold the money in an escrow account until the balance was paid. Needless to say, the money never made it to the attorney and the Dutch canceled the sale of the bar.
The other night the Swedish guy confronted the Dutch guy at his bar and demanded the return of the 200,000 Baht deposit. The Dutch guy told him that his attorney was working on getting the money back to him. When the Dutch guy felt the Swede was satisfied with his answer he had the balls to ask him for a 20,000 Baht loan. I can't believe that the Swede pulled 20,000 Baht out of his pocket and gave it to him. Som nam na.
Since then the Swede has been taken aside by several people who have explained to him that he is pretty much out 220,000 Baht now as the Dutch guy owe about 50% of the bar owners and shop owners here money, the least amount being 60,000 Baht.
So if you have a few thousand Baht that you want to throw away I can point you in the right direction. 


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A Man of Questionable Character
Well.... The Dutch guy is back in action....
We had heard rumors that his bar was up for sale. About 2 months ago HE began the rumor that his  bar was available and began courting a man from Sweden who was looking to buy a bar. This Swedish guy, not a customer of mine but a customer of a friend that owns a bar in the area, was at the Dutch bar every night, ringing the bell and dropping all kinds of cash. For about 2 weeks the bar was packed with customers that turned out to be friends of the Dutch guy. He was just trying to give the impression that the bar was a busy bar.
The Swedish guy was impressed and made an offer on the place. Contracts were drawn up and a 200,000 Baht deposit was given to the Dutch guy and his wife who said that their attorney would hold the money in an escrow account until the balance was paid. Needless to say, the money never made it to the attorney and the Dutch canceled the sale of the bar.
The other night the Swedish guy confronted the Dutch guy at his bar and demanded the return of the 200,000 Baht deposit. The Dutch guy told him that his attorney was working on getting the money back to him. When the Dutch guy felt the Swede was satisfied with his answer he had the balls to ask him for a 20,000 Baht loan. I can't believe that the Swede pulled 20,000 Baht out of his pocket and gave it to him. Som nam na.
Since then the Swede has been taken aside by several people who have explained to him that he is pretty much out 220,000 Baht now as the Dutch guy owe about 50% of the bar owners and shop owners here money, the least amount being 60,000 Baht.
So if you have a few thousand Baht that you want to throw away I can point you in the right direction. 
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Damn did any one warn this Swede of this guy before he shelled out 200,000? But the Dutch guy has been able to dodge the bullet till now I think I will see his obituary in the next few weeks........I have been wrong a lot too so who knows

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