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Saturday's 'need'

Saturday's Sketch 'need'In a schoolboy like error I decided upon a tough mind bending title for Chatrarat...minor oversight that I too would have to sketch a piece for the same title...DOH!!The title I chose was 'need' ...yet another untangible unquantifiable entity and as some of you have already noticed, Chatrarat's been kicking my ass when it comes to the interpretation of these ambiguous titles...DOH!! (Again!!) ...I knew I should have chosen Jessica Alba!!I noticed that someone on TF had 'M



Friday's 'morning after'

Friday's Sketch: 'morning after' I really liked the ambiguity of this title...'morning after..." It's demands the obvious question of "after what?" Jetlag kept me awake so I spent a good portion of the early hours of this morning watching TV...it was a choice between watching animals being carved up by a vet on Animal Planet or the usual cable love stories...no contest! I'm far from being a romantic but was really getting into Jorge's and Isabella's firey drama at 415am on one of the Spanish c



Thursday's 'Peace'

Thursday's Sketch: 'peace'I had intended on spending the duration of the flight to create a "Chatrarat- busting" masterpiece but instead I watched a movie and got distracted in conversation so ended up rushing this sketch over breakfast this morning to make the deadline My thoughts on peace is that it's a mythical sense of well being lost in time. For the greedy and selfish, there's no money to be made in 'Peace', Wars and Conflicts may cost tax payers billions of dollars, baht or euros but tha



Wednesday 'Lost'

Wednesday's Sketch: 'lost' I'm awaiting Chatrarat's 'lost soul' or 'lost love' or 'lost kiss' or ‘lost love kiss’… Just teasing her as she's rather into the whole romance, cutness and puppies thing Ideas I had for this one - Cinderella's lost shoe...but with my limited range of drawing skills, the magic and fairy tale would be lost and the scene would look like the aftermath of a brawl between two lady boys...not quite the same!! The next idea was for a little lost kid crying...but as I've got



Tuesday's 'Smile'

Tuesday's Sketch 'Smile'this was reprieve as Chatrarat initially suggested "New Year" as a title. I struggled to think of anything beyond fireworks and alcohol so we mutually agreed to a new title and she suggested 'smile'. 'smile' Having just seen Chatrarat's pic, she's done a better job of interpreting the title than me. I took it to literally mean 'smile'. Mine's a pic of our Head of HR - she skulks around with a ferocious scowl and reputedly only smiles when she's made a kill (retrenched so



Monday's 'Dance'

Monday's Sketch: 'dance''dance'First thought in my mind when I think 'dance' is something beautiful, cultural, graceful and elegant...dance is a serenade, it's a display of story telling and wonderment...it's survived through time as an established art......that's about all I'm able to make up on the spot...I'm lying...my first real thought is a hot girl in a tight short dress shaking her booty on the dance floor next to me...but I was trying not to be too predicatble!!! So here's my attempt at



Sunday's 'Precious Thing'

Sunday's sketch 'precious thing'precious to me is something irreplaceable...something that brings you more joy and happiness beyond comparison to anything else...the most precious thing to me is my sister's boy, my nephew, my "little man"   I'd give up everything for him...he's easily the most 'precious thing' in my life 'precious thing' (title by Chatrarat) Note: hope that one of my close friends returns to TF to vote (even if it is for Chatrarat again)  



Saturday's "Devil"

Saturday's sketch: 'the devil''the devil' (title from Iain_D)   ...the worst kind... 



Thurs' Sketch 'hope'

Thursday's Sketch: 'hope''hope'  In the times of anxiety and turmoil ...we always hope that good eventuates.... 



Weds' Sketch: 'fear'

Wednesday's Sketch: 'fear' 'fear' (title by Iain_D)  Fear to me isn't a snake, ghost, death by drowning or the view from a great height...some of these things scare me...but the real fear is if the world was to be overrun by the  'ignorants' and 'narrowminded' who still hold their beliefs with such passion and hatred...  



Tue's Sketch 'the ideal partner'

Tuesday’s Sketch:  ‘the ideal partner’ This title was inspired by a friend who’s recently separated from their partner and is still settling those last emotions within themself. An ex is seldomly the ‘ideal partner’, otherwise…they wouldn’t be an ex. I don’t believe that the ‘ideal partner’ is a person…it’s a feeling, a click, a synergy…where the journey through life together isn’t a battle but a dance… ‘the ideal partner’ http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3178/3059051614_cd9b24578c_o.jpg'>



Monday's Sketch 'the night'

Monday's 5 min sketch:Well, it's a Monday, and the challenge title was set by Chatrarat'the night' The sketch was finished within the 5 mins. I had intended to have the moon appearing in the sky as though she's supporting it in her arms... unfortunately there's a HUGE skills void between the desired outcome and the actual result...it looked shite... so the moon was blacked out to prevent the pic looking like a sketch of some old person's table lamp!!.. I then spent a further 20 minutes blacking



Fri's 5 Min Sketch 'Lost'

Friday's 5 min sketch: 'lost'Am a bit late posting this as I was travelling up to Amsterdam last night at short notice. A friend of mine was returning home to introduce her new boyfriend to the gang of friends and I committed to the trip and weekend in A'dam. As is typical with the knee jerk decisions of "act first and regret soon after..." on arrival and seeing her with her new man, I was sent into an emotional spin. I wasn't jealous of him for having her...it wasn't that I still had feelings f



Thurs' 5 Min Sketch 'winter'

Thursday's 5 Min Sketch: 'winter'This title was inspired by the fact that Gemma told me she saw the first snows in Sweden and I was in Munich yesterday freezing my ass off so I thought it would be interesting to see the 'Thai' persepctive of winter compared to the cold grey of Europe.Nice idea in theory but having never drawn a snow scene on white paper before I was tempted to leave the page blank in a Damien Hirst type contemporary statement... decided against this as I've always thought the gu



Weds 5 Min Sketch 'childhood memories'

Wednesday's 5 (actually 20) Min Sketch:I personally really enjoyed this challenge 'childhood memories'. At first I wondered what the hell I could draw in 5 mins that would be a fond memory of my childhood. Unlike some previous titles which required serious thought about the interpretation of the title, this one was easy for me.From the age of ten, I wanted to be a professional skateboarder (you can imagine my parents' delight at the news!!) and I would sit at the back of the classroom sketching



Monday's 5 Min Sketch

Monday's 5 Min Sketchtoday's title was not picked by me and my mate said that we should have an easier subject... she then chose "the eye"!!!  So the challenge was once again set: to draw an eye from your imagination within 5 minutes...'the eye'Just incase my mate manages to sneak in yet another happy sad story to steal victory, this is not just any eye in the picture......it's the eye that can see her love smiling at him despite her being thousands of miles away...it's the eye that can watch he



Sun's 5 min Sketch

Sunday's 5 Minute Sketch.It a moment of comedy genius I suggetsed the title 'Heaven" as that would challenge my mate who;s also doing these 5 minute sketches...forgot to consider that I had to draw a piece under the same title!!! DOH!!What's heaven?? Being a total disbeliever, it was never going to be a depiction of God praising the sanctimonious and pious...perhaps an empty box labelled "worth the wait was it?" but as I cheated on yesterday's piece by drawing a tree stump and not a whole tree,



Sat 5 min Sketch

Saturday's 5 minute sketch "all the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey..." ...couple this with the fact that I can't draw trees, this challenge was going to take some imagination. The challenge topic was chosen (not by me) as "the tree"I was once told by the biggest a**hole of an art curator in a gallery that "art should not be seen...but should inspire imagination""the tree"   (just used this as a basis to imagine what it once would have looked like:) ) 



Thurs' 5 Min Sketch

Thursday's 5 min sketch... One of the consultants who works for me thought he'd be clever and suggested me to do the daily 5 min sketch with a title "Friendship".He's a cheeky bugger and needs to be brought down to Earth... He's also a single guy who's not had a girlfriend for the past 4 years he's worked for me, no issue but he's 28 years old and is always hanging around with his "best friend" Mark (also without a girlfriend)...???Well I'm dedicating this piece to Jam & Mark...with a slight



my sketch book

my sketch book Some people keep diaries of the days events, the more up to date will blog and I like to sketch. I travel 50-80% of each month so where the PSP's novelty has worn off and the airport purchased biographies and best sellers have been discarded, my sketch book continues to provide me with endless hours of entertainment.I'm not a serious artist as you'll see and I'm certainly not talented enough to 'sketch life and scenery' every time I get the pencils out. I tend to draw from my imag



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