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scary rumor




BTS stop services and also some airports. Rumor of the coup d'e'tat really creep me out.I have planed to see movie (Mamamia) before join party but this rumor destroyed my plan. I love to see new  ppl and meet good friends but I love myself more than anything so i better stay at home and keep an eyes on TV. Sad dear Sad..Boo Hoo.........



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BTS stop services and also some airports. Rumor of the coup d'e'tat really creep me out.I have planed to see movie (Mamamia) before join party but this rumor destroyed my plan. I love to see new  ppl and meet good friends but I love myself more than anything so i better stay at home and keep an eyes on TV. Sad dear Sad..Boo Hoo.........

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oh !!!! really BTS stop !!!!!!!


be careful na ka ¤¹ÊǢç¹Ùë ¨Øê¿æ

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Thank god I have Larry to protect me.

I've only read that regular trains were being halted, and not the BTS. Was this said on Thai TV? I feel bad for all those tourists trying to get in and out of the affected airports...God I hope normalcy returns.

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Well, trains to north east are being stopped. Phuket airport has been run over by these PAD people...BTS too? Cool. So when does the military do a coup...after all, thats what Thailand deserves or atleast PAD officially wants to scare and beg for (now and in future...).

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Wish I could make it to Gulliver's Ghee...But it's TF member's "TFH" birthday tonight. We have purchased a keg of Tiger, which will be demanding my attention shortly.

If protesters start throwing rocks, I will dive behind the keg with the tap secured close to my mouth until everything returns to normal.

On a more serious note, it seems like the center of Bangkok is not being affected, just Phuket, Hat Yai, and some areas on the outskirts of BKK. I wish there was some other way for this to be handled, but unfortunately things are really escalating right now.

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I'm kind of surprised at the way this is being laughed off by some. This situation could escalate rapidly and people will certainly get hurt, hopefully none of your loved one's. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

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As it is happening in the south and outside the main city - not IN Bangkok, I doubt it would get to the levels being implied here - at least not yet.

To use phrases such as "armed vigilante groups" and imply that people like that are wandering the streets is just simply not accurate,and is almost as dangerous for the country as the political unrest itself.

Please also bear in mind that the people protesting do have a right to do so, but I agree that they do not have a right to blockade airports.

If you are watching this on overseas media, please also remember that in the media we DO exagerate a LOT to make it newsworthy - I know this firsthand, and it does not make me proud of my industry at all. My point is just this - don't believe everything you see on TV - and especially don't listen to the edited version of the interviews conducted with people on both sides unless you have a very firm grip on reality and a good strong does of cynicism - if not, you are just lambs to the Media Slaughterhouse.

Grezzzy has seen various "mobs" as they are called - but the reality is that for the greater part, the people are NOT violent - there might be a few arseholes who go there to pick fights - but most people do not - they are the same as you and me.

See what happens when unsubstantiated rumour gets going - people were ready to believe that the BTS had been stopped...runours are NOT good, and can make things a LOT worse for no reason.

A reminder : the last coup we had was NOT because the Army wanted to wrest power for it's own advantage - it was because the country and the people were sick to death of being ignored and those in power riding rough shod over them. Thats why the PEOPLE greeted the Army and those in support of His Majesty The King with open arms and flowers.

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I have been told most of the "protesters" are Paid 500b a day by PAD,,, And what I have been told the money comes from Big Business owners that don't like this Goverment becuase they have to Pay more Taxes! So it's hard for be to believe that this protest is from Thai people that want Change???

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"A reminder : the last coup we had was NOT because the Army wanted to wrest power for it's own advantage - it was because the country and the people were sick to death of being ignored and those in power riding rough shod over them. Thats why the PEOPLE greeted the Army and those in support of His Majesty The King with open arms and flowers."

Most analysts I have read unfortunatly do not agree with this, undoubtly very lovely reason why the coup happened (it would be nice if it was army not coudnt help but listen to the people...but), and the reasons were in Armys internal battles (the same thing that is talked to be happening right now again, Army not rolling on streets because there are both PAD and Ministers with strongholds inside and there is no fights yet) and in question of succession and general money "politics"... Hmm, anyhow.

You are very right about the destructive influence of rumors like "PAD/PPP/anti-PAD/TRT/anti-TRT/you name it" are paid by this and that faction this time to protest. Sickens me. Everyone claims to "know for sure" or claim that it is "everyone being paid" and so worth. (The coup this is not "know for sure", but most analysts wouldn't call it "people wanting, army delivering"...)

I say, down the crapper whole country. Let the Cambodians take over Siam once again and start over the whole sherade...I am only partly joking...

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Hehe, let the nature take care of all troubles! That sounds like a plan, mate :) Cheers! It would be happy ending so to speak! (Ofcourse in Phuket it should not rain anywhere else but on the top of the protestors around airport so that tonyP and others can continue in business :))

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Please note: Profile location is PHUKET THAILAND. Reports received are not via International Media but physical onsite reports by employees stationed so that guests/customers can be kept informed and the minute an opportunity arises they can return to their families.

A quote I read the other day I feel states it perfectly - "your rite to swing your arms in protest ends where my nose begins" - Once you disrupt my rites to come and go as I please you are no longer protesting but rather imposing.

Agreed that the greater part of these groups are not violent, however, it is scary how quickly those few idiots can spoil the rest and throw such things into chaos.

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Dont stay Home

Go out and have fun

This is all business as usuall

Just stay away from the areas in BKK that might have some trouble

I remember in 1999 some Khmer Rouge soldiers in Cambodia see us and follow us

They had machine guns and they didnt look too happy.

but after 20 Kilometers they change their mind

Its one thing to have or show a big gun .......and quit another to actually use it.


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Jiihaa, PAD is really trying to instigate violent crackdown and take over by military, not take over of PAD but of the government. **** those protestors. All hail legal protests but this is just bullshit. Pure ****. Like Thailand was not already in deep mess enough now these hooligans are ******* the country up even more if that was even anymore possible.

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When I tried to get on the BTS Skytrain a couple of hours ago at Prom Pong station, it was closed - due to "technical" reasons, according to the announcement. So I walked home from the Emporium. But as I was walking home, I saw some trains running overhead, so it looks like the closure was temporary.

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