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My passing 2010 & beginning 2011




It's been a while since I last posted something on here. Life has been extremely busy the past few months and especially the past few weeks. I was writing a recap of my year in 2010 and I found that my life revolved around nothing except work. There might be a few trips here and there that excited me but that's pretty much it.

I got to travel quite a bit during the last few months of 2010. I went back to Vietnam again after a year-ish gap toward the end of September, and then Singapore in October, after my last visit 14 years ago. I liked Ho Chi Minh City a little bit more, and found that Singapore is not as fantastic as I thought it'd be.

Novemeber was very busy for me, trying to get everything done as well as planning for the trip with my bf. I was very lucky to be able to take 3 weeks off and spent a lot of time with him, which means a lot of planning and researching to be done.

He arrived the end of November and our real vacation begun in December. We spent one week in Khao Lak and one week in Phuket, did 4 snorkeling trips to Similan, Tachai, Surin and Racha Islands. The trip to Tachai and Surin Islands were fantastic. I am too lazy to post to many photos, but here are a few shots from Tachai.





After the beautiful vacation, coming back to work was an unpleasant surprised. The first two days back, my boss was very restless. Then third day came with the horrible news, that out of 9 people in the office 5 colleagues were terminated on the day. They could pack their stuff and leave.

The rest of the week was devastating for me. Learning to handle the work load for those who left, answering the phone with the nicest sounding excuse I could find, solving problems that I wasn't familiar with. The last week of 2010 was probably the most difficult week of the year, with me being the only one in the office, manning 4 telephone lines, e-mails and various problems.

I thought the first week of 2011 would be a little easier, but it wasn't. I arrived at the office at 8.30 am, worked through the day and eventually left the office at 6.30 pm, in an empty windowless office. To make the matter worse, out of the 4 people we had in the office, another one was terminated last Wednesday. I am now left with 2 farang bosses in an office where silence is louder than I've ever heard.

One thing I am truly thankful for is having my boyfriend's encouragement and support with me throughout the past few difficult weeks. He's having his own problems to take care of, but he has always been there for me. I am counting down to the day, we'll be together. Working our way toward the day isn't easy, but we are getting there.

After so many years together in a long distance relationship, we are going to realize our dream in a near future. This year is going to be the last that we will be so far from each other. There are still so much to work toward, but it's becoming more realistic. I always question how other people do it. Why does it seem so easy for other people to be together? Yet I am such a peculiar person. I want things my way, which is maybe why it's harder for me than most. But one thing I am sure of is I am prepared and it'd be a great move when the time comes. ^_^

I have tried so many years to come up with New Year resolutions that I could stick to but I haven't been all that successful. This year I am going to try again. The resolutions are the common ones, eat less and eat healthier, exercise 3 times a week, learn Spanish and listen to more self-motivation audio book, spend more sensibly and save more money, and write more journals. 

I don't know what else 2011 is going to bring. I have started my first week as half a failure and half a success. I will keep on trying regardless! Have a great year!



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It's been a while since I last posted something on here. Life has been extremely busy the past few months and especially the past few weeks. I was writing a recap of my year in 2010 and I found that my life revolved around nothing except work. There might be a few trips here and there that excited me but that's pretty much it.

I got to travel quite a bit during the last few months of 2010. I went back to Vietnam again after a year-ish gap toward the end of September, and then Singapore in October, after my last visit 14 years ago. I liked Ho Chi Minh City a little bit more, and found that Singapore is not as fantastic as I thought it'd be.

Novemeber was very busy for me, trying to get everything done as well as planning for the trip with my bf. I was very lucky to be able to take 3 weeks off and spent a lot of time with him, which means a lot of planning and researching to be done.

He arrived the end of November and our real vacation begun in December. We spent one week in Khao Lak and one week in Phuket, did 4 snorkeling trips to Similan, Tachai, Surin and Racha Islands. The trip to Tachai and Surin Islands were fantastic. I am too lazy to post to many photos, but here are a few shots from Tachai.





After the beautiful vacation, coming back to work was an unpleasant surprised. The first two days back, my boss was very restless. Then third day came with the horrible news, that out of 9 people in the office 5 colleagues were terminated on the day. They could pack their stuff and leave.

The rest of the week was devastating for me. Learning to handle the work load for those who left, answering the phone with the nicest sounding excuse I could find, solving problems that I wasn't familiar with. The last week of 2010 was probably the most difficult week of the year, with me being the only one in the office, manning 4 telephone lines, e-mails and various problems.

I thought the first week of 2011 would be a little easier, but it wasn't. I arrived at the office at 8.30 am, worked through the day and eventually left the office at 6.30 pm, in an empty windowless office. To make the matter worse, out of the 4 people we had in the office, another one was terminated last Wednesday. I am now left with 2 farang bosses in an office where silence is louder than I've ever heard.

One thing I am truly thankful for is having my boyfriend's encouragement and support with me throughout the past few difficult weeks. He's having his own problems to take care of, but he has always been there for me. I am counting down to the day, we'll be together. Working our way toward the day isn't easy, but we are getting there.

After so many years together in a long distance relationship, we are going to realize our dream in a near future. This year is going to be the last that we will be so far from each other. There are still so much to work toward, but it's becoming more realistic. I always question how other people do it. Why does it seem so easy for other people to be together? Yet I am such a peculiar person. I want things my way, which is maybe why it's harder for me than most. But one thing I am sure of is I am prepared and it'd be a great move when the time comes. ^_^

I have tried so many years to come up with New Year resolutions that I could stick to but I haven't been all that successful. This year I am going to try again. The resolutions are the common ones, eat less and eat healthier, exercise 3 times a week, learn Spanish and listen to more self-motivation audio book, spend more sensibly and save more money, and write more journals. 

I don't know what else 2011 is going to bring. I have started my first week as half a failure and half a success. I will keep on trying regardless! Have a great year!

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I didnt know that someone could have 2 layers of muffin top!!! ... I envy you! Wish I'm somewhere warm and don't have to deal with brown snow in the city right now :)

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I always like and admire your journals but this time I focused more on the pictures :)))

I don't like to be stressed out on relationships and work.

Noted: Similan, Tachai, Surin and Racha Islands

They will be on my next list to visit.

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Admin -- It truly was.

Mel -- U just heart NYC a day or two ago, don't u? :-P

sugar_husk -- thank you. I'll be (more) positive as well! ^_^

Querida -- Tachai and Surin are "THE MUST GO". If you have other aspect of life to focus on, then you are lucky. Looking back through my past year, I didn't remember anything else but work. >_<

Danno -- will definitely take your wise words into action. ^_^

Karnie -- Thank you. ^_^

soda -- Thank you and Happy New Year to you too. ^_^

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Glad you are back posting your journal here again Nong S.

Havent made it to Island ( by boat ) since i found myself got horrible motion sickness on my trip to Racha Island for snockling some years ago.

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Ha! I do ... Cant see me living anywhere else either. But with the crappy weather we having now. I wouldn't mind being where you were on your little trips as well :*

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