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1. frist opps! of the day is ... I have to say "I'm so sorry for everyone I just wonder why Ppls not comment at my journal . It was my fault that I forget to change my setting hahaha. 2. seem like today I'm sick I got high tempulature (maybe spell wrong) but not so high now, sneezy, my nose running (usually use this word ?) hahah feel like got a cold. but all my sick happend from chicken, LOL J/K (i know it's really bad joke) few days ago in bkk was raining and it's been very crazy wether



the last samurai

no introduction is provided, i'm lazy the movie as a whole is about the conflicts between old and new culture that occurred in Japan in 18th century. the characters are used as representations of cultural contexts. Captain Nathan is the representation of American culture or new culture. (well, Col. Bagley too but wait wait wait....i'll explain the differences later.) Simon Graham, a british documentarian is the narrator and the storyteller. there are reasons for using British for this charac



Want a friend!

at Qbar they hav a valentien's day party.i think it would be great if i could meet a new friend and hang out lately at night.anybody interested?




okay i know i've bitched about my weight before. So what - no one's asking you to read my journal entries now innit!? *grin* went for first assesment with personal trainer yesterday at the gym. According to him, (no duh), i could do with some weight loss, something like 10 pounds innitially then moving on. *aurgh* and i've got a date that i'm due to look good by - the 28th this month. so its going to be majorly crash dieting for me, till the 28th, then careful as to not to yoyo back to fatness



why am I here?

I am here because I saw thai_mistress's photos on face pic and she led me to this page. I think she is not only beautiful but very sensual. I would love to meet her, or a woman similiar to her and see where it takes us. ;-)



how did that happen?

You guys thought you could get rid of me that easily? Well, now I am back. Actually, my absence was caused by technical difficulties (computer stuff far beyond my comprehension), but with a little help from Admin and my dear sweet friend Kitty, I now have access to the site. Okay, on with the journal... Do you believe in fate? Or perhaps it is only coincidence? Do things happen for a reason? Or is life just random acts for which we try to rationalize meanings after the fact? Okay, the an



Rating Day

wooohhhhhhoooooo *wink* again in supermarket *wink* I was waiting for my step-son in supermarket , when he played basketball . Just killing my time in supermarket seems better like waiting for them in Gym ...since I hate sport...that's why I am fat I sit at the corner and bought nothing......hey there are no rule that we have to buy something to drink eventhough we are not thursty right? ;)tried to hide myself from waitress & waiter ) On my right hand , one table, one guy , average loo




looks like pop is comming home on wednesday. im really excited. he will need alot of care cause still cant get around very good. but i like taking care of him.



ah well...

alrighty then. i'll be the first to point out the fact that this ongoing journal-post warfare is downright childish. i'll cease to be immature, and choose not to acknowledge comments like Onlynx's in the future. people like him should get a life, and stop trying to look for one in my journal. i have no qualms about people bitching about me, as long as they do it in their own space and keep out of mine. aaaanyway. had a long day. started out awful, got into a tiff with my dad.. long story, wil



Missionary Position

This is my position on missionaries. You might call it Ling's Missionary Position. I can't stand them. There are exceptions, but overall, I can't stand them. I don't mean just Christian missionaries, though my experience has been limited to these. I'm sure Muslim missionaries are not any better. But I can't think of any other world religions that are so active in trying to spread themselves, and too often it has been done in deeply offensive or fatal ways. The whole idea bothers me. Peop



nirvana on earth

ok!..before i start, let me make clear that i am a budhist and i am not religious.* [this adjective is too broad in this sense though.] yes, i am going to write about religion(s). 'Buddhism'... hey.....get ready for soem pain-killer pills! i'm not being controvesial here...just my perspective that i'm going to reveal. i have come to a new depth of understanding my own religion. buddhism is diffent from other religions. buddhism does not teach us to believe. buddhism is not a belief. buddhis



Sex and religion

Man's and woman's bodies lay without souls, Dully gaping, foolishly staring, inert On the flowers of Eden. God pondered. The problem was so great, it dragged him asleep. Crow laughed. He bit the Worm, God's only son, Into two writhing halves. He stuffed into man the tail half With the wounded end hanging out. He stuffed the head half headfirst into woman And it crept in deeper and up To peer out through her eyes Calling it's tail-half to join up quickly, quickly Because O it was pa



Testimonials ....many thanks BUT

I remember that we just had newest option "Testimonials" last month . And I have to confess you all here that I didn't understand this word at first ,till I found the meaning in dictionary And first time I saw this new option , I read it like " Testament" .....lol...lol I really didn't understand what was Admind want from putting this option in here ))) Eventhough I 've heard that Admind is a really good Christian. Or did he mean it in other meaning however I still don't want to die !!! I



we are no angels

with my exhausted smile... once upon last month i mentioned to my classmates while we were waiting for the prof that it would be nice if i knew HTML. one classmate said that she could teach me if i wanted. (A*) a week later, another classmate brought a HTML guidebook to me and said i could return it whenever i finished. (B*) during the class, we discussed about WebCT software and i complained that i wanted the software to provide the save username and password coz if i regularly used it then



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