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But Jeff, your communism worked because of one thing...

Tito - he kept the traditional Balkan hatreds suppressed. He was pretty much revered and from what I know, many (at the time) Yugoslavians considered themselves Socialist rather than Communist.

First time I visited Bled was in 81 and I remember getting very drunk at this guys house and his grandad sitting telling me about Tito in the war and constantly leaning over into my face and saying that!!


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Most people disagreed with the OP about Americans not being able to pour p7ss out of a wellington boot if the instructions were on the heel, as most Europeans (you seem to pig ignorant to accept Europe is a cluster of seperate nations with their own elected parliaments, own foreign policies and history) realise most Americans just wake up go to work and do whatever they can to get by.

But Hectic or whatever your name is youve gone a long way to convince me that he has a point if youre the kind of American he's opening toilet doors for.

Though i will apologise for saying you ought to go to Iraq to become a war hero.

This guy died today in Afghanistan, everytime i see these articles i think what a complete waste of a life -


Still this war is Europes fault isnt it.

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Well, when I posted this topic, I was really frustrated but when reading it through a second time, I wouldn't change much - apart of one but obviously important point: What I experienced was with ppl being or being affiliated with the US military. Seeing through all the comments here, my hope rises significantly that in the US, there are also plenty of ppl thinking in a normal way, although I read of some rednecks.

Sorry for not having indicated this at the first time, but obviously, what I wrote in my frustration (and what I still think it is right!) is mainly valid for those working for US military, may it be in uniform or in plain clothes. Out of the 800+ US people in ISAF HQ, I only found ONE(!) who was critical - very critical - about the US work there. And this was a civil service guy who was called in involuntarily. So once again: I do not hate Americans and I even have some friends in the US!

Once again: I am not an "American Hater". But what I saw in Afghanistan was simply disguting - and the incapability of handling a toilet door is the smallest deficiency I saw! Seeing your diversity of comments, I think that what I wrote is a deficiency immanent to the US military system and NOT necessarily for the average US people! Although I have proof that at least one or the other of you and most if not all of the military are badly indoctrinated.

Oh, just for some of you: No, it is NOT my first mission. I have spent ten years abroad by now, two and a half of those with NATO/PfP missions. Just for those who think they are better.....

By the way: The toilet door did not need to be fixed, it was ok. Just some ppl were not able(!) to handle it - I saw it with my own eyes!

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@heretic: Unfortunately, I am not exaggerating!

@eagle: As I found out, I did not define exactly. My observations are about US military ppl, not about the US in general! (see my last post on this!) Sorry for having been not concise enough!

@beej: Thank you! You got the idea!

Well I can see you being frustrated over there it is a mess. Pray MCcain doesn't get elected because if he does you can bet there will be more of the same. :twisted:

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@heretic: Unfortunately, I am not exaggerating!

@eagle: As I found out, I did not define exactly. My observations are about US military ppl, not about the US in general! (see my last post on this!) Sorry for having been not concise enough!

@beej: Thank you! You got the idea!

Well I can see you being frustrated over there it is a mess. Pray MCcain doesn't get elected because if he does you can bet there will be more of the same. :twisted:

Will Obama really do another thing? I'm afraid that all this is already too much affiliated with (private!) economical things.

And just get the headline: "Obama vs Osama"

I'm not too optimistic!

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Had the Soviet Union not meddled in Afghanistan, Dawood Khan probably would have been their King until well into the 90s.

Oooi, that's a very bad opinion! Daud was the initiator of all the mess we are facing now in Afghanistan. And he never would have been king as he ousted his cousin to create a socialist society - one reason why the Soviets engaged! Please learn a bit of history!

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I disagree that the communist threat was exaggerated. Soviet Russia was a threat.

Oh yeah! Maybe their nukes. But according to nowadays scientific knowledge, Warsaw Pact armies never would have made it more than 50kms (30 miles) from their origin - see the relevant papers! So I guess that also their nukes would have made it only up to their very own cities ;)

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"All internationals have it good compared to ordinary aghans trying to improve their status and develop their country" (quote heredic)

Oh yeah! They are travelling with armoured Landcruisers and earn a lot of money - Afghans very easily recognize this! And - understandably - they are not happy with that! Already in 2002, they complained, but nobody listened, and now, the "International Community" has to pay a price for it!

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One by one nations are giving themselves over the the US's world domination plans.

Now it seems that even Libya is capitulating to the US menace. Must have promised him a 40 inch lcd or something.

Still, at least there's a few nations left with enough nouse to see what's going on and to tell the criminally run US to p*ss off.

It'll be a very sad day indeed when the US controls the world.

The real controllers are corporate IMO and the illusion of world dominance will fade with the dollar. The criminal leaders of the US are lining their pockets and hopefully they will be out soon. If the republican regime keeps hold after the election then economics will take them down.

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One by one nations are giving themselves over the the US's world domination plans.

Now it seems that even Libya is capitulating to the US menace. Must have promised him a 40 inch lcd or something.

Still, at least there's a few nations left with enough nouse to see what's going on and to tell the criminally run US to p*ss off.

It'll be a very sad day indeed when the US controls the world.

The real controllers are corporate IMO and the illusion of world dominance will fade with the dollar. The criminal leaders of the US are lining their pockets and hopefully they will be out soon. If the republican regime keeps hold after the election then economics will take them down.

As I am not religious, I don't know whom to pray to. But I am very happy to read from ppl like you!

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One by one nations are giving themselves over the the US's world domination plans.

Now it seems that even Libya is capitulating to the US menace. Must have promised him a 40 inch lcd or something.

Still, at least there's a few nations left with enough nouse to see what's going on and to tell the criminally run US to p*ss off.

It'll be a very sad day indeed when the US controls the world.

The real controllers are corporate IMO and the illusion of world dominance will fade with the dollar. The criminal leaders of the US are lining their pockets and hopefully they will be out soon. If the republican regime keeps hold after the election then economics will take them down.

So you are waiting on the great Obamination of Socialist Heroes to take over and lead us all to Utopia and great Choruses of Kumbaya. lol

One set of crooks is not much different than another set of crooks. The lib crooks just throw a few more bones to the ghettoes and traier parks of America to appease the masses and seem more compassionate. As religion was once termed, welfare is the opiate of the masses. That and Oprah.

If you can stand to watch repubicans talk about how much their gonna do and not puke then you have a strong stomach.

I prefer the illusion the Demos would give us. Like I said its the money thats in control and big business has the big money and those guys aren't running up a deficit. Its becoming painfully obvious where all the money has gone as the mass of wealthy people stick out like bags of money out of a thief's jacket pocket. The US once had regulations against oil monopolies and media monopolies but they were removed and like they didn't know what was going to happen. WIth all the money they make in profits they buy politicians. Its probably as old a profession as prostitution.

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One by one nations are giving themselves over the the US's world domination plans.

Now it seems that even Libya is capitulating to the US menace. Must have promised him a 40 inch lcd or something.

Still, at least there's a few nations left with enough nouse to see what's going on and to tell the criminally run US to p*ss off.

It'll be a very sad day indeed when the US controls the world.

The real controllers are corporate IMO and the illusion of world dominance will fade with the dollar. The criminal leaders of the US are lining their pockets and hopefully they will be out soon. If the republican regime keeps hold after the election then economics will take them down.

So you are waiting on the great Obamination of Socialist Heroes to take over and lead us all to Utopia and great Choruses of Kumbaya. lol

One set of crooks is not much different than another set of crooks. The lib crooks just throw a few more bones to the ghettoes and traier parks of America to appease the masses and seem more compassionate. As religion was once termed, welfare is the opiate of the masses. That and Oprah.

If you can stand to watch repubicans talk about how much their gonna do and not puke then you have a strong stomach.

I prefer the illusion the Demos would give us. Like I said its the money thats in control and big business has the big money and those guys aren't running up a deficit. Its becoming painfully obvious where all the money has gone as the mass of wealthy people stick out like bags of money out of a thief's jacket pocket. The US once had regulations against oil monopolies and media monopolies but they were removed and like they didn't know what was going to happen. WIth all the money they make in profits they buy politicians. Its probably as old a profession as prostitution.

Republicans? Democrats? same same but different!!

As you said eagle, it's all about corporations and media - no real populist party in US


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I love you guys. All of this faux outrage from the progressive heroes of the internet.l

Who are you to judge what is real and what is fake regarding someone's opinions? They are entitled to them just as you are to yours.

That said, I'm not going to let an Austrian talk smack about my countrymen.

I can understand that. Some mopes tend to generalize to the point where feathers are ruffled. He talks smack about Americans but I am sure he was paid in US Dollars for his MSA in Afghanistan and probably now for his UNMO work in Africa.

I even agree with the Austrian guy on our military.

I don't. Afghanistan is a NATO run mission with different countries armies responsible for decisions within their areas of operations.

In Iraq I worked with American commanders, Polish commanders, British commanders, Spanish commanders and Thai commanders. Some better than others and the stories I can tell, however, unlike the OP, I keep them to myself so as not to generalize and insult people from those countries. At least publicly.

Two excellent examples of warriors being thrust aside and bureaucrats running a war are Korea and Vietnam.

Look at Korea... Korea was a United Nations police action. Imagine the bureaucracy involved there. For some good insight on the bureaucrats involvement in the Vietnam war check out "Semper Fi Vietnam" by Edward F. Murphy. Do the words "Troop Surge" come to mind? Same as Iraq... If the bureaucrats would have listened to the commanders on the ground then the US may have gained the upper hand at the beginning of the war in 1965, when the Marines first arrived in Da Nang.

Iraq is a good war.

You think so?

But the "post-War" is being ran incompetently for the most part. We should get out of there in a couple of years.

Not true. It was initially a cluster f*ck with Rumsfeld's refusal to send more troops to combat the growing insurgency, mainly Muqtada Al Sadr. His initial Mahdi militia consisted of 3000 men, mainly based in Najaf. Now it has swelled to over 10,000.

Shia's are fed up with the innocents dying so are now turning against Al Sadr, especially in Najaf where he has all but been suppressed. Prosperity has hit the region for the first time since Saddam took power.

The Sunni's are fed up with Al Qaeda and are turning against them in the North.

There is more accountability of the money and equipment being turned over to the Iraqis.

American and European travel agencies are now offering vacation packages to Kurdistan, Northern Iraq, whose economy prospered under their independent autonomous rule after the first Gulf War. It suffered just after the major fighting ended but has rebounded now. The Kurds are pretty tough fighters and have, for the most part, ended most of the terroristic acts that sporadically occurred.

Erbil, Iraq was the only city that I could safely walk the markets without body armor and a Kevlar helmet. And this was in April, 2004.

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I got it from Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Bael. They told me all of these things when I visited the Ka'aba in Mekkah.

He told me all about the past 1200 years or so of Sunni persecution of Shi'a Muslims.

What about you? From where do you draw your fantasies?

Allahu Akhbar! Ya Husayn! Ya Hassan!

you are = you're

Yeah, I know. It's pretty much dogshit for anyone to wish that their country and another country could be friends and end the cycle of violence and hate.

You must be a Wahhabi. The Saudi apostate ministers of hate, death and courageous suicide bomber recruiters.

This is why you should not be in any army, and you wonder why the world has such a dim out look on Americans.


dogshit = dog ****.

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Americans are disliked mostly by Western Liberals and Snobs.

Really? Your deluded.

And some of it has to do with the spread of your Nazi-like apostasy known as Wahhabism.

errrrr squeaky clean America, no radical groups there are there?

The US economy is showing signs of recovery all over

Looks f**ked to me.

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We're all wasting our time with this guy...

EVERYONE agrees the US economy is in recession.

EVERYONE agrees US foreign policy has been a shambles for the past decade.

EVERYONE agrees US global standing has dropped precipitiously.

All the previous posts smack of one thing... "The lady doth protest too much."


Elisabeth Kubler-Ross wrote of the five stages of death....

denial, anger, depression, bargaining and finally acceptance.

Right now Heretic is in stages one and two.

Please stop writing until you reach stage five...

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And some of it has to do with the spread of your Nazi-like apostasy known as Wahhabism.

errrrr squeaky clean America, no radical groups there are there?

These are links to what he is on about, there was a Channel 4 dispatches programme on last week about it.

Basically the Saudi govt. are sponsoring the most extreme form of "The Religion of Peace" in UK and presumably global mosques.

Interesting program if you an hour to watch it.

PT1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOIYkLWY4Fc

PT2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j21OSS5G39k&feature=related

PT3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcd5jcxCRCA&feature=related

PT4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd2atmHJQN4&feature=related

PT5 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsg2UDnC6Y4&feature=related

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Americans are disliked mostly by Western Liberals and Snobs.

Really? Your deluded.

And some of it has to do with the spread of your Nazi-like apostasy known as Wahhabism.

errrrr squeaky clean America, no radical groups there are there?

The US economy is showing signs of recovery all over

Looks f**ked to me.

Things could get better if Obama gets in which I am not very hopeful right now. If McCainiac gets elected we are all F*cked !

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