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Modern Britain!! makes you wonder.




 These were taken at a demonstration outside the Old Bailey court in London yesterday.Muslimdemo.jpg muslimdemo3.jpg   



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Filming of any non-violent demonstrators suck.

Which does not mean that I support the topic of the demonstration. That's where leads too much political corectness and supressing of the local nationalists.

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Everyone has the right to demonstrate, as long as it's non violent. It probably won't help them anyway as the majority will just ignore them. The UK is pretty f**ked up. But then again where isn't? And there is no solution. We're doomed

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They were 'non-violently' protesting against the prison sentences given to four muslim men for encouraging terrorism and inciting murder and racial hatred during another 'non violent' demonstration last year against cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.

Yes everyone has the right to demonstrate but screaming such things as, for British soldiers to come home from Iraq in body bags, chanting : "Bomb, bomb the UK".

Oh Allah, we want to see another 9/11 in Iraq, another 9/11 in Denmark, another 9/11 in Spain, in France, all over Europe."

UK you will pay, 7/7 on its way" and "Europe you will pay with your blood".

Is way beyond what is acceptable or even legal (yes even in the uk) so makes me wonder why the fk they were even protesting yesterday in the first place.

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Well thats unacceptable and of course I don't agree with that. Actions such as that have to be deemed as more that protesting though. More like inciting a riot or something like that.

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No, it is not. They are far not that educated or open-minded.

Their brainwashing home says that all the Christians and Jews are evil who wants to destroy their homes and to kill their children. So their sacret mission is to eradicate all the "others" so Islam would safely rule the world. Most of them don't really make any difference (and thats why we are so jumpy at first when someone speaks with generalizations like "farang").

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Years ago if some one held up a placard up with that on the coppers would kick ass,I think radicals try the Police out right to the limits,bur there seems to be no limits does there?

Filming these people seems to be the only way they can find a way to arrest,but if we went into a bank with head set on like them we would be charged I'm sure.

A friend of mine the other day just told me of a family that moved to Australia became citizens,their children went to University(free of course) and now the parents have sent the children to Pakistan to a muslim school.

It amazes me how long our governments are going to take a back seat on these issues and let our own be intimidated.

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If the "FREE PRESS" just reported the "FACTS" instead of sensationalizing these events.

Things would be a lot better. Firstly because it would not give the Demonstraters the EXPOSURE

they are seeking and hence would not draw more people to thier cause.

It also has the effect of "Desensitizing" the population till the situtation almost becomes normal

So my question is, who is to blame, The demonstrators/terrorists or the media

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Yes Steve, why protest against your own country, curse your countries troops (some may be muslims), incite hatred and violence? Isnt that why the 4 were jailed ?....interesting........Maybe there is more of this story to come.

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Protesting against your country or for whatever reason is a right in the free speaking world.....I just think this particular protest was little miss-guided, when you see just what, the people they were protesting about were found guilty of.

Altho Im sure If it was say, a group of westerners living in Muslim countries such as Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia and they incited hatred and violence towards Islam and then they were punished for it by whatever means that countries laws allow....These countries would allow and tolerate such 'peaceful' demos as u see above.

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Posted by Treborz [ 20 July 2007 | 1:07AM ]

If they are not happy in Britian they can f*ck off back to their own country as far as i'm concerned. <<<

good chance that Britain is their own country !!

and ask the anti poll tax activists and striking miners what they thought of the police in those times .... maybe they should **** off back to their own country also !!

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