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I'm Attention Seeker?




I want to apology that I made her bored with what I wrote on my own journal.honestly  I did not  want any kind of attention from anyone .I just want to put everything I can say there and some thing that ppl here may know more than I know ..coz I do n?t know everything .sometimes I know thing but I still want some opinions.

I am so sorry about what I wrote if it was not  good or did not make anyone?s sense

Again I am so sorry I make her feel bad ?.I feel bad too when I know that someone don?t like what I have done .. as I always think that ppl here are friends ??..I always kind and please others.that is why I work on my free thai lesson even I don?t have that much time.

I know it is not only her don?t like my journal ,many ppl don?t like them .Thank you that she said something before I go so far ,I did not want anyone attention .I think my thai lesson get some attention enough,  seriously I have 2 jobs also do my PhD.I have no time for playing around , party or meeting.I have no time for asking someone attention as well.

I did not blame what she said ,it is very good to know

So sorry for that, I hope we can be friends ,I am not a bad person ,I just cannot show who i am that much here

And thank you the journalist for  your big comment I will change it as much as I can Pls next time cmment about what I wrote here not about me and my family

I want to be better everyday


PS. Friend said I should not say anything back .. but I just feel so bad with it


The detail if you want to know

About Pap test ..why I have to wait until now? I had so many bad experiences in hospital before that is why .I do scare to go to do the test

Why do I have to wait until Russ is here with me coz he had some experience work in hospital  and in our plan he will be with me  so soon.I will not have to wait until I die.

anyhow  the journalist  seems know about us very well from what I said on this site yes I tell TF the trust but do you think I will tell someone I do not know in person the whole detail ??

another detail you should know ?we have met in person?   

about the scars .I got an accident yesterday it looked really bad , my face was so red and hurt ,I was shocked ,I was alone and it was very late,I don?t know what to do.I know some kind of medicine can help and someone in TF may know that.I just want really good advises from ppl here

?The title I put on journal? yes sometimes I just make it look interest say something like that as I know ppl will read it.....



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I want to apology that I made her bored with what I wrote on my own journal.honestly  I did not  want any kind of attention from anyone .I just want to put everything I can say there and some thing that ppl here may know more than I know ..coz I do n?t know everything .sometimes I know thing but I still want some opinions.

I am so sorry about what I wrote if it was not  good or did not make anyone?s sense

Again I am so sorry I make her feel bad ?.I feel bad too when I know that someone don?t like what I have done .. as I always think that ppl here are friends ??..I always kind and please others.that is why I work on my free thai lesson even I don?t have that much time.

I know it is not only her don?t like my journal ,many ppl don?t like them .Thank you that she said something before I go so far ,I did not want anyone attention .I think my thai lesson get some attention enough,  seriously I have 2 jobs also do my PhD.I have no time for playing around , party or meeting.I have no time for asking someone attention as well.

I did not blame what she said ,it is very good to know

So sorry for that, I hope we can be friends ,I am not a bad person ,I just cannot show who i am that much here

And thank you the journalist for  your big comment I will change it as much as I can Pls next time cmment about what I wrote here not about me and my family

I want to be better everyday


PS. Friend said I should not say anything back .. but I just feel so bad with it


The detail if you want to know

About Pap test ..why I have to wait until now? I had so many bad experiences in hospital before that is why .I do scare to go to do the test

Why do I have to wait until Russ is here with me coz he had some experience work in hospital  and in our plan he will be with me  so soon.I will not have to wait until I die.

anyhow  the journalist  seems know about us very well from what I said on this site yes I tell TF the trust but do you think I will tell someone I do not know in person the whole detail ??

another detail you should know ?we have met in person?   

about the scars .I got an accident yesterday it looked really bad , my face was so red and hurt ,I was shocked ,I was alone and it was very late,I don?t know what to do.I know some kind of medicine can help and someone in TF may know that.I just want really good advises from ppl here

?The title I put on journal? yes sometimes I just make it look interest say something like that as I know ppl will read it.....

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Posted by POSES [ 6 August 2009 | 12:42AM ]

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I don't know but I quite like you, you make me laugh, your journals are interesting and often eductional but more importantly original, you're one of the better members here.

..... and this is ME saying this!!!

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Nave: ÃéÒÇ ÃÙéä´éä§à¹ÕèÂÇèÒàÃÒÃÕÃà LOL

beej:thank you so much

just now talking to someone and he said just care what ppl who know you and love you said only... i know ..if the journalist did not talk to someone i know here I will not think too much

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