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Slurms Plutonium (MD)

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in a grandious and gross gesture of pure untamed arrogance I'm going to to attempt to solve all the world problems....

today I'd like to start with sex tourists who are "***** addicted"....or to be more politically correct ..."***** vendors addicted"

now......like all addiction there are certain indicators ....so called"tell tale signs" ......waking up in a gutter in your own vomit, having soi dogs gossip about your scruffiness.... ....like in my case....might be a sign that you drink too much.....losing your naval cavity might be a sign to lay of the cocaine....

but with "hooker addiction " there signs are less clear cut....


if you finding yourself often paying 2000 baht taxi for her morning after "taxi" journey ....you might be a whoremonger.....

if you allways losing your ping pong balls in mysterious and interesting ways.....you might be a whoremonger.....

if you always getting beaten at pool by girls.......you might be a whoremonger.....

if the bar you drink in has a rather liberal and gratuitious ammount of non roof supporting poles........you might be a whoremonger

if all your "girlfriends" buffaloes keep getting sick.....you might be a whoremonger.....

if you have been to thailand...but never to a beach other than pattaya.....you ARE a whoremonger....

if you look like you could fit the girl on your lap in your belly.....you might be a whoremonger....

if you use the words "boom boom"......and ask girls "do you smoke" (with no intention of enquiring as to their cigarette habits) .....you might be a whoremonger

if the adjective most used ammongst the girls you associate with to describe you is "handsum " ......and you look like the margaret thatchers arse......you might be a whoremonger

if you can sit in soi cowboy ....without feeling physically nausious.......you might be a whoremonger

just off the top of my head.....

well thats all for now..anymore that might help our sex addicted friends see the light ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm a saint I tell....a saint !

dear sir or madam:

we regret to inform you that your application for sainthood has been rejected.

herein please find a review of your credentials relative to the qualifications:

1. you're not dead.

2. your life is widely considered exemplary.

3. you have failed to perform the requisite two miracles or four really impressive but completely explainable things.

4. "saint slurms" is unacceptable as the name of a college, church or US Virgin Island.

5. we have been forwarded 8x10 glossies and several dozen DVDs severely impugning your claims to holiness.

given the exemplary nature of your life, and the fact that you are a great humanitarian and a man of deep religious conviction, we are willing to overlook the documentary evidence impugning your holiness. we will reconsider your application if you:

a) perform two miracles or 4 really impressive but completely explainable things(if you have already performed any of the above please forward the details to our review board)

B) change your name. 'steve' sounds nice, and very modern.

c) get (fatally) martyred in an interesting, and preferably gruesome, way. sorry about this requirement but saint sebastian has set very high.

if you can meet these requirements we will be willing to overlook the documentary evidence impugning your holiness and the allegations that you are the product of your mother's illicit dalliance with a pagan god.



acting chair, canonization committee

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