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How to speak & listen Eng. better


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Well, today a farang co worker came in my office and asked me to help him about PhotoShop and Illustrator. He spoke very fast and i couldn't catch him up. I tried to explain i think he didn't understand what i said. :cry:

He can speak thai very well i asked him to speak Thai with me once. He told me my Eng. was better than his Thai.......

Do u have any trick? or if u can help me practice it's gonna be great.

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Well, today a farang co worker came in my office and asked me to help him about PhotoShop and Illustrator. He spoke very fast and i couldn't catch him up. I tried to explain i think he didn't understand what i said. :cry:

He can speak thai very well i asked him to speak Thai with me once. He told me my Eng. was better than his Thai.......

Do u have any trick? or if u can help me practice it's gonna be great.

First of all, foreigners who live here ought to know that English is a second language for Thais and learn to speak slowly and clearly. I think it's very rude if they don't adapt. And there's nothing wrong with telling him to slow down and repeat what he said. Don't get into a contest about your English is better than his Thai, etc. Use BOTH languages to make yourselves understood.

If you need more listening practice, the Chula bookstore is probably the best for language materials and they have lots of things for listening practice including tapes or CD's.

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You coudl try listening to an Enlgish radio station on the net.

I have tried listening to Thai radio in an attempt to improve myThai, but my vocabulary is not really good enough yet.

I can make out some of what's being said.


Llots of talking, not a lot of music - topical discussions with phone ins. Good for listening to different accents too.

You can also try


They also allow you to download previous shows.... if you download a file and listen to it and find that you have trouble understanding, I would be more than happy to listen to it too and help you understand it.



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Well, today a farang co worker came in my office and asked me to help him about PhotoShop and Illustrator. He spoke very fast and i couldn't catch him up. I tried to explain i think he didn't understand what i said. :cry:

He can speak thai very well i asked him to speak Thai with me once. He told me my Eng. was better than his Thai.......

Do u have any trick? or if u can help me practice it's gonna be great.

As someone give me an advice when I asked how to learn thai (pick a thai g/f). Pick an english bf. :wink:

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If you have time should to go up-countries such as USA, UK, Canada or australia. Stay in farang famiy just a few months. I think you can speak english very well bcoz no thai ppl to talk with.

For Thai ppl, the writing ability is ok but their conversation have problems bcoz

We are not understand what farangs said like this word "Debt"..all thai ppl said "DEP " but Farang not understand bcoz they said " DET". Many words that we studied from Oxford English Book are not in Grammar's rule.

If you looking Farang bf to be your trainner.For my eyes, he can help you a bit bcoz you will learn just few words from him...such as..Oh!! my god, don't stop or give it to me...hahahahha

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Well, today a farang co worker came in my office and asked me to help him about PhotoShop and Illustrator. He spoke very fast and i couldn't catch him up. I tried to explain i think he didn't understand what i said. :cry:

He can speak thai very well i asked him to speak Thai with me once. He told me my Eng. was better than his Thai.......

Do u have any trick? or if u can help me practice it's gonna be great.

I agree with Khun Lung about telling the person to slow down. It's just common sense and respectful.

1 krup,

you have some very good suggestions from ppl here. I have spoken with you when i was in Thailand and your English isn't so bad.

If you want krup, I will go one step further. You can write anything to me that you want in English. I will correct anything that may need it and that will help with your reading/writing ability :D

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Chai ka P'1

Bobby is a very good teacher and please know that your english is better than me :wink: I agree with khun lung ka about sleeping dictionary 5555 LOL I never have before but wanna have one in the future lol :shock:


Sweeties Anny

My middle name is "dictionary" 8)

Just for information purposes of course lol

:shock: Wow Bobby Dictionary Sexy? hehehe Can I have one in the future lol :oops:

Sweeties Dictionary Anny LOL ..... :wink:

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Sorry na I posted this topic but i didn't reply

Well now i'm back. Thks for all comments na kha

p'Bobby i really wanna practice na i'm so serious

Tell u the truth i spent alot of money for Eng. class and many books to improve my Eng. but it's not good enough kha...

One day i went to see BKK film festival. i saw film name "Enduring love" ohhh it was UK film no thai or eng. subtitle also... :cry: i understand what's about but sometimes while ppl laugh i couldn't get it....so sad

I'm serious that i want a private teacher for little while. but pls not too expensive i don't have much money. (but if any volunteer wanna teach for free it's ok)

About getting Eng. bf. hmmmmm, for me it's harder than finding a pin in the ocean. lol

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My middle name is "dictionary" 8)

Just for information purposes of course lol

and is that then "****" for short (or long) then Bobby ..........

CiarianM.....I have one thing to say to you: hahahahahahahaha

Ãèùà Naughty Naughty guys.... :twisted:

:roll: but why i understand this naaaa....? I don't know Eng.

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My middle name is "dictionary" 8)

Just for information purposes of course lol

and is that then "****" for short (or long) then Bobby ..........

CiarianM.....I have one thing to say to you: hahahahahahahaha

Ãèùà Naughty Naughty guys.... :twisted:

:roll: but why i understand this naaaa....? I don't know Eng.

hahaha, seems you know enough about English krup 8)

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Chai ka P'1

Bobby is a very good teacher and please know that your english is better than me :wink: I agree with khun lung ka about sleeping dictionary 5555 LOL I never have before but wanna have one in the future lol :shock:


Sweeties Anny

My middle name is "dictionary" 8)

Just for information purposes of course lol

:shock: Wow Bobby Dictionary Sexy? hehehe Can I have one in the future lol :oops:

Sweeties Dictionary Anny LOL ..... :wink:

that's it bobby-anny. i have no mercy for you two.

bobby: have my sex&relationships forums and i'll take care of this one for you!

5th warning

molestator ys 8)

Jealousy will get you everywhere :lol:

Warning warning warning 8)

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Well, today a farang co worker came in my office and asked me to help him about PhotoShop and Illustrator. He spoke very fast and i couldn't catch him up. I tried to explain i think he didn't understand what i said. :cry:

He can speak thai very well i asked him to speak Thai with me once. He told me my Eng. was better than his Thai.......

Do u have any trick? or if u can help me practice it's gonna be great.

As someone give me an advice when I asked how to learn thai (pick a thai g/f). Pick an english bf. :wink:

So ny brit or ameican guys here ??? i wanna improve my eng . hehe

i dont speak english i only speak american. now excuse me, i'm gonna go have some 'freedom fries.'

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So ny brit or ameican guys here ??? i wanna improve my eng . hehe

Yah. I'm American and also an English teacher, Feliciano. But you've got a bf already. So you have to decide. 300 baht per hour for my services or free if you want a gig. hehehe

B my gig then . hehe i want it 4 freee na kha .

okay, that mean

get English guy Bf = free from charge.

get English guy gig = 50% discount

get English guy friend = 25 % discount

get English guy teacher = i have to pay 100% (that's not good na)

:roll: BF or Gig must be a good idea

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So ny brit or ameican guys here ??? i wanna improve my eng . hehe

Yah. I'm American and also an English teacher, Feliciano. But you've got a bf already. So you have to decide. 300 baht per hour for my services or free if you want a gig. hehehe

B my gig then . hehe i want it 4 freee na kha .

Well, Felic, it all starts with a click of your mousie. You know that place where you click for private message? Do you need instructions in Thai about how to do that? ÃÔÃÔÃÔ

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Do u have any trick? or if u can help me practice it's gonna be great.

dear p'nueng, i didnt have time to read others' post on this topic yet. but hmm.. i just want to share experiece with you now.

i started my eng. about 7 years ago. back then i had no clue what 'license' meant.

watching movie and trying to catch what they say, listening to english songs and reading lyrics at the same time---that's how i learn my english.

i didnt go to private english course/school. i think it's useless and waste of money. i spent that on buying books and monthly cable service.

chatting online is also helpful, meeting them in person and trying to build up confidence talking in english. dont be shy to speak.

credit to my ex- i lived with him over years so eng was the mean of communication, also special thanks to ABAC -where i studies courses in eng

now, i depend mainly on myself in improving eng. i need to communicate with overseas customers in eng. also i try to keep up with new words from TF.

one tip: try to listen and notice what they say, listening is always good way to learn to speak

you can think up of some fun way to learn eng for yourself, different ppl have different preference. dont you think? good luck na kha :-)

You can believe her One krup, she is quicker than me in English when we chat :roll:

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You can believe her One krup, she is quicker than me in English when we chat :roll:

Khun bobby, thank you -i'm flattered :oops:

i'm just a quick........ learner.... and a good..... student

i pick up from........ lesson well



So, i guess that means:

I'm just a slow........learner...and a bad.....student

I don't learn from.......lessons well :(

Thanks for pointing that out Cherry krup :roll:

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You can believe her One krup, she is quicker than me in English when we chat :roll:

Khun bobby, thank you -i'm flattered :oops:

i'm just a quick........ learner.... and a good..... student

i pick up from........ lesson well



So, i guess that means:

I'm just a slow........learner...and a bad.....student

I don't learn from.......lessons well :(

Thanks for pointing that out Cherry krup :roll:

bobby... i TOLD you she was dangerous.. i TOLD you...

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