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UFO in Bangkok



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You have obviously had either an average or below average education. You have absolutely no clue about establishing credibility of sites or verifying the credentials of 'scientists'. Your 'grey alien' video is a fake. FFS it is even tagged by the makers as 'entertainment' and the 'alien' even appears to say 'mundo gump' (the name of the website that...eh...'discovered' this footage.)

I am not naive, nor do I believe anything my government tells me. Quite the opposite in fact, and have had my phone tapped in the past. But for the things I challenge/disbelieve my government on, I have an established and credible network of sources. For you however, this network is similar minded X Files fans and spurious videos on the net.

There is NO proof. There is NO cover up on UFOs, although during the cold war the UFO hysteria was a good cover for secret projects of an entirely terrestrial nature. Conspiracy cooperation on the scale you suggested is impossible in this information age, and your drooling ramblings belong in either the 1950's or a secure ward (or both).

I must confess to being rather relieved at your declaration of being gay, as thankfully it removes one more set of stupid genes from the breeding pool. In this, at least, you have benefited future generations.

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You have obviously had either an average or below average education. You have absolutely no clue about establishing credibility of sites or verifying the credentials of 'scientists'. Your 'grey alien' video is a fake. FFS it is even tagged by the makers as 'entertainment' and the 'alien' even appears to say 'mundo gump' (the name of the website that...eh...'discovered' this footage.)

I am not naive, nor do I believe anything my government tells me. Quite the opposite in fact, and have had my phone tapped in the past. But for the things I challenge/disbelieve my government on, I have an established and credible network of sources. For you however, this network is similar minded X Files fans and spurious videos on the net.

There is NO proof. There is NO cover up on UFOs, although during the cold war the UFO hysteria was a good cover for secret projects of an entirely terrestrial nature. Conspiracy cooperation on the scale you suggested is impossible in this information age, and your drooling ramblings belong in either the 1950's or a secure ward (or both).

I must confess to being rather relieved at your declaration of being gay, as thankfully it removes one more set of stupid genes from the breeding pool. In this, at least, you have benefited future generations.


You just did not type that! You had better be thankful that what you said was in a controlled environment man.....

Don't bring my education level into this. I am university educated in fact. You sure know how to dish it out.

So if you don't believe in UFO's aliens ..so be it. That's you and for your creed.

Out of all the information out there on the web, the thousands of videos of so called UFOS aliens and for all the people who believe, the exclusive no fly zone, even for the military over Area 51. You just show what a true skeptic and closed minded person you are. Ever heard of wikipedia?

UFOs are sometimes an element of conspiracy theories in which governments are allegedly intentionally "covering up" the existence of aliens or sometimes collaborating with them. There are many versions of this story; some are exclusive, while others overlap with various other conspiracy theories.

In the U.S., an opinion poll conducted in 1997 suggested that 80 % of Americans believed the U.S. government was withholding such information.[87][88] Various notables have also expressed such views. Some examples are astronauts Gordon Cooper and Edgar Mitchell, Senator Barry Goldwater, Vice Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter (the first CIA director), Lord Hill-Norton (former British Chief of Defense Staff and NATO head), the 1999 high-level French COMETA report by various French generals and aerospace experts, and Yves Sillard (former director of the French space agency CNES, new director of French UFO research organization GEIPAN).[89]

It has also been suggested by a few paranormal authors that all or most human technology and culture is based on extraterrestrial contact. See also ancient astronauts.

Allegations of evidence suppression

See also: Disclosure Project, Men in Black, and Brookings Report

There have been allegations of suppression of UFO related evidence for many decades. There are claims that physical evidence might have been removed and/or destroyed/suppressed by some governments."

80% ... go suck on it. That means you are just the minority .... 20% 80%+20% = 100%

Question is now.... What drugs did you trade and use in order for your phone to be tapped?

Edited by Goodghost
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Strange lights over Nonthaburi a few moments ago. Anyone see them?

Increased UFo sightings all over the world now.

What the hell is going on?

That's what I want to know. What is going on?

Don't demand that I prove to you that aliens or UFOs exist. If I could I would bring one to you.

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Enjoy! I know I did. Some won't...but this is really interesting.

What's interesting is the total lack of evidence. No wreckage found. No aliens found. And all the crashes happened in America.

UFOs don't crash in other countries?

It's pitiful.

Your brag of 80% means nothing. 80% of Americans think the govt is witholding information about UFOs. 80% of the Americans ASKED think the govt has secrets about UFOs.

1 The rest of the world don't

2 The rest of those not polled don't

3 The 'secrets' aren't revealed... It could be that the air force has tried to build flying discs (we've seen attempts before) and obviously these would be classified. The information being witheld is much more likely to be, 'Nothing found, even after all these years.'

4 The vast majority of the world believes in a religion... it doesn't make it true.

University educated? lol... Number 8 by anychance? Or maybe number 3?

10. David Beckham studies – Staffordshire University, UK


It might sound like a joke, but the squeaky-voiced soccer star actually has a degree course dedicated to him. The course, which is technically classed as “Football Culture”, has been defended by its founder, who argues that degree courses must keep with the times. Celeb-style degrees can also be found in the US, with Madonna studies injected into the Gender course at Harvard (no less) and Oprah Winfrey studies at Illinois.

9. Parapsychology – various colleges


This degree is perfect for starting a career with Ghostbusters. Oh wait, Ghostbusters are fictional – that’s four years wasted. Nevertheless, this course dedicated to the study of the paranormal (Slimer and haunted houses included) is popping up in universities and colleges worldwide. Coventry, Edinburgh, Northampton and Liverpool in the UK, plus Belford and Flamel in the US all offer the course, which makes you wonder if people are watching too many Most Haunted episodes.

8. Doctorate of Philosophy in Ufology – Melbourne University


In August this year, Aussie Martin Plowman became the first student to become a real Dr Who after passing his studies of unidentified flying objects. After his major in culture and communications, he decided he wanted to do something a bit different, so he chose little green men. However, despite his new status, he remains open-minded about things: “When I meet someone who says they’ve seen something strange, that’s fair enough, because maybe they have. I don’t know what it is, though,”

7. The Phallus – Occidental College


It’s difficult to get to grips with the exact nature of this course – if you’ll pardon the pun. It’s cited as studies “between the phallus and the penis, the meaning of the phallus, phallologocentrism, the lesbian phallus, the Jewish phallus, the Latino phallus, and the relation of the phallus and fetishism” but is actually a survey offered by this distinguished college’s department of critical theory and social justice.

6. Surfing Studies – Plymouth / Melbourne


Gone are the days of dumb surfer dudes riding the waves without a care. Now, surfing means business. With Plymouth Uni in the UK offering a BSc (Hons) in Surf Science and Technology and Southern Cross University in Australia offering Surf and Sport Management, is seems the seaside slackers want to be taken seriously. What next? Wrestling degrees?

5. Philosophy – various colleges


Philosophy, like sociology and psychology, is one of those degrees that people do when they’re not quite sure what vocation they want to follow . It’s a fun-time four years, open to stoners, egocentrics and those that love the sound of their own voice, who will finish the course even more confused at what they want to do in life and probably end up working at a convenience store.

4. Queer Musicology – UCLA


Due to seemingly popular demand, the UCLA have actually combined queer theory – the study of gender, feminism and gayness – with the science of music, to produce a very open-minded course within their Herb Alpert School of Music. The LA Times reported that the course will introduce debates like: “the idea that if you’re gay, then music by gay composers such as Benjamin Britten will sound different to you than it would if you were straight.”

3. Star Trek – Georgetown University in Washington


It’s a degree, Jim, but not as we know it. The Georgetown faculty of Philosophy argues that “Star Trek is very philosophical. What better way, then, to learn philosophy, than to watch Star Trek, read philosophy, and hash it all out in class?” The Trekkies have also landed at Indiana University, who curiously combine their Star Trek Studies with religion. If only there were more vacancies for professional dorks…

2. Golf Management – University of Birmingham / Florida Gulf Coast University


Here’s another useless sport degree spreading through Universities across the world, but this one lands the number two position because it’s not even fun. There’s nothing much duller than playing golf apart from studying golf, so why these two Universities have offered courses covering the psychology of golf; equipment technology; financial performance and coach education, is a mystery.

1. Art History – various colleges


What career would you ever get with a degree in art history? Maybe an art gallery curator, but how many of those does the world actually need? Most art history courses consist of a selection of well-to-do teenagers and arty-hippy types deliberating over the same Dali and Magritte paintings for four, even five years straight. It’s time to move on!

Honorable Mentions:

The Science of Harry Potter – Frostburg University

Maryland’s Frostburg University provides this honors seminar, which is really a physics class that investigates the supposed magic of Harry Potter. Seems like an excuse to watch the Harry Potter movies.

Learning from YouTube – Pitzer College

California’s Pitzer College has added a class named, Learning from YouTube. TechCrunch reports that “the class consists of students watching YouTube videos and then discussing them. They also leave comments on the videos themselves.”

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Did you use Wikipedia for your degree research?

You know who writes Wikipedia, right? ANYONE!!! Which means even morons like you can wtie **** on there and other morons will believe it!

Here are some quotes from Wiki

Studies have established that the majority of UFOs are observations of some real but conventional object—most commonly aircraft, balloons, noctilucent clouds, nacreous clouds, or astronomical objects such as meteors or bright planets — that have been misidentified by the observer as anomalies, while a small percentage of reported UFOs are hoaxes
The UK's Flying Saucer Working Party published its final report in 1951, which remained secret for over 50 years. The Working Party concluded that all UFO sightings could be explained as misidentifications of ordinary objects or phenomena, optical illusions, psychological delusions or hoaxes. The report stated: "We accordingly recommend very strongly that no further investigation of reported mysterious aerial phenomena be undertaken, unless and until some material evidence becomes available."

Eight file collections on UFO sightings, dating from 1978 to 1987, were first released on May 14, 2008, to the UK National Archives by the Ministry of Defence.[52] Although kept secret from the public for many years, most of the files have low levels of classification and none are classified Top Secret. 200 files are set to be made public by 2012. The files are correspondence from the public sent to government officials, such as the MoD and Margaret Thatcher. The MoD released the files under the Freedom of Information Act due to requests from researchers.[53] These files include, but are not limited to, UFOs over Liverpool and the Waterloo Bridge in London.[54]

A secret study of UFOs was undertaken for the UK’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) between 1996 and 2000 and was code-named Project Condign. The resulting report, titled "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena in the UK Defence Region", was publicly released in 2006, but the identity and credentials of whomever constituted Project Condign remains classified. The report confirmed earlier findings that the main causes of UFO sightings are misidentification of man-made and natural objects. The report noted: "No artefacts of unknown or unexplained origin have been reported or handed to the UK authorities, despite thousands of UAP reports. There are no SIGINT, ELINT or radiation measurements and little useful video or still IMINT." It concluded: "There is no evidence that any UAP, seen in the UKADR [uK Air Defence Region], are incursions by air-objects of any intelligent (extraterrestrial or foreign) origin, or that they represent any hostile intent." A little-discussed conclusion of the report was that novel meteorological plasma phenomenon akin to Ball Lightning are responsible for a small percentage of otherwise inexplicable sightings, especially reports of Black Triangle UFOs.

In August 2009 The Black Vault internet archive announced the release by the British government of more than 4,000 pages of declassified records.[56] The records include information on the Rendlesham Forest incident, crop circles, a UFO attack on a cemetery and even reports of alien abduction claims.[57]

On 1 December 2009, the British Ministry of Defense (MoD) quietly closed down its UFO investigations unit. The unit's hotline and email address were suspended by the Ministry of Defense on that date. The MoD said there was no value in continuing to receive and investigate sightings in a release, stating

"... in over fifty years, no UFO report has revealed any evidence of a potential threat to the United Kingdom. The MoD has no specific capability for identifying the nature of such sightings. There is no Defence benefit in such investigation and it would be an inappropriate use of defence resources. Furthermore, responding to reported UFO sightings diverts MoD resources from tasks that are relevant to Defence." The Guardian reported that the MoD claimed the closure would save the Ministry around £50,000 a year. The MoD said that it would continue to release UFO files to the public through the National Archives.[58]

Studies show that after careful investigation, the majority of UFOs can be identified as ordinary objects or phenomena (see Identification studies of UFOs). The most commonly found identified sources of UFO reports are:

Now... did you REALLY want me to look up Men in Black?


Some ufologists[who?] believe that Men in Black are in fact either aliens or androids controlled by aliens. According to this theory, they are sent out in order to cover up alien activity on Earth. All oddities in their appearance and/or behavior may be explained by the Men in Black's extraterrestrial origin and their unfamiliarity with norms of the human society
In his article, "Gray Barker: My Friend, the Myth-Maker," John C. Sherwood reveals that at age 18, he cooperated when Gray Barker urged him in the late 1960s to develop a hoax - which Barker subsequently published - about what Barker called "blackmen," three mysterious UFO inhabitants who silenced Sherwood's pseudonymous identity, "Dr. Richard H. Pratt."

You don't seem to be drumming up much support from other forum posters here. I mean, one would think that if we skeptics were in the 20% minority, there would be four times as many people backing you up than are laughing at you.

But there isn't...

(maybe the CIA blocked all your friends)

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Well it just looks that way.

It's only you and Stramash that hate me for what I stand for.

For that guy , EB, seems like he always hate or insult who stand in different side from him so don't take his act in to your account. However, for p' Iain (stramash), he always has his own reasons which is in my opinion, is quite reasonable, so plz just spare your one ear to listen to his voice and take in to your consideration. Moreover, what p' Iain post here is not because he hate u but because he just wanna share his idea to you. So don't worry

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Well it just looks that way.

It's only you and Stramash that hate me for what I stand for.

Oh FFS... Drama queen!

We don't hate you.

You don't stand for anything. Believing conspiracy theories doesn't make you a martyr or a hero - it makes you a naive, gullible idiot spouting crap online.

If you want to make this into some kind of civil liberties issue for your rights, I'm merely practicing my inalienable right to freedom of speech.

It's the internet - It's full of weirdos... Go and check out the dumb ***** preaching Osama Bin Laden is her hero. (And before you give any credence to her ramblings about me, she used to be my stalker - I blocked her now she is waging a jihad against me lol)

You are just a slightly annoying irritant. A little bit above a mosquito, but below dandruff. Try to get some perspective of your own importance. (hint - you have none)

Edited by English_Bob
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What's your problem? I stand up for what I believe in.....

and then you continue to abuse me with your callious words and intent...

How can you compare the dumb ***** preaching Osama Bin Laden is her hero to me? How dare you.

Totally irrelevant just like you.

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What's your problem? I stand up for what I believe in.....

and then you continue to abuse me with your callious words and intent...

How can you compare the dumb ***** preaching Osama Bin Laden is her hero to me? How dare you.

Totally irrelevant just like you.

Oh call your ******* lawyer and sue me. Got an issue? Here's a tissue. Jesus, get a pair of balls you whining little turd. How prepared are you going to be when 'the greys' come for you and you whinge that they had 'callious (sic) intent'?

Talk about irrelevent... I didn't compare you to her. I told you the internet was full of weirdos. You and she happen to be two of them. Weird but for totally different reasons.

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FYI This is the UFO in Bangkok thread. Are you suggesting they are aliens?

Hey guys look at my pic of a pool party Whoooaaa"

Should be under "Pool party in Bangkok"

Complain to Admin... He will decide if it breaks the rules.

Your UFO thread got no takers. No-one wrote and said, 'Yeah you're right.' People wrote and said 'You're an idiot.'

You and Mrs Bin Laden make a great couple. King and Queen of the Prom.

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Complain to Admin... He will decide if it breaks the rules.

Your UFO thread got no takers. No-one wrote and said, 'Yeah you're right.' People wrote and said 'You're an idiot.'

You and Mrs Bin Laden make a great couple. King and Queen of the Prom.

and u are a bastard monster of this prom EB

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Complain to Admin... He will decide if it breaks the rules.

Your UFO thread got no takers. No-one wrote and said, 'Yeah you're right.' People wrote and said 'You're an idiot.'

You and Mrs Bin Laden make a great couple. King and Queen of the Prom.

Over 1000 takers just 2 losers

and don't you mean Two Queens of the prom?

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