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i just doubt of what the advantages guys get from big boobs and what is the make sense reasons why almost of guys prefer big one rather than cherry size or flat ....... . ( just curious so nothing serious )
OK, FIRST OF ALL I DONT WANT THIS TO GET MESSY the topic of a simarlar name provoked a lot of emotion in the responces so i thought 'i wonder if this topic will sink or float.' i'm not even sure its a good idea to post this as i've been a bad lad myself in the PAST..........I SAID PAST. so i think both are as a bad as each other on the whole, with lies and unfaithfull behaviour. i know alot of farang guys who have been rinsed for money and a few who have had to take thier g/f to hospital as she engages in self harm and loads of girls broken hearted by farang guys (they seem to get replacments pretty bloody quick though)..............THE GLOVES ARE OFF.............BUT NOT TOO SERIOUS OK .................IT TOOK 20 MINUTES TO PLUCK UP THE COURAGE TO POST THIS :?
5 Toughest Questions a Woman Can Ask a Man The questions are: What are you thinking about? Do you love me? Do I look fat? Do you think she is prettier than me? What would you do if I died? What makes these questions so difficult is that every one is guaranteed to explode into a major argument if the man answers incorrectly (i.e tells the truth). Therefore, as a public service, each question is analyzed below, along with possible responses. Question # 1: What are you thinking about? The proper answer to this, of course, is: "I'm sorry if I've been pensive, dear. I was just reflecting on what a warm, wonderful, thoughtful, caring, intelligent w oman you are, and how lucky I am to have met you."This response obviously bears no resemblance to the true answer, which most likely is one of the following: Baseball. Football. How fat you are. How much prettier she is than you. How I would spend the insurance money if you died. (Perhaps the best response to this question was offered by Al Bundy, who once told Peg, "If I wanted you to know what I was thinking, I would be talking to you!") Question # 2: Do you love me? The proper response is: "YES!" or, if you feel a more detailed answer is in order, "Yes, dear."Inappropriate responses include: I suppose so. Would it make you feel better if I said yes? That depends on what you mean by love. Does it matter? Who, me? Question # 3: Do I look fat? The correct answer is an emphatic: "Of course not!" Among the incorrect answers are: Compared to what? I wouldn't call you fat, but you're not exactly thin. A little extra weight looks good on you. I've seen fatter. Could you repeat the question? I was just thinking about how I would spend the insurance money if you died. Question # 4: Do you think she's prettier than me? Once again, the proper response is an emphatic: "Of course not!" Incorrect responses include: Yes, but you have a better personality Not prettier, but definitely thinner Not as pretty as you, when you were her age Define 'pretty' Could you repeat the question? I was just thinking about how I would spend the insurance money if you died. Question #5: What would you do if I died? A definite no-win question. (The real answer, or course, is "Buy a Corvette.") No matter how you answer this, be prepared for at least an hour of follow-up questions, usually along the these lines: She....Would you get married again? He.....Definitely not! She....Why not - don't you like being married? He.....Of course I do. She....Then why wouldn't you remarry? He.....Okay, I'd get married again. She....You would? (With a hurtful look on her face) He.....Yes, I would. She....Would you sleep with her in our bed? He.....Where else would we sleep? She....Would you put away my pictures, and replace them with pictures of her? He.....That would seem like the proper thing to do. She....And would you let her use my golf clubs? He.....She can't use them; she's left-handed. :twisted:
According to Robert Leahy, Ph.D., here are the 7 reasons men do not listen to women: Gentlemen, start your engines . . . LOL
I thought that I finally started to figure out this conundrum but once again I am completely wrong. When I first got to Thailand I thought that the only women that approached single men at a bar were girls looking for a client. I am not interested in sex tourism, so I generally politely excused myself. After a while I realized that there are girls that are genuinely interested in talking to me and tried to make some friends. Perhaps my biggest mistake is that I meet girls at a bar... Well, I really can't say I meet them: I dance, they come up to me and start a conversation. Otherwise I continue dancing and when the music stops I go home. I've met a few female friends that way, and as friends they are awesome. The second that relationship crosses the line into the sexual territory that is when the troubles begin. Dealing with mainly American Girls I find that most of them appreciate honesty and guys that are very straight forward. So generally, I'm very open on my views on sex. I don't push the subject because that is not my main objective here, but if the conversation comes up, I like to be clear so that there is no misconception. What I tell a girl that is trying to go in that direction is: "I just got out of a 6 years relationship that went really bad toward the end. I don't feel emotionally capable of engaging in another one. If you want to have sex, it's for fun. If you can't deal with that I much rather be your friend." In other words I tend to ruin a potentially romantic moment in order to safeguard my sanity. For me, drama and confusing sexual situations are worse than not getting laid. In any case... I can't seem to avoid it anyway. I met several crazy girls. I don't know if I should go into the details of each encounter... that's up to you my reader... but each one left me more and more confused. How do I keep making this so complicated? Or maybe Thai girls are really crazy!!! I don't know, you tell me. Your soon to be monk friend. V
- 135 replies
Woman who can't read map. Actually I can read a map just not very good at it. I have comments that I absolutely have a terrible sense of direction... Go get it and enjoy your quiet moments with a nice commend Cheers..!!!! **Let's you find the answer..on best seller the bookshop Now!! '' Why Men Dont Listen And Women Cant Read A Map " ...
A Man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs A Woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need A Woman worries about the future until she gets a husband A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend A successful woman is one who can find such a man To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all Married men live longer than single man, but married men are a lot more willing to die A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change but she does 8)
This is a post I read from our buddy Stickman. It was written by a Thai guy going by the name Jayson. What do you think of his version of the way things are. Read it all first. "Mr. Stickman, I?ve been reading your column on and off now for years and have never found the inclination to write. I must say that I find much of the rantings here to be somewhat entertaining (albeit in a morbid sort of way). But I will say that the experiences that many farang men have had with Thai women are tragic and sad and I feel for these guys. But collectively, they seem to paint a rather unflattering - and grossly unfair - picture of Thai women as a whole. What farang men never want to concede is that they all seem to be drawing water from the same tainted well, which is why they disproportionately get the unsavoury stuff. To put it bluntly, there is a huge difference between a ?typical Thai woman? and ?Thai women who date farangs.? This is going to be harsh, but it explains why so many farangs seem to get the short end of the stick with so many Thai women. Just a little about me. I?m a Thai, born in the USA, but raised in both the US and Thailand. I?m fluent in Thai, but actually prefer English as I believe it to be my native language. I?m now here in Thailand to stay. I have MANY farang colleagues and friends. I must say that most of my closest friends, here and back in the states, are farangs so I?m certainly not going to mindlessly bash farangs here. But believe me when I tell you that Thais will share with me stuff that they?ll NEVER share with farangs, not even if they?re married to one. And I?ll say this - most of the farangs in Thailand really don?t get it. They really don?t see how things are, how they?re perceived by the average Thai, men and women, what Thais talk about when farangs aren?t around, why Thai people ?smile? a lot, etc. All they know is what their wife or GF or their small circle of friends and relatives have told them, which is of course usually completely biased and distorted. But on rare occasions, I?ll read something from a farang and I?ll say to myself, ?man, this dude gets it.? Your comment about the Isaan women in your 17 July 05 column shows that you ?get it.? (from your thread: ?The average Western guy seems to have a thing for the women of Isaan, as opposed to women from other parts of Thailand. They'll say they like short, dark-skinned girls with a 6 year school education but perhaps the truth lies in the fact that Isaan women often throw themselves at the first farang that comes anywhere near them?). I?ll go a step further and quote the words of an American comedian who once said something to the effect that ?the woman that most men get are frankly the best that they could do with the options available.? More on this later. So why do farang men seem to frequently find the worst of Thailand when it comes to Thai women? Firstly, farang men do have a reputation in Thailand, some good, some not so good. I?ll narrow it down to the two that seems to matter most. (1) Thais think that all Farangs are wealthy. Can be good and bad...more on that later. (2) Thais believe that farang men are *****-chasers and connoisseurs of low-class women. Farangs need to understand Thai?s belief in class distinction to really appreciate the importance of number 2. And before you go about beating up Thais for falsely believing number 2, understand that Thais know what?s going on in Pattaya, Phuket, and the seedier areas of Bangkok. They see farang guys trying to pass their hookers off as girlfriends and they know. Heck, everyone knows. So if you want to blame anyone, blame these true *****-chasers who are still out there every single day. It never ceases to amaze me how farangs get upset when Thai folks mistakenly assume their wives/GFs are hookers, yet see for themselves other farangs with hookers and don?t even bat an eye. Thais only believe that Thai women with farangs are BGs/ex-BGs because it?s true the majority of the time. Back to the topic. So Thai women believe that farangs are wealthy. What kind of women will this attract? Well, certainly women who are into money. I?ll say that most women consider this to be desirable, but only a few believe it to be the most important thing. The ones who have it on the top of their priority list will certainly be after guys that have it. But then there?s the number 2 rep that farangs carry around, the *****-chasing thing. Most Thai girls are actually conservative by nature and really don?t want to be seen as ?that sort of woman.? So that takes out the ?nice? girls. And the women that are educated and well-off - well they don?t need that stigma either. I mean, why be looked at as some low-class gold-digger when you?ve already got your own money? So what you?re left with are the poor desperate types who really aren?t concerned about their reputation or what other people think because quite frankly, they have much more pressing problems. So what I?m saying is that farangs have got the typical Thai women pegged all wrong, yet they?re probably right about the Thai women that they?ve been with. And this is because most of the Thai women that farangs end up with are not typical Thai women. Most farangs are not going to want to believe this. They?ll want to believe what the women who they?ve met have told them, that farang guys are every Thai women?s desire, that Thai guys are all drunks and cheats, blah, blah, blah. But seriously, what else are these women going to tell you? That they?d rather be with a Thai guy, but are with the farang for financial reasons? I?m sure that will go over well with most farangs. The truth is probably that many of these women have had some bad experiences with Thai guys and although they?d still prefer a decent Thai guy, he?s probably out of reach. And the clock is ticking for her and her family. So why is this ?decent Thai guy? so out of reach for these ?Isaan? type women? There?s a well-kept secret in Thailand that every Thai person seems to know but no farang does (or maybe can?t grasp what it means). It boggles my mind actually because you can?t get three Thai people to agree on anything but nearly everyone agrees on this, both men and women. That farang men only date ugly Thai women. Now this is where there?s a huge perception difference between Thai and farang men. It?s the Isaan factor again, but let me try to explain it so that the average farang can relate. Thais look at dark-skinned women sort of the same way that Americans look at fat white women. Most American guys don?t dream of waking up every morning next to an obese woman, but admittedly, some guys are into that sort of thing. And if you are, you?ve got the pick of the litter. And that?s how it is with Isaan type women. Thai men of reasonable means are not going to be interested in these type of women and these women know it. Don?t believe me? Heck, just watch some Thai TV and see what they?re touting in the commercials. Constantly seeing products that are alleged to lighten women?s skin. Look at the Thai women soap stars. Certainly doesn?t fit the profile of a girl typically seen with a farang. Now I honestly don?t believe that farangs ?prefer? these Isaan type of women, although most seem content with anyone who?s thin and young, regardless of what they look like. But that?s really all that?s available to most farangs. Something interesting that I?ve noticed is that it?s almost pointless to be a good-looking farang guy in Thailand. Because you?re going to have access to the same pool of women as that fat, hairy, smelly, 55 year old German guy sitting at the end of the bar. You?re not going to have access to the same type of women that I have - and I say this almost apologetically. Back in the states, you see a good looking guy and you expect him to be with an attractive woman. And he almost always is. But here, you see a good-looking farang guy and chances are that his GF/wife will be the same Isaan-type woman that all the other farang guys run around with. There?s a young farang guy in my company who?s got the classic GQ look. I mean this guy would be a serious ladies-man back in the states. Nice guy too. Yet, his girlfriend is just oh-so-typical Isaan-type. And another guy, not as GQ, but in his late 20?s, better than average looking, making solid money, and his new wife has two kids (not his), and of course...well, no need to beat a dead horse. Nothing wrong with this, by the way, if they?re happy. Just an observation. Which brings me back to the ?secret? thing. It?s not really the intention of Thais to deceive farangs here or keep him from the truth. Thais really don?t like hurting people?s feelings, farangs or otherwise. But there?s no way to tell the guys and honestly, why would we want to? If the woman is attractive to you (and a good person to boot), it shouldn?t matter what everyone else thinks (ever seen the American movie Shallow Hal?). I?ve run into many situations where my farang colleagues or friends would show me a picture of their new GF, just gushing with their new found love expecting me to shower him with compliments of what a Goddess she was. Believe me, these gals were almost always hideous, but I just usually nod in agreement. What the heck am I going to say? My advice to farang men who are still searching for love: if a Thai woman comes after you, watch out. As I said before, Thai women are conservative by nature. This is how a ?nice? Thai girl approaches a guy she?s interested in. Has happened to me countless times. Her friend or acquaintance will approach me and say that someone?s really interested and see if I?m available. I?ll ask some questions and the friend will never reveal who it is until he/she knows that it?s a green light. I always end up saying I have a girlfriend (which I do) and I?ll never find out who this girl is. But if she approaches me directly, it will be very subtle and it won?t even appear like she?s interested. If a Thai woman drops these subtle hints and the guy doesn?t get it (or isn?t interested), she won?t pursue you for long. Point here is that they are very conservative when it comes to courtship and the man really has to be the aggressor. If the woman is the aggressor, then she?s really not the type of woman that I?d be interested in. Women libbers in the states are going to hate this, but that?s still the way it is in Thailand. Something else: if she says that she really likes farang guys and that?s what she?s looking for, don?t just walk away - freakin run. Because what she?s essentially saying is that she wants a farang guy and ANY farang will do. You?re nothing special, just the target of opportunity. And why do you think she prefers a farang guy? Hint: it?s got nothing to do with your charm and personality (check number 1 above). Why would you want to be with a woman who?d basically take up with any other farang guy if given the opportunity? What you really want is a Thai woman who?s not interested in a farang guy. Actually prefers a Thai guy. You win over that sort of woman and you?ve got something. Then you?ll know that she?s interested in you for you and nothing else. But it?d really help if you took the time to learn some Thai. I?d be a little suspicious of an uneducated Thai woman who speaks English a little too well, but that?s another topic for another time. " Quote from
blind-date. this very cool couple i recently met invites me to come out for dinner and drinks with them and their good friend who's single 30'ish, has her own business, and "hot". I get there and she's on her cellphone, pissed off becuase they didn't tell her i was coming. *i didn't thinks she was hot either* I'm cool I just say, "at the very least we could just be friends". we all hangout at their hair salon downtown -very cool, drinking wine and laughing and she finally warms up to me. All four of us go out for dinner and have more drinks and laughs and then the couple leaves. It's just us two and we hangout till the bar closes but the whole night i'm telling her I could see us being good friends (trying to hint that i'm NOT attracted to her) but being very sincere (our conversation is okay: funny, intelligent, quick witted remarks..... but very tame). Towards the end of the night she starts telling me that she absolutely thankful to her friends for introducing us. I tell her the same. Then she wants to know about my exgirlfriend (gee, thanks for mood damper). Now, I tell her that i'm still carrying some luggage from my last relationship so i'm not really ready to get serious with anyone. She's totally impressed, BUT SHE STARTS PAWING MY LEG AND ARM WHILE WE'RE TALKING (I know what that means). End of the night: she just lives downtown so I walk her home. She invites me upstairs for some wine but I decline telling her I was too tired and had to work the next morning. We wanted to exchange phone numbers but none of us has a pen. So we go inside. I'm cool. We exchange phone numbers I give her a big friendy hug and say good night....... 2 DAYS LATER...... It's monday. I have an important business meeting at 11am and at around 9am I discover there is no water throughout the whole apartment. F**K! Everybody, I know is gone to work or school already. I'm unshaven, bed head and morning breath and NO WATER!!! So, I call up my new "buddy" at her bueaty salon and tell her my situation and ask if I can get a shampoo and use her washroom to shave and brush my teeth. She's says sure (her tone is very dull for some reason). I get there and the stylist gives me the full treatment. I do my thing and pay her and say thanks and she say's "no, problem" *no tone* And SNUBS ME!!! Before I come up with my own conclusions. I would like to hear some other womens' perspectives.