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why is almost of guys prefer big boobs?


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There are occasional nights when I go out specifically to meet a big pair of boobs... The fact that they are attached to a woman (usually) is incidental.

Don't sound much like Bangkok then... I would guess for most part anything above a b-cup would be a guy... and a lot of Silicone...


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Hey whitelotus, nobody has given you a serious answer yet so I will try. Men are genetically programmed to seek out women who will successfully raise their children. This means we look for hips that are wide enough for childbirth, glossy hair that indicates good nutrition, smooth skin for good health, and breasts that will hold sufficient milk for nursing, among other traits. We have no control over this!

Personally I prefer smaller breasts because I tend to associate big breasts with overweight women. However I still look at the big breasts when they come my way. I can't help it.

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Hey whitelotus, nobody has given you a serious answer yet so I will try. Men are genetically programmed to seek out women who will successfully raise their children. This means we look for hips that are wide enough for childbirth, glossy hair that indicates good nutrition, smooth skin for good health, and breasts that will hold sufficient milk for nursing, among other traits. We have no control over this!

With your scientific approach, you killed all of the horny atmosphere of this thread ;-):lol::twisted:

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