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The Worlds Youngest Transexual?


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16 year old boy gets sex change. he started hormone therapy at the age of 12. This will make them the youngest transexual in the world. What do you think? Is this too young for such a thing? below is a link of what they look like.


Too young? When should she/he start hormone therapy in your opinion? When her/his Adam's apple is visible?

I would ask myself what kind of therapy she/he would need if she didn't start the hormone therapy before puberty.

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16 year old boy gets sex change. he started hormone therapy at the age of 12. This will make them the youngest transexual in the world. What do you think? Is this too young for such a thing? below is a link of what they look like.


Too young? When should she/he start hormone therapy in your opinion? When her/his Adam's apple is visible?

I really don't know when they should start I guess something like that would be determined by a doctor. not judging either...just sharing news that I read on the internet with TF. when I read the story I was a bit lost for words.im not homophobic or anything but that is rather young to make such a grownup decision.

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You should keep in mind, she/he is caucasian.. and after puberty they look like men in women costumes/clothes.

I would agree if it would be a tattoo, alcohol, drugs etc. ... but the puberty doesn't wait till he/she comes of age.

ic just trying to understand..so are you saying that they have to do this before they reach puberty? I think they are going to have a reality tv show or something like that too.

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Your facts are wrong......the first ever transexual was actuallu created in Scotland !!


A fine figure of a woman if ive ever seen one. Here she is in full flesh !!

Stevie knows his stuff!

Those jokes were pretty corny...

OMG lol how tall is that little dude anyway? :? :lol::lol: 8)


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not my place to judge.......

Why not?

I am very interested to hear your opinion.

What if he/she was your child?

well then I would have an intimate relationship with the child and be able to better judge what is best. To look at a picture and hear 16 years old I cannot. I tend to agree with Admin that it is wrong but can't really make a judgement with out real knowledge of the individual.

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16 year old boy gets sex change. he started hormone therapy at the age of 12. This will make them the youngest transexual in the world. What do you think? Is this too young for such a thing? below is a link of what they look like.


transgender issues are faught with complexity and misunderstanding.

ever seen Boys Don't Cry? Great film. Hillary Swank did much better job at that than Million Dollar horseshit, but thats another topic.

Some people know by the age of 8 that they are not in the right sex. Its true. And they only know better at 12. I think it is complex and can only hope the person has the support and decision making capacity of a family or few family members who are enlightened.

The big question is how many people who undergo sex reassignment surgery regret it later? How many express a desire to change back and how many do? I submit it is minimal. But I do not know

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Your facts are wrong......the first ever transexual was actuallu created in Scotland !!


A fine figure of a woman if ive ever seen one. Here she is in full flesh !!

fan daba dozi!!!!!!

The Krankies always disturbed me; the fact that they were married but the wife dresed as a pre-teen schoolboy begged the question (from myself and millions of others; did she wear that outfit in the bedroom)

On topic; I think that with transgender issues, it can sometimes be obvious to the person from a very early age. I think that as long as there have been in depth psychological interbviews and tests done, then the person should have the freedom to start some aspects of the reassignement process as early as they can.

Remember; many transgenders are desperately unhappy while in their original 'form'.


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The Krankies always disturbed me; the fact that they were married but the wife dresed as a pre-teen schoolboy begged the question (from myself and millions of others; did she wear that outfit in the bedroom)

well in fairness would it really matter what the f**k she wore .... u still wouldna want to shag it !!!

and can't say i wasted much time thinking about it .... debbie harry and chrissy hynde were more worthy of my fantasies !!

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Copied from the link

? A German 16-year-old named Kim (born Tim) has become the youngest person to undergo a sex change operation.
Paid for by the German health service, psychologists stated he/she was ?without doubt a girl in a boy?s body?. Since the age of 12, Kim has been undergoing hormone therapy.?

I must give some credit for German health service and I believe that they must have good enough reason before they agreed to pay for the operation. Psychologists and doctors must also believe that the operation will do more good than harm before they provide her hormone treatment and the operation.

Information from the website is not enough for us to judge, IMO. The issue is way too complicate than we would have thought.

I don?t see any thing wrong in it. I would against a 18 years old girl who wants boobs-implant, not the 16 years old boy who has been diagnosed by psychologists and doctors.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

considering the teen suicide rate, I would hate to put an age limit on this. By age 18 he may have taken his own life. I believe they would have done much therapy and counselling to ensure this was the right decision. I have had a friend who was living as a girl majority of the time by age 14, has now had the op. There was no doubt he was always meant to be a she, the op was only the final piece of the puzzle

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At 7ft tall, basketball star Greg is now Lindsey… the world's tallest


A 7ft tall butch basketball star is undergoing

a sex change - and will become the world's tallest transsexual.

Lofty American Greg Walker, now 25, grew up

sports-mad with beautiful cheerleaders on his arm, but said he 'always felt different'.

Strapping teenager Greg - who has size 16 feet

and weighs around 20 stone - regularly lifted weights and would ride motorbikes

to mask his true feelings.

A 7ft tall butch basketball star is undergoing

a sex change - and will become the world's tallest transsexual.


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